Lieutenant Gay Joyce Ellis profile picture

Lieutenant Gay Joyce Ellis

I'm back (yet again) and ready to resume kicking alien ass!

About Me

I command a secret paramilitary base on the moon, defending us from attack by aliens who wish to harvest human organs.
Video of me changing to mini-skirt!
1.7MB Quicktime 5

Profiles I'd like to see active again:

Jubal Harshaw
Cmdr.Peter Quincy Taggart/Jason Nesmith
Roy Neary
Billy Pilgrim
The Being
Ming the Merciless
..Profiles I'd like to see made:

Gwent, The Infernal Machine
Tonga, The Lady of Diamonds (from Space Patrol)
Commander John Koening
Dewey (from Silent Running)
Solarite (from Phantom Planet)
Sea Strider (from Darwin 4)
Brother from Another Planet
Margaret [Possessed by alien sex fiends] (from Liquid Sky)
Uncle Martin
Irina Yakunina

My Interests

    Tajectory calculationsEpistemologyNeutronics cascade networksInterspecial sex

Home, sweet home.
Figurines of me.
Am I really that notable?
Joan Harrington
and Xenomorph
share an intimate moment.
They're married now,
with a pack of little ones.
Commander Mark Bradley.
My primary human lover.
Oh, yes, I've had black.
But there's still room
for you too!
Ignignokt .
My primary mooninite lover.
Even while limited to
just 2 dimentions,
he's got more than most.
And I do enjoy
an arrogant bastard
in the sack.
Fisting-bot .
We moonbase girls
do enjoy his services.
Yes we do.
My boss said my thigh
looked like the surface
of an alien planet.
Really now?
My flyboys.
Bad aliens, bad aliens
whatever shall you do when they come for you?
The moonbase haircut:
Imitated but
never equaled.
Top - me.
Bottom left - Talia Elsworth
Bottom right - Miss Kitty

I'd like to meet:

People who appreciate that I guard their organs against being harvested by aliens.


My friend collection boasts representative outer space profiles from these narratives:

    2001 [Movie]Alf [TV Series]Alien [Movie Series]Alien Song [Movie]American Dad [TV Series]Andromeda [TV Series]Aqua Teen Hunger Force [TV Series]Astroboy [TV Series]Astrosnik [Toy Marketing Story]Babylon 5 [TV Series]Barbarella [Movie]Battlestar Galactica, Original [TV Series]Battlestar Galactica, Remake [TV Series]Black Hole [Movie]BraveStarr [TV Series]Buck Rogers In The 21st Century [TV Series]Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons [TV Series]Cthulhu [Mythos]Day The Earth Stood Still [Movie]Doctor Who [TV Series]Dragon Ball Z [TV Series]E.T., The Extraterrestrial [Movie]Farscape [TV Series]Fifth Element [Movie]Firefly [TV Series]Flash Gordon [TV Series]Flinstones [TV Series]Forbidden Planet [Movie]Futurama [TV Series]Galaxy Quest [Movie]Godzilla [Movie Series]Golden Wars [MySpace Star Wars Spoof]Grease Trek [Movie]Gundam [Franchise]Hardworking Man From Nebraska [Movie]Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy [TV Series']Incoherent Adventures Of Everything All At Once [Illustrated Comic]Interstellar Pirate Queens [TV Series]Invader Zim [TV Series]Jason of Star Command [TV Series]Jetsons [TV Series]Lexx [TV Series]Lilo And Stitch [Movie]Lobster Man From Mars [Movie]Lost In Space [TV Series]L'Umanoide [Movie]Marvin The Martian [Cartoon Series]Mork And Mindy [TV Series]Mystery Science Theater XK [TV/Movie Series]Pirate And Alien [Illustrated Comic]Pokemon [Anime TV Series]Power Rangers [TV Series]Predator [Movie]Quisp [Breakfast Cereal Marketing]Red Dwarf [TV Series]Roswell [TV Series]Serenity [Movie]Sesame Street [TV Series]Smallville [TV Series]Space 1999 [TV Series]Space Balls [Movie]Space Ghost, Coast To Coast [TV Series]Star Blazers [TV Series]Stargate [Franchise]Star Trek [TV Series]Starship Troopers [Movie]Star Trek, The Animated Series [TV Series]Star Trek, The Next Generation [TV Series]Star Trek, Deep Space Nine [TV Series]Star Trek, Voyager [TV Series]Star Trek, Enterprise [TV Series]Star Wars [Movie Series]Superman [TV Sereis, Movie Series]Thunderbirds [TV Series]Torchwood [TV Series]Toy Story [Movie]Transformers [Franchise]Tripping The Rift [TV Series]UFO [TV Series]Ultraman [TV Series]V [TV Series]X Files [TV Series and Movie]