Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
My first interest is LOVE for Love is the reason for everything and everyONE in the Universe. Above is the Hindu symbol for the Anahata(heart)Chakra- Love is THE most Powerful Presence in the Universe. Always was, always will be!) My Main Interest is Spirituality/New Age and the Conscious development of it within everyday life. Aside from that i dabble in photography, i love the Arts- Classical and modern painting. The Ancient world and it's "mysteries." I love to walk in Nature- woods, forests, hilltops. I feel a strong inner connection with Ancient Briton: I love visiting pre-historic, Neolithic Age structures- Stone Circles, Earth Mounds, long barrows, burial chambers, earthworks. Ancient peoples had a profound feel and conection to the earth and the natural world around them. They possessed cognitive perceptions that we in the modern world have long since lost.The Unrelated Human Being lacks Wholeness, for he can achieve wholeness only through the soul, and the soul cannot exist without its other side, which is always found in a "YOU." Wholeness is a combination of I and You and these show themselves to be parts of a Transcendant Unity.- Carl Gustav Jung. The Krishna-Radha Union is the most powerfully liberating Yin/Yang dynamic in the Physical Universe. It is the Ultimate Alchemical Fusion all souls truly desire. The True Alchemy is the Alchemy of Soul Fusion. Twin Flames merging back together as ONE.
All Enlightened, Cosmic Folk of the Ages. Spiritualised folk. Peaceful, Loving folk. Festival Heads and good time people. Music Lovers. Wild Dancers. Free and Open Spirits..... Rocky Valley, Cornwall.
I'm a Music LOVER pure and simple. I cannot live without Music! My roots are in Space-Rock and Psychedelic music but i love Metal(most kinds), Kosmiche, Krautrock, Hard Rock, Grunge, 60's & 70's music and Psychedelia, much Jazz (Rock & Funk fusion), lots of Classical, Opera, Dub Reggae, Ambient, Electronic(a), New Age, Trip Hop, Experimental, Dance (Techno, Drum & Bass, Psy-Trance etc, etc, ETC!
I'm a big film buff, grew up with em. I love movies! I like all kinds and varieties, old and new, classic and modern. Good Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my faves. I like Horror movies too. I LOVE lotsa Comedy films. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy are my all time favourites. The Eternal child in me loves the Star Wars movies. I recently saw Beowulf- WOW!
A lotta folk frown on the idea of watchin T.V. but i don't care, i can take it or leave it. There's lotsa good stuff on amidst the heaps of crap: Lost, HEROES, Smallville, American Chopper, Ghost Whisperer, Dr. Who, Curb Your Enthusiasm, i adore the Mighty Boosh! it is just surreally brilliant! I like lotsa comedy, Sketch shows etc. There's loadsa good comedy on these days, from the dark and bizarre, to the delightfully absurd and surreal to just plain hilarious! We've been livin in a Golden Age of Comedy since the early 90's. Comedy was always my favourite TV whilst growing up, apart from the original STAR TREK.
I've read so many and loved and learnt much....My all time favourite book is a Spiritual one (obviously- i only read spiritual or self help books these days): It is 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda. It's a Spiritual experience in itself reading that book. 'The Power of Now' and "A New earth" by Eckhart Tolle, anything by David Icke especially his 'Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion' Ickes books are such fun to read and amazingly insightful..
Heroes?? All Enlightened and Truth revealing folk of the Ages, those that bust through the veils of Illusion and make it clear for the rest of us: Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna, Krishna, Buddha, Yeshua(Jesus), RUMI, Eckhart Tolle, David Icke, Solara to name but a few.