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dream it, decide it, do it

About Me

Hey Guys!!!!! Welcome to what was once known as Mark Spears' "myspace". For those who didn't know him, his name was Mark Spears. He was a comic book artist, illustrator and concept designer.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowCheck out some of my artwork at



My Interests

Artwork, movies, basketball, computer, drawing, and writing.

I'd like to meet:



WAY TO MANY to ever list them all. Some of my ALL time favorites are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Karate Kid, Rocky movies, Spider-man 2, etc. I also love scary movies!!!!!!!!!!!!


TIVO is God's gift to man. I could not function without it. I LOVE watching "LOST". I am also loving "HEROES". That show rocks. I also really like Prison Break, 24, CSI, Law and Order, Justice and Smallville. If I am board, I can always watch Deal or No Deal or 1/100. Gotta watch the LAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!


The classics are still the best. Wizard of OZ, Sherlock Holmes, Christmas Carol, Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. I also like comics, not had much time to read any in the last few years.



My Blog

feel the freakin love people! My Christmas List.

Hi everyone!  I hope you all have a great Christmas Season.  If you happen to want to buy me something for Christmas, then go right ahead, please don't let me stop you.  To make it easi...
Posted by Snow Miser on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST