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About Me

collage for # 6
by s b smith
Pity anyone
Who has to shit in nasty
Filthy Cleveland cockroach dead air
Evil shadow bars yellow dog cell
Meaty graffiti Uncle Sam junkie
Punk funk old mushroom clouded
Soupbone cough coffee
Cold monkey ass sand-
Which is the way it is
City jail where
Taking my eyes off
The contemptible
Unkept floor
I leave the future
Occupant of my cell
One more graffito
May your dirty dreams
Keep you sane
- Daniel Thompson
ArtCrimes Publishing History 1986-2006
513 ArtCrimes Contributors
Reading any issue of ArtCrimes has been an adventure. When you plunge into the currentsof the aptly named Duck and Cover, best take your fine-art discernment out of your wallet andkeep it clenched firmly in your teeth. It's almost like Deliverance. Unkempt poets,painters and less-definable types snipe at unwary readers from pinnacles and deep canyons ofquality and subject matter. But in fact, almost all have been visible in the city's galleriesand performance venues or on the printed page for a decade or more. Included are notablevisual artists like Melissa Craig (also a former ArtCrimes editor), and revered CSU prof KenNevadomi, George Kocar and Dexter Davis (even Utter finds a small place). AmericanSplendor artist Gary Dumm contributes a two-page spread, Harvey Pekar himself actuallydraws a stick-figure rendition of a downtown incident, and many of the area's best poets claima page or two. Maj Ragain, Daniel Gray-Kontar, Chris Franke, Michael Salinger, Amy Sparks, BenGulyas, John Byrum, John Stickney, Ray McNiece, Jim Lang, Peter Leon and many others addextraordinary works, often sandwiched between vapid, puerile — crap.
But so what? Truly wonderful talents mainly known to Ohio audiences like Marvin Smith, TerryDurst and Marsha Sweet are represented, as are veterans of the larger art world — painter andformer Cleveland Institute of Art instructor Catherine Redmond, for instance, writing a poemfrom her New York digs. They share space with local legends like Robert Richie, cartooninghere under the name of Dick Head. The book opens with one of Scott Radke's haunted hybrid softsculptures, part goblin/part sea serpent, sporting a bird's nest and an egg in its midriff,and continues with all sorts of hybrid surprises, including a 1990 poem/letter written to BenGulyas by Charles Bukowski. Painter/sculptor/chanteuse Brenda Stumpf shows up with amysterious charcoal sketch, and many others wear several hats as they scramble to live for artand the city at the same time: There are artist/gallerists like Joan Deveney and BridgetGinley or bookstore owner Suzanne Degaetano. And there are ghosts. Daniel Thompson, for one,and of course Smith's beloved Mother Dwarf Smith. Even d.a. levy, patron saint of allCleveland's beat/hippie lit, is represented.
In short, Duck and Cover is a big, fat, mass wedding of retro-beat, neo-dada andgenuine curbside rust-belt art, found or made by artists who don't give a damn about the NewYork radar, let alone the perceptions of more local hierarchies. If there is a cutting edge toArtCrimes, that heedless idiosyncrasy is the source of its sharpness. This is an irreverent,incorrect chorus of voices, each answerable only to its own disheveled muse, driven to createnot by any institution, market or public expectation, but by the dictates of stubborn innerneed.
Or as Bukowski remarks here on page 138: "They stuck something in me and it said WRITER andthere I've been. Like a wooden leg or a windshield wiper."
- Doug Utter, for the Cleveland Free Times

My Interests

truth, justice, and the un-american way

I'd like to meet:

ArtCrimes was open to material from any artist or poet. It had a policy of total freedom ofexpression. It published material that couldn't get published anywhere else.

The final issue was #21. ArtCrimes no longer accepts submissions, but check Green Panda Press , Deep Cleveland , or The City Poetry zine. A "Best ofArtCrimes" anthology might be published in the future. Past ArtCrimes issues are available with Deep Cleveland.

inquiries about myspace customization welcome.


bitches brew




the cronkite report


the myth of sisyphus (camus)


camus, bob dylan, lenny bruce

My Blog

GARAGE (Dale Vidmar)

Kimberly Grice . . . . . AC 21 GARAGEConstantly finding a ball or a rake an old shovel all rusty from moisture seeped through the roof a pushmower which once filled summer with scents of fresh clippe...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:41:00 PST

ATROPHY (by Joan of Art)

When Gas Was Cheap . . . . . Beth WolfeATROPHYThe Buck stops where?No sudden moves.I'm the Barber of ...Take a look down the hall.Smell the recipe book's mildew.Mama had no time to feed the baby When ...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Wed, 09 May 2007 06:43:00 PST

MERCY (Katie Daley)

EVERYTHING MUST GO . . . . . Amy Johnquest (the Banner Queen)MERCYI need saltI need a whole quarry of the stuff.I need to dig deep towards the blue light and the bellyful of endings. I need the burn ...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:14:00 PST


Posted by ArtCrimes on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:37:00 PST

ZEN THIS (Sheila Long)

AGENT OF CHAOS . . . . S B SMITH ZEN THIS Little Buddha Ma'All morphined upLooking askance at the world.She moves her head from side to sideAs she watches the nightly news.A little 'oh' permanently e...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 06:28:00 PST

POSEY'S SONG (Max Stark)

Collage by S B Smith POSEY'S SONG She don't solve nothin'.She don't prove nothin'.She don't mean nothin' by it.Ain't never had no ma.Lit out from pasoon's she could walk, sorta.Hitched north on trucks...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:08:00 PST

REFLECTIONS (Robert Roach)

Cover of AC 15 . . . . . . Lang and SmithShows Lang, Gulyas, Thomas, and reflection of Smith; 1994 Reflections deep within my minds eye chase back the poetic beheadings used to capture my crown. Ele...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:38:00 PST

RAGGED (by Luigi-Bob Drake)

S B Smith . . . . . AC 6 RAGGEDafter restingbelly-down on the bedi turn back to you,leaving on the sheeta printin menstral bloodof my cock.after you go, i jerk offcarefully aiming my cumat the rorsch...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:46:00 PST


Posted by ArtCrimes on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:45:00 PST


Suzanne Degaetano . . . . AC 21 A GOD HAS NO FATE EXCEPT A God has no fate exceptto be ugly in the eyesof men. Real estate seemslike a good investmentuntil the tenants movein. But forget real estate-...
Posted by ArtCrimes on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:22:00 PST