..she is soo eastern Europe-ish!
As are we.
Nedelja, 26.10.2008, ob 22h, Klub K4 Röza
Sunday, October 26, 2008, at 10pm, Klub K4 Röza
play&eject: Emulgator!
horizons: Delta Nu
Do 23h / Until 11pm: 2 €
Po 23h / After 11pm: 5 €
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About Sindikat
Sindikat by Jože Suhadolnik
Although it has been shaking the parquets of the underground for a relatively short time, Sindikat has gained an almost cult following. Its direct and uncompromising events are expanding the horizons and setting new standards to Ljubljana's clubbing scene. Sindikalist evenings flow between the crunchy popcorn of the past and noble eclecticism of the present, while occasionally slipping into the obscure mainstream and the sugary alternative. Every person in attendance is a significant factor in the overall appearance of the evenings and for a true Sindikalist, no appearance is too appalling, no move is too dramatic, no kitsch is too cheap and no trash is too dirty.
V svojem relativno kratkem obstoju si je Sindikat na parketih undergrounda pridobil že skoraj kultni status. S svojimi neposrednimi in brezkompromisnimi dogodki širi obzorja in postavlja nove standarde ljubljanski klubski sceni. Sindikalni veceri se pretakajo med hrustljavo pokovko preteklosti in žlahtno eklektiko sedanjosti ter pogosto zdrsnejo v obskurni mainstream in sladkobno alternativo. Vsak navzoci je pomemben dejavnik v ustvarjanju podobe vecerov in za pravega Sindikalista ni noben videz dovolj osupljiv, noben gib dovolj afektiran, noben kic dovolj cenen in noben treš dovolj umazan.