~Dawn~ profile picture


"Be yourself, An Original is Worth More Than A Copy"...

About Me

Just a bit about me, I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a sister-in-law, a Aunt, a Great Aunt,a cousin, a daughter-in-law, a bigger sister, a daughter, an employee, and a friend. I come from a big family with 4 sisters, and 3 brothers. I am a very easy going person, which means,I can get along with almost everyone. If you are nice to me, then I will do the same. I love to shop, and shop! I love to go to the "Flea-Markets" and "Yard" sales. Oh I just love them! I can not seem to find enough to go to!! I work with the "Handicap" which I truly enjoy and love. At times it is challenging but it always seems to find a way to show that this job is so rewarding in so many ways that one could never understand. I just love Pizza, strawberries, along with the colors Black & White and all shades of Blue. I collect Crystal, Spun Glass figurines of all sorts, and the good old New York beer steins, that are right here in Utica New York,(utica is about 60 miles from me) Schultz and Dooley beer steins, these were famous in the 60's as a TV commerical-talking about Utica Club Beer.There is alot of beer steins in this little family, about 40, and is still growing strong as each new year F.X. Matt beer adds more. I love everything that the good lord has blessed me with, it has its up and downs at times, but always seems to turn out just fine. I am a very lovingly and understanding person. I will help anyone, and very honest friend. I love to make new friends,all the time. My old friends who go way back,it's really fun to catch up with, to see how we change as the years go by. I have only 1 grandchild so far, "Miah" who I truly love with all my heart. And if you want to know anything else,just just ask. Thank-you for taking the time to read as little bit about me. many hugs my friend

My Interests

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My Blog

F R I E N D S H I P .........

Friendship. . . is you.. . . is love.. . . is shared.. . . is forgiving.. . . is understanding.. . . is shared secrets.. . . heals many hurts.. . . is not judgmental.. . . is shared laughter.. . . is ...
Posted by ~Dawn~ on Sat, 03 May 2008 04:39:00 PST

Be Careful

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words,,,,,,,,,,Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Be careful of your actions, for your actions become ...
Posted by ~Dawn~ on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 02:28:00 PST