L. Mangue profile picture

L. Mangue

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way aroun

About Me

Indiana Jones Heritage from Topps...Lord of the Rings Masterpieces II from Topps...~~
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My Interests

Working to Live!

I'd like to meet:

Walter Cronkite,
Vin Scully,
Neil Peart

of those dearly departed:

Oliver Cromwell,
Governor William Bradford,
Christopher Gist,
David Tannenberg,
Sir Humphrey Gilbert,
Sir Walter Raleigh,
Sir Henry Morgan

Tyrone Power



  • Mainstream Films only and I'm leaving huge gaps... Drama/Mystery: Lawrence of Arabia and any David Lean, The Rear Window and most Hitchcock, The Godfather, Bonnie and Clyde, All the President's Men, Spartacus, Casablanca, Amadeus, any James Dean, any Cohen Brothers, most Clint Eastwood   Fantasy/Science Fiction/Adventure/Thrillers/Other: Pan's Labyrinth; Star Wars; 2001: A Space Odyssey; The Terminator; Lord of the Rings Trilogy; Serenity; Robocop; Buckaroo Banzai; any Harryhausen; Flash Gordon; The Wizard of Oz; E.T.; any Indiana Jones; Jaws; Alien/Aliens; Pulp Fiction; most Hammer Studios pics; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid;  Planet of the Apes (original); The Sixth Sense; The Matrix; any James Bond; Blade Runner; Bram Stoker's Dracula; The Fifth Element; Pirates of the Caribbean; Brazil; A Clockwork Orange; Jurassic Park; Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2; any Tim Burton; Derailed   Musicals: Sound of Music; Singing in the Rain; Fantasia; Moulin Rouge;   Comedy: The Graduate; Young Frankenstein; The Producers; Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Animal House; Groundhog Day; Much Ado About Nothing; American Graffiti; Harold and Maude; The Pink Panther/A Shot in the Dark; Caddyshack; City Slickers; Silver Streak; Bull Durham; any Cohen Brothers; Some Like it Hot;    Comic Book/Graphic Novel Adaptations: Batman; Batman Begins; Superman/Superman 2; Superman Returns; Hellboy; X-Men; Spiderman; Blade; Sin City; Conan The Barbarian; Constantine; The Crow; Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (hey, I was 10); Men In Black; Mystery Men; Road to Perdition; The Rocketeer; The Shadow; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (cute); V for Vendetta   Animated: Disney; Pixar; Ghibli
  • Television:

    Just a few...

    Monk; Lost; House; Battlestar Galactica; Doctor Who; Torchwood; Mystery!, The Brotherhood, Weeds, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

    Recent Past:
    Firefly; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; did I say...Firefly; Clone Wars; Enterprise; Alias

    The Man From U.N.C.L.E.; Danger Man; The Prisoner; Get Smart; Reilly: Ace of Spies; Hunter ('77); Tinker, Tailer, Soldier Spy; I Spy; Spooks (MI5); Monty Python's Flying Circus; Fawlty Towers; A Bit of Fry and Laurie; The Dick Van Dyke Show; The Mary Tyler Moore Show; Star Trek (OS); Star Trek: The Next Generation; Samurai Jack; The Avengers; Mission Impossible; Danger Man; Allo! Allo!; Frasier; Cheers; Quantum Leap; Black Adder; Red Dwarf; Space: Above & Beyond; Coupling (UK); The Office (both); old SNL; The Simpsons; I, Claudius; Nero Wolfe, Star Trek (any), The Red Green Show


      Current or Upcoming (on the list) Reads: Once and Future King by T.H. White; The Secret Life of Tyrone Power by Hector Arce; Jewels of Tibet by Jane Bay;  William Bradford: Plymouth's Faithful Pilgrim by Gary D. Schmidt;  Governor William Bradford's Letter Book;      Classic and Past Favs: The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki  :: Any Shakespeare but mostly the comedies; The Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War by Nathaniel Philbrick Pirate Hunter by Richard Zacks;  Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden;  The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw;  Forensic Genealogy by Colleen Fitzpatrick, PhD;  Most Mark Twain;  Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert;  The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame;   Lawrence of Arabia by Jeremy Wilson and many, many others.   Historical, non-fiction novels (pre-industrial/Elizabethan), sci-fi/fantasy, mysteries (30's & 40's settings), spy novels.

    My Blog

    Gandalf! On the eBay auction block!

    Less than three hours left on Gandalf on eBay! :D Gandalf...Gandalf...Gandalf *giggle* ...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:03:00 PST

    Saruman Sketch Card - RARE - Up for Auction 3/31/08

    SARUMAN on eBAY - Three Day AuctionPayment for Saruman will be expected 3 days after bidding has concluded.        Saruman will be sent via USPS Priority Mail (to US loca...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:47:00 PST

    The Balrog up for Auction on Ebay

    This Balrog is up for auction at eBay!!Here's the Listing!Thank you!Leah...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 06:44:00 PST

    Joe Comics - VOTE!!

    Posted by L. Mangue on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:45:00 PST

    Johnny Depps Sweeney Todd Studio Sessions

    Check out this video: Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd Studio Sessions Add to My Profile | More Videos...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:28:00 PST

    C3P0 Up For Auction!

    This is the final of my six returned cards from Topps Star Wars 30th Anniversary cards.  It is my top favorite of all the cards I did for the series...and I'm almost sad to see it go.  ...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:47:00 PST

    Cheeta the Chimp needs his Star!! You can help :D

    Cheeta the Chimp needs your help to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  He deserves it!  This retired movie star lives and paints in Palm Springs where he helps raise money for the p...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 03:34:00 PST

    Non-Sport Update Magazine Interview

    Volume 18 * No. 5 issue of Non Sport Update Magazine features an interview with several of the women of sketch cards by Ryan Cracknell.  The interview includes me, Cynthia Cummens, Rowena Pagarig...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:46:00 PST

    Star Wars Insider 97

    Hey!Another piece of my artwork has been published in the Star Wars Insider (97) December issue.And the original:...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:23:00 PST

    CECE cover artwork

    I was a guest at a recent convention, Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo which was held in Carol Stream, IL.  I was asked to do the cover art for the program.Here's the original art:Here i...
    Posted by L. Mangue on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:06:00 PST