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If God watches out for children, drunks and fools, then I have a 2/3 better chance for divine interv

About Me

My name is Lenny Castellaneta and I'm the author of a Christmas book entitled 1225 Mistletoe Lane. Please allow me a few minutes to tell you about this holiday tale.
A unique blend of sentimentality, humor and romance, 1225 Mistletoe Lane is a genuine feel-good story that appeals to kids from one to ninety-two... males as well as females, elves and talking reindeer alike! In the words of one Amazon.com customer, "... a contemporary mixture of It's a Wonderful Life, Back to the Future, and Somewhere in Time."
My publisher and I are planning a thorough email campaign once we get some celebrity endorsements of 1225 Mistletoe Lane. Santa, himself, has not yet read it, but Mrs. Claus read the galleys and has said some very positive things about it. Frosty the Snowman also loved it, but not having any index fingers, well... kind of hard for him to type a review. In the meantime, here are some other critics who've enjoyed it:
"A wonderful, feel good read!" - Connie Anderson, Armchair Interviews: Read Review
"A fun read..." Gene Berger - The Muse Book Reviews: Read Review
"1225 Mistletoe Lane is an enchanting read." - Lighthouse Literary Reviews: Read Review
"A love your neighbor kind of story..." - Wanda Maynard, Sime~Gen Reviews: Read Review
Judy Salamacha, The Bay News, Dec. 21, 2005 - "1225 Mistletoe Lane... a holiday treat... Castellaneta takes the reader on a memory trip back in time... male or female, senior or teenager, married or hope-to-be someday will enjoy this 'candy cane' story-line... a fun read you probably won't put down until you've finished with a smile."
Annick Mertens, Euro-Reviews: Women's Fiction Reviews, August 2005 - "1225 Mistletoe Lane is a wonderful story, filled with humor and sentiment, about caring for other people."
Please consider purchasing a copy of 1225 Mistletoe Lane!
Click Here to Buy 1225 Mistletoe Lane from Amazon
Click Here to Buy 1225 Mistletoe Lane from Barnes & Noble
Click Here to Buy 1225 Mistletoe Lane from Publisher
Dear Santa,
Can ya get me a new publicist for Christmas? My current one isn’t doing much to promote my book, 1225 Mistletoe Lane! And while you’re at it, do ya know Tim Allen? People tell me my book would make a good Christmas movie, and Mr. Allen seems to make an awful lot of Christmas movies…
Thanks Santa,
Dear Lenny,
I received your (above) letter the other day and decided to do some research into the matter. So I called your publisher, and was told that you don’t have a publicist. From what they told me, YOU do all of the marketing and promotion for 1225 Mistletoe Lane. Because you weren’t honest with me, I can not honor your request.
p.s. BTW, contrary to your note of 12/24/05, you DIDN’T bake those cookies. The Keebler Elves are personal friends of mine, and I know their work when I taste it!
Dear Santa,
I wasn’t dishonest. I merely neglected to state that the publicist, with which I’m displeased, is me. And re: the cookies - let’s review my note…
Dear Santa,
From me to you.
Baked with love,
“From me to you” - the cookies were, in fact, a gift from me to you. “Baked with love” - As I understand it, the Keebler Elves bake ALL of their products with love. So ya see, Santa? I wasn’t dishonest; ya merely misinterpreted my letter.
BTW, I heard you’re havin’ some labor disputes with the elves’ union. I can help ya with that. I’m Italian and grew up in N.Y., so I know a guy who knows a guy…
p.s. If ya reconsider the publicist thing, how ‘bout hookin’ me up with YOUR guy? It’s not even Thanksgiving, yet for the last 2 months, I see your face everywhere I go. Or how ‘bout Borat’s guy? Borat seems to be everywhere these days, too!
Dear Lenny,
You know a guy who knows a guy who can do WHAT?! You can’t possibly be suggesting what I THINK you’re suggesting! Didn’t you learn ANYTHING in all those years of Catholic school and being an altar boy… besides how to steal wine from the vestibule closet when the priest wasn’t looking?!
Dear Santa,
All I’m sayin’ is that it’s very remote up there at the North Pole. Very easy for some of the trouble-makin’ elves to, let’s say… go ice fishin’ and fall into the hole. Accidentally, of course.
p.s. Re: the altar wine - I didn’t steal it. The priest gave it to me as a thank you. The church was havin’ problems with the truckers’ union that delivers the wine. And I was able to help ‘cause I knew a guy who knew a guy…
Dear Lenny,
You knew a guy who knew a guy in 8th grade?! John Gotti didn‘t know a guy who knew a guy in 8th grade!! Where did you go to school, Our Lady Of The Sopranos?! And BTW, if you’re so well connected, why do you need ME to find you a publicist?
Got a news flash for you, pal. Santa doesn’t need anyone’s help dealing with unions. I think you're getting me mixed-up with Frosty the Snowman - that wimp who melts at the first sign of heat. Don't forget, I slide down chimneys for a living. You think I couldn't arrange to have a few whining elves disappear behind the bricks of some of those fireplaces if I wanted to? I may appear jolly, but just like Oprah, I'm ruthless when I have to be. How do you think we’ve both stayed on top for so long?
Stop bothering me ’cause if you don’t, well… I, too, know a guy who knows a guy!
Quick synopsis of 1225 Mistletoe Lane:
Jim Carrelli, a 32 year-old schoolteacher, is an essentially good person who doesn’t like doing or accepting favors from people. This stems from a devastating incident in college. Now, as an adult, he doesn’t let people get close to him, and as a result, his love-life is nonexistent.
Through the help of his mysterious new friend, Galen, Jim learns the concept of selflessness. He realizes that he needs to be less selfish and more trusting of others before he’ll ever be able to find that “special someone.”
In a bar one night, at Galen’s urging, Jim jokingly agrees to go back in time to prevent a car accident that left Jim’s landlady, Molly, a mentally challenged widow. After one too many drinks, Jim passes out on a bench outside the bar and awakens to find himself in the past. Is it just a dream? Or should he brace himself for the “experience of a lifetime?”
To read some sample chapters, please check out my Blog. AND IF YA WANT A FREE COPY OF 1225 MISTLETOE LANE, just follow the below link. Apply for a "No Annual Fee" Visa card from Buy.com and get a $30 instant credit. Purchase 1225 Mistletoe Lane along with another item, and if your total is $30, ya get both for free! And because the purchase price is over $25, ya also get free shipping! (But ya MUST choose "free shipping" as your delivery option/method.) - Click Here for a Free Copy of 1225 Mistletoe Lane
The owner of a local bookstore was so pleased with sales of 1225 Mistletoe Lane, she's gonna stock it all year long! Pretty cool for a Christmas book (though she stated she didn't think it was solely a Christmas story). So if ya want a signed copy, ya can get one by ordering it from Coalesce Bookstore in Morro Bay, CA. Contact Linna at (805) 772-2880, (805) 772-9205 (fax), or [email protected]. (But remember, ya MUST state that ya want a SIGNED copy.)
Vinny the Elf
Video Review - 1225 Mistletoe Lane

My Interests

Hiking, drinking, writing, drinking, hangin' at the beach... did I mention drinking?

Moonstone Cellars

I'd like to meet:

People responsible for programming network TV. I'd like to find out how I, too, can get a job where I can make outrageous money for being wrong 90% of the time.



Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louie Prima, Nat King Cole, The Beatles, The Dead, NRPS, Allman Brothers, Skynyrd, The Who, The Good Rats, Springsteen (early stuff), Speedlimit, Fountains of Wayne, Court Jester.


My Cousin Vinny, Animal House, The Godfather (I & II), Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Midnight Run, Clueless, The Wizard of Oz, and almost anything with Bill Murray. Christmas flicks - It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, The Bishop's Wife, AND ONE DAY HOPEFULLY...


Sitcoms - The Honeymooners (a classic!), The Bob Newhart Show, Newhart, Taxi, Cheers, Frazier, Coach, Wings, Everybody Loves Raymond, Just Shoot Me, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, and Two and a Half Men. Dramadies - Rescue Me, Northern Exposure. Dramas - Hill Street Blues (Bochco rewrote the book on cop shows), St. Elsewhere, and The West Wing. Sci Fi - All the Star Treks except Deep Space Nine. Cartoons - Family Guy.


1225 MISTLETOE LANE and NO ONE'S EVEN BLEEDING (both written by me)


Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Jerry Springer, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly... all of whom have parlayed no discernable talent into millions of dollars!

My Blog

Working Your Way Through College

I recently spoke with a friend's son who was about to graduate from high school. He was upset because mom and dad told him he'd have to pay his own way if he wanted to continue his education. . . mea...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 03 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

Book Sale

Anyone who wants to buy a copy of my book, 1225 Mistletoe Lane, can get it from my publisher until 4/28/08 for only $8.98! Simply follow the link below and type in 1225 Mistletoe Lane where it reads "...
Posted by Lenny on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:14:00 PST

True Story

Groucho Marx once quipped, "I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." What made me think of this? I recently received an invitation in the mail to join a local o...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 07:37:00 PST

A Toehold on Life

As many of you know, I had a book signing yesterday. Few people wandered into the bookstore, and even fewer bought my book. And as I sat there brooding, a woman happened by my table. Her name is Mary...
Posted by Lenny on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 06:53:00 PST

Screenplay - 1225 Mistletoe Lane

A lot of folks have been asking me about the screenplay I was writing for my Christmas book 1225 Mistletoe Lane. . . so here's an update. My writing partner, Leigh, and I just finished it this week, ...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:52:00 PST

Vinny the Elf

Vinny the Elf reviews 1225 Mistletoe Lane: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtcByFv7Os...
Posted by Lenny on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:53:00 PST

Lennys 1st Christmas in California

This is a card I created & sent to family & friends in NY my 1st Christmas in California way back in 1980. My mom was so mad at me...       ...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:13:00 PST

Lenny & Mrs. Claus

9/03/07 Dear Mrs. Claus, I don't know if ya remember me, but my name is Lenny Castellaneta and I'm the author of a Christmas book ya enjoyed, 1225 Mistletoe Lane. I was wonderin' if ya could do me ...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 06:19:00 PST

Another reason Id rather be self-employed

It was recently the end of the fiscal year where I work. And although it ended on 6/18, our timesheets run through the 25th of each month... so we had to do 2 timecards, for one paycheck, in June. W...
Posted by Lenny on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 06:12:00 PST

Mrs. Claus and Vinny the Elf

This is the YouTube video I would've made if I had the right equipment . . . and knew how to do it. ;-)   FADE IN: Santa's wife, MRS. CLAUS, sits in a rocking chair in front of a fireplace, ...
Posted by Lenny on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:17:00 PST