Film Production, Commanding SHADO, watching the succulent Lt. Gay Ellis change out of her skin-tight silver Moonbase uniform, calling the Lead walleted General Henderson a burk behind his back, "Operation Discovery"-studying extreme close-up photos of Lt. Gay Ellis's creamy skin
General Henderson, the lead walleted head of the International Astrophysical Commission, who desperately needs to have his diseased-riddled organs harvested by the damned aliens.
There is no time for music when the world is currently being menaced by aliens, who, because they are dying as a race, are here to harvest organs for their diseased bodies. Look what happened to Paul Foster when he decided to listen to music: he was kidanpped by the aliens! Of course, it all turned out to be a dream but, well, you get the point! Music is for the weak-minded. And the aliens want us all to be weak-minded. That's why James Blunt is so popular with the kids right now.
Communion, UFOs are Real, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Fire in the Sky, The Mothman Prophecies
The X-Files, the Invaders
Communion, Transformation, the Mothman Prophecies, The Coming of the Saucers, Incident at Exeter, Intruders, Missing Time, Light Years, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Anatomy of a Phenomenom, Messengers of Deception, UFOs in Space, Revelations, Confrontations, Project Moondust, Watchers, Dimensions, They Dared the Devil's Trianegle, Limbo of the Lost, Pyschic in the Devil's Triangle, Ghosts of the Air, The Roswell UFO Crash, The Truth Behind Men in Black, Conspiracy of Silence, God Drives a Flying Saucer, We are Not Alone, Open Skies Closed Minds, The UFO Casebook, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved, Sasquatch, Flying Saucer Occupants, the Truth about Flying Saucers, the Hynek UFO Report, Gods from Outer Space, the Bible and Flying Saucers, Into the Fringe, Chariots of the Gods? On the Track of Bigfoot, The Gulf Breeze Sightings, Not of This World, Vanished, the Interrupted Journey, the Philadelphia Experiment, Alien Agenda, Out There, the Roswell Incident, the Day After Roswell, Alien Abductions, Area 51-the Dreamland Chronicles, Bigfoot on the East Coast, the Andreasson Affair, Alien Update, Alien Base, Spaceships of the Pleides, The Bermuda Triangle, the Rainbow Conspiracy, Above Top Secret, Night Siege, the UFO Silencers
The always creepy Dr. Douglas Jackson, who, if you decide NOT to join SHADO, will unceremoniously inject you with a potent amnesia drug that will instantly erase all memories of me, SHADO, and Lt. Gay Ellis changing out of her skin-tight silver Moonbase uniform.
SID, the effeminate-voiced satellite that helps protect the earth from UFOs and, when we ungrade him, the obviously alien-influended shrill music of James Blunt.
Colonel Paul Foster, an indispensable SHADO officer, who is very popular with the ladies. He is currently on vacation at a London health spa called Climax 1. Here's hoping he doesn't fall asleep and dream that he is kidnapped by the aliens again.
Colonel Alec Freeman, the second in command at SHADO, who is almost as much of a skirt-chaser as Dr. Jackson. It goes without saying that Alec is the Jeff Chandler of SHADO.