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About Me

***iT je en glas in vsaj --e 2 diktafona in 1 kasetofon, igrajoc se z mnogimi glasovi...drugace pa zelo rada ple--em in (se) igram... tja pa sem naredim kak--no svojo predstavo(sem bolj Kapricjozne narave...), rada sodelujem in delam tudi z drugimi (vas je bilo kar nekaj, ki ste me po robu neznanega veliko naucili...) doma na odru... --e raje v telesu, z vsemi okoncinami glasu... lovim (se) nekje med plesocimi koraki in nesli--nimi odmevi... niham, da najdem balans... vedno pri volji, da padem... padam za necim... ce sem zadost’ pogumna...***iT is a ’’one (wo)man band’’ and at least 2 dictaphones, playing with many voices...otherwise iT is a dancer, performer... doing her own performances and collaborating with others (many beautiful people who gave me and taught me a lot...) i love to have second home on the stage...the first one is in my body, that multiplies through voices... i’m hunting somewhere ’in between’ the moving steps and silent echoes...shifting to catch a balance... but always willing to fall... to fall for something (’’always’’ is ... when i’m brave enough...)

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2007
Band Website: still working on it...
Band Members: Irena Tomazzin, glas / the iT’s voice ... (hvala usesu Gredoca, ki me je posnel / thanks to Gredoc ear, who recorded the stuff... )
Influences: /all the voices passing by and trough... all the violent, silent, euphoric, quiet, gentle voices caught in my body / shadows and lost lights after the theater closes and the curtains fall down...than silence starts to speak... i try to listen / the colours when i’m desperate to see things as black and white.../ all the important trash that covers my vision with tele-vision / and finally my pathetic soul violating meeee!!!
Sounds Like: iT
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

...iztrgana besedila Kaprice / some texts from Caprice

      Clovek ni sam. V svoji hi--i skriva  karneval stoterih obrazov. Cas si krade z iznajdevanjem odgovorov na vprasanje, kateri obraz je pravi. V odgovor slisi le prep...
Posted by iT on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 01:47:00 PST