Artwork, movies, basketball, computer, drawing, and writing.
WAY TO MANY to ever list them all. Some of my ALL time favorites are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Karate Kid, Rocky movies, Spider-man 2, etc. I also love scary movies!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIVO is God's gift to man. I could not function without it. I LOVE watching "LOST". I am also loving "HEROES". That show rocks. I also really like Prison Break, 24, CSI, Law and Order, Justice and Smallville. If I am board, I can always watch Deal or No Deal or 1/100. Gotta watch the LAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!
The classics are still the best. Wizard of OZ, Sherlock Holmes, Christmas Carol, Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. I also like comics, not had much time to read any in the last few years.