Nobody Did It! profile picture

Nobody Did It!

I'm an artist. I'm nobody.

About Me

i am nobody - tmnk
I bet you didn't know...NOBODY DID IT:
TMNK is also a professional fashion/documentary photographer?
TMNK So impressed Dizzy Gillespie with his art that the legendary trumpeter invited TMNK backstage to be his guest. TMNK designed the inaugural tickets and souvenir program for Mayor Willie Brown, San Francisco's 1st Black Mayor.
TMNK produced award winning illustrations for the Cover of The San Francisco Examiner Magazine.
TMNK produced, illustrated, animated, directed hillarious Gospel Music Video.
TMNK produced/directed/animated, AND RAPs in Provocative Music Video Reaction to Police Brutality (Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell).
This link will take you to TMNK's current auctions and gallery offerings, as well as the work of some of his talented friends and SoSIC collective members AVONE, SKI, and 2ESAE. - thanks for your support, now please tell someone what "nobody" did. - TMNK
"Exactly, who is this "nobody" and what did he do?"
For the past several years there has been an artist quietly making a name for himself - but not using his name. The Me Nobody Knows, or TMNK as he signs his work, has been slowly building a following of galleries, collectors, and art enthusiasts who know exactly what he did
.TMNK is a mixed-media artist who’s paintings offer poignant socio-political observations and commentaries of his daily observations. Each creation a spontaneous, yet cerebral mix of symbols, words, and figures used as devices to leave subtle clues for the viewer to interpret. His work has often been compared to Picasso, Keith Harring, Romare Bearden and of course, Basquiat. And while he enjoys the comparisons to these great artists, this “nobody” (as he refers to himself), seems quite comfortable creating and articulating a variety of subject matters in his own unique voice.
But why nobody? Doesn’t every artist want to be that “Somebody” that everyone knows? Well for TMNK it began as a gut reaction to a report of yet another young Black male reportedly envolved in a crime on the evening news. Convinced, that, for every one individual highlighted by the media to be engaged in acts of violence and criminaility, that there were hundreds, perhaps thousands more contributing to the strong and vibrant fabric of his community that nobody knew, he set out to make a statement with his art, his journey, and the name - The Me Nobody Knows.
“I realized it wasn’t enough that I be yet another one who “made it” out of the hood. I wanted my unique artistic journey to be one marked not only by the paintings in prestigious museums, galleries, and collections, but one also marked by the people I touched and uplifted along the way. It would be these moments of impacting and connecting with others via his art, that would be his lasting masterpieces. And thus being a nobody began to take on a special meaning for TMNK. For despite the obstacles and struggles he faced - nobody did it, and therefore perhaps he believed that his journey might inspire others to believe in themselves too. The mentoring program he started on the gang-infested corner of the neighborhood he grew up in, is proof of that commitment to uplifting others. Each Saturday, he would bring donated computers (as well as his own) to a storefront and teach kids animation, digital music production, and web design. He ended the program by renting a limo and treating all the participants to lunch at a upscale New York Restuarant. Why? “Drug dealers tempt our kids with the fruits of their trade, I thought it important that kids from my community know what the rewards of hard work felt like, tasted like.
So exactly who is TMNK? Tattoo artist? Music producer? Animator? Video Director? Mixed-Media Artist? “I am the defiant thread who has boldy decided to weave instead of being woven and proclaim myself an artist, to you I may be nobody. Okay, then undeterred and unaffected I say to you - Nobody did it (and so can YOU).
Please stop by my ebay gallery to see and purchase the new paintings and drawings that "nobody did" or just search ebay for TMNK.
IF mY mInD caN coNceIve iT aNd mY HeART bELiEve iT, I CAN ACHIEVE IT, iT DoEsn'T tAkE MaGiC or HoKuS PocUs ALL It TaKes Is HaRd WoRk aNd FoCuS!PrAy...CreAte...ProDuCE...ExPLore...DisCoVEr...ShARE.. . LEarN...TeAcH...PaInT...WriTE...ReAD...SeE...LiStEN... HeLP...LoVE...CaRE...TrUST...InSpIrE...INSpiReD...AdmIrE.. AdMirED...VaLuE...ReSpeCT...RESpecTed...FiGhT...BaTTLe... EnGage...PrOtEsT...ReSiSt...CoOpeRatE...UnDERsTaNd... ToLerATe... NEVER HATE... CeLeBRAte...DemONstraTE...ParTiCiPaTE...ShOW... TeLL...ExHiBiT...PeRfoRM...ApPlaUD...ChEER...SuPPoRt... EnCOUraGE...CoMMunIcAtE...EduCAtE...ConTINue... PerSeVERe...LiVE...TRUTH...HonEsTY...HuMaNity... BUilD...CoNstrucT...InVeNT...DeSigN...ImAgiNe...EnViSion... AccEPt...ReJeCt...TaLk...DeBatE...ArGuE...AgReE...DiSaGree.. . LeAd...FoLLoW...tRy...BeLiEve...A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. 100 miles and still running.
Nobody did it.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Influences: THE STREETZ • Ken Addison • Jefferey Smith • AVONE • Romare Bearden • Picasso • Basquiat • Van Gough • Leonardo Da Vinci • MUSIC • BOOKS • Every Day People • YOU • LIFE • My grandparents • My son
Record Label: Nunion (Non of your Damn Business)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Truth Hurts (But also Helps Heal)

Well, the streets are buzzing about the so-called beef. THERE IS NONE. I simply put it ALL out there as to what's been going down. BASICALLY growing Pains. It happened to the Temptations, it always ha...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 07:03:00 PST

Where’s Nobody? Together We Were SoSIC

That was the question on the minds of many last night at the opening at Van Dutch. And why and WHO blacked out his tag in front?Where Do I begin. At the Beginning. AVONE and I became friends and began...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 06:59:00 PST

Voice Of The Streets (Thanks for the love, Nobody cares...)

Last Night was off the hook! But, if you missed it, the show will still be up at BOB for two more weeks! Thanks to everyone (especially the graff community) for coming thru - that's love. - TMNK (Rave...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Thu, 15 May 2008 04:11:00 PST


Shhh. Just tell the people you know that are COOL like YOU and who might dig our art. Tuesday in NYC, lower eastside - BOB (233 Eldridge), new paintings and other ish from the streets of NYC, together...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:34:00 PST

I Declare War! (and ART IS MY WEAPON)

Some say war is futile. Still we continue to send troops to die in IRAQ while young people are being slaughtered right here in every major city in the United States. NOBODY CARES. and Frankly he's a b...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:22:00 PST

Sean Bell Protest - Why NOBODY was not there.

(Click here to go to my Blog on my main page - Please Note, My reasons for not attending this protest are expressed explicitly and with language some may find offensive.)...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Thu, 08 May 2008 03:37:00 PST

Nobody Speaks - and it’s Racial...

So, why did I break my vow of silence and speak? I GOT MAD. yeah, yeah yeah, I'm this deep artist with strong philosophical ideologies, and I'm also just...a NOBODY, a person with failings, who somet...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:04:00 PST

Nobody’s Work Boycotted?

Well not exactly. But I did receive an email this morning from a potential collector who decided NOT to purchase my work because of my violent parenting? Here's the email and my response: A comment an...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:00:00 PST

My Friend Mu Mu...It’s Difficult Saying Goodbye

He was a father. He was a brother. And he was my friend. And last week someone murdered my friend Mu Mu. I had only known him three years, and we never hung out, or for that matter were that close, bu...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST

It’s Enough to Make THIS Grown Man Cry

Another brotha senselessly murdered the local headlines read. Only this this time the brotha, Mu Mu Rodriguez was someone this nobody knew, a friend. Not a close friend, I had only known him a couple ...
Posted by Nobody Did It! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:56:00 PST