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Awaken Now Retreats With Christine Breese

Awaken Now Retreats with Christine Breese, Ph.D.

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I'm Jenny and I want people to know about Christine on myspace so I have created this site for her! This site will also give you information about the university that Christine Breese founded called University Of Metaphysical Sciences at
7 Observer, Observed, Consciousness Remains, Mind Can't Follow

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Retreats With Christine Breese, D.D., Ph.D., founder of University Of Metaphysical Sciences at
6 Now Is A Good Moment, Suffering Is In Mind, Monkey Mind, One

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Christine is a gentle meditation facilitator who has been teaching meditation classes for nearly 20 years. She is 41 years old and has founded the University Of Metaphysical Sciences online metaphysical school offering Bachelors, Masters, D.D., and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysics. The curriculum is comprehensive, teaching a myriad of metaphysical topics and subjects.
At the core of the teachings at University Of Metaphysical Sciences, students are shown how to truly be here in the present moment, knowing who they really are, and teaching others how to become self realized as well. The experience of awakening never ends and deepening your enlightenment goes on for a lifetime. Gather with like minded people in a spiritual focus on awakening into the truth that has always been here in you.
Learn how to deepen your awareness of yourself as your true identity as eternal consciousness that never dies, is never harmed, and has always been awake. You are more than a human who has a name and a gathering of experiences. You are awareness itself, whether you have a human form or not. You can live your life from this perspective, rather than a solely human perspective. Have a direct experience of yourself as the consciousness of what we all are and live in the world as an awakened being in a human form.
Your experiences on these retreats will enhance your meditation skills, awaken your deeper centers, and bring positive and lasting changes into your life. The energy of the group generates far more depth than the sum of its parts, energizing your intention to awaken.
Each retreat consists of discussions and meditations that bring the mind to stillness so a direct experience of true consciousness can be had. There is also a focus on integrating true awareness into daily living and how to bring what you find in meditation into your daily life.
No Higher Self, No Deeper Self, Already Whole, Already Awake

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TO SEE MORE VIDEOS by Christine Breese:2. Good Bad, Irrelevant, Why? Who Are You? Billionaire Question your Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or D.D. in metaphysics and metaphysical subjects. The University Of Metaphysical Sciences is a non-profit distance learning facility, offering downloadable courses from the internet or delivered via postal mail. Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel. University Of Metaphysical Science brings professionalism to the field of metaphysics. The curriculum is designed to give the student a well-rounded education in all areas of metaphysics. As a practitioner, healer, teacher, writer or leader, the graduate will be more effective in his or her work with others. The credentials are within your reach. Become a true professional in the growing field of metaphysics, and do your part to lead the world into peace and a higher understanding of life.
The University Of Metaphysical Science is located in beautiful redwood country in Northern California, with a branch university in Minnesota for graduate studies.
In this day and age of coming need, people will be turning to spiritual teachers, healers and leaders for answers in their search for truth. It is becoming increasingly important for metaphysical teachers and healers, who will be assisting others in understanding their spiritual nature, to have credentials and a comprehensive education in metaphysics. The University Of Metaphysical Science (UMS) is here to meet that need.
University Of Metaphysical Science is a non-profit 501(c)3 distance learning facility. Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel. The curriculum is designed to give the student a well-rounded education in all areas of metaphysics. As a practitioner, healer, teacher, writer or leader, the graduate will be more effective in his or her work with others. Having a degree gives prestige and professionalism to your practice, classes, or other endeavors. It shows that you have taken the time to get an education, which takes a certain level of commitment and knowledge. It will be quite useful if you plan on writing books, teaching classes, healing, counseling, or traveling the lecture circuit. There are many opportunities in these respected careers if you have a Ph.D. or D.D.
The University Of Metaphysical Science curriculum serves both the beginner and the advanced student. For advanced students who have been practicing metaphysics for many years, the curriculum will fill in the gaps in their knowledge. As a beginner, the student will find most of the common concepts in metaphysics organized in one place, instead of having to piece it together with self help books and workshops. In the long run, attending University Of Metaphysical Sciences is more cost effective.
Students receive information which will serve as a large reference library for lifelong use. In addition, recommended reading lists are given with most subjects, which serve as a guide for further personal study if the subject interests the student deeply. An education at University Of Metaphysical Science is an investment well worth the good it will do for a career as a metaphysical teacher, healer or leader.
University Of Metaphysical Science has compiled a massive amount of researched material on almost every subject in metaphysics and metaphysical subjects from A to Zen. Students recieve an incredible amount of information on all kinds of spiritual paths, techniques and concepts. This helps UMS graduates understand more about the different kinds of spiritual paths people walk and therefore makes UMS graduates better able to assist people in their awakening process.
Meditation CDs come with courses at University of Metaphysical Sciences, approximately 65 meditations, and these assist the student with having direct experiences of what the courses teach. These meditations have beautiful music in the background and a gentle, heavenly voice facilitating the experience. Many students report deep trance states, sudden awakening, and enlightenment experiences with these excellently produced meditations.
Christine Breese, D.D., Ph.D.
The founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences is Christine Breese, D.D., Ph.D. She is 40 years old and has walked many spiritual paths, including Eastern philosophies, Native American traditions, Nature Religions and modernized meditation techniques free of philosophic or dogmatic systems. She studied religions, self help books, and learned how to heal and find harmony. She then pursued formal studies in metaphysics in order to open University Of Metaphysical Sciences. She holds her Doctor Of Divinity Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, as well as her Ph.D. in Metaphysical Counseling. Breese also holds an Associates Degree in Film And Video Production, and another in Audio Engineering. She outlined and designed many of the courses and much the research. She directed and co-ordinated a team of more than 40 writers and teachers who specialize in various metaphysical subjects. Breese also edited all material in the curriculum. She is a respected author and teacher, and has done much to help her community.
Breese worked in the film and television industry for many years as she pursued her spiritual path. She worked on commercials, TV shows, music videos, conventions, and independent films. She is the producer and director of a metaphysical talk show called Spirit Talk featuring a panel of guests discussing spiritual topics in a beautiful garden. This show can be seen on various public access stations in the United States.
Christine Breese began to teach metaphysical classes in 1990. She has been an author, meditation facilitator, and counselor since then. The following is an excerpt from one of her meetings and gives a glimpse into her philosophy:
“There is nothing one must do except be awake in the moment, and everything else takes care of itself. It takes trust and surrender to live this way, letting life unfold for you rather than directing it yourself with the human mind. Realize that the self is eternal consciousness which never changes, can never be harmed, and never dies. It doesn't need to be fixed or healed, it doesn't have to evolve. The real you is already whole... it's not a process. Realizing this frees you from the human condition. You have found what you are looking for right here in this moment, in the very fact that you are aware intelligence, with or without the body. Once direct experience of who you really are has taken place and it is brought into daily life, wholeness and peace become your natural way. This results in living your enlightenment in this lifetime, which automatically creates the beautiful life you always wanted. As you radiate this grace to others around you it may seem like a brand new way of being in life—and it is. It is lucid living. The first challenge is to become lucid, rather than operating on automatic pilot through life. The next challenge is to maintain that lucidity without falling back to sleep into the human condition. Stopping the mind is the first step. This is where it begins. It only deepens from there.”
“Now, forget everything you've just learned and be still. Know yourself as wise, loving, intelligent, eternal consciousness that never needed to change or fix anything in the first place. Then see what happens... It will be a pleasant surprise!”
Christine Breese created the University Of Metaphysical Sciences for everyone who is interested in awakening or helping others in their awakening. The experiential parts of the courses trigger direct experiences of deep stillness and trance states in which timelessness and peace are experienced. The curriculum is designed to assist the student in attaining the ability to live in the ever-unfolding now, the magic zone. The curriculum is also specifically geared to informing the student on how to help others on the path to enlightenment and awakening.
“This is just a quick email to say I looooooove the meditation CDs. I listened to 3 tracks last night and drifted off into peaceful oblivion.” —MA, UMS Student
I can’t believe a school like this actually exists! The lesson plans are easy to follow and gathered from a wide variety of sources, giving students an extensive background of information. UMS has been a great program for not only learning more about Metaphysics, but also myself. Thanks!" —MS, UMS Student
"The diverse information University of Metaphysical Sciences offers is a gift to the soul. The need and desire for a college such as this has been long awaited. As the mother of a UMS student, I know this material is definitely broadening his awareness. I am very excited for his future!" —CS, mother
Consciousness I: 25 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Consciousness I
Archetypes, CS101 An introduction to how archetypes play a part in many psychological and religious systems. Covered are the different archetypes and what they represent.
Enneagram, CS102
Learn the nine types of personalities in the Enneagram, how to recognize particular types, find your own type and understand the three drives behind each personality fixation. This is a very ancient and precise system. Included is a self test which will assist you in finding your own type.
Metaphysical Communication & Problem Solving Skills, CS103,
Putting Light On Relationship/Situation, Seeing Issue Resolved In Loving Way (audio meditations)
Learn basic communication do's and don'ts when in conflict. Be non-reactive, yet present for solving the problem. Learn how to change the energy of the situation non-verbally by using meditation and visualization, and notice how it magically eases the situation on the human level and makes communication clearer.
Affirmations & Reprogramming, CS104
Affirmations work if they are done correctly. Avoid the pitfalls some will cause, learn the do's and don'ts, and create affirmations that will have the most impact on your subconscious mind. Learn how to create receptive emotional and mental environments.
Shadow Work, CS105
Accepting The Whole Self, Working With Shadow, The Shadow In Others (audio meditations)
First one must find forgiveness and acceptance of the imperfect self. Then one must face the darkness in oneself & others. This course explores the big picture, understanding suffering, and learning why it is here on the earth plane.
Transforming Personality, CS106
Subpersonality, Filling With Light, Eternal Self & The Big Picture (audio meditations)
These are exercises for the personality to assist you in becoming your true self, rather than the egoic self of the human condition. Bring in your true divinity and live as the truth of who you really are.
Emotional Well-Being, CS107
Stop Emotional Spinouts, Develop Habit Of Positive Thoughts (audio meditations)
Learn how to keep your emotions from spinning out. Follow the emotion back to its source and go underneath the emotion. Create new emotional habits in your life that will have profound effects on what you attract to yourself.
First Causes-Core Issues, CS108
Finding Core Issues In Childhood (audio meditations)
Find the core issue that is at the root of many branched out belief systems within human psychology. Finding the first event where you created a belief about the nature of reality is a powerful way to eliminate large chunks of negative programming all at once. Create peace where the first decisions about reality were made.
Inner Child Work For Adults, CS109
Working With The Wounded Self, Innocence, The Wounded Healer, Following Anger To It's Source (audio meditations)
Learn how to find your inner children and help others find theirs. Discern where inner dialogues come from, reassign unruly inner personalities, and find healing for the parts of the personality that express unpleasantness in daily life.
Anger Management, CS110
Included are particular techniques for handling anger in constructive and useful ways. Transform anger back into the life-force energy that it is and use it for creation purposes rather than destruction purposes. Learn how to be at peace, even in the midst of anger.
Metaphysical Health Studies I: 15 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Metaphysical Health Studies I
Juicing, Fasting & Cleansing, HS101
Discussed are several fasting and cleansing techniques that have been used throughout history. Colon health, liver health, blood health, and other systems are discussed.
Pranayama & The Art Of Breathing, HS102
Breathing techniques are given for health, vitality, altered states, and many other benefits. Included are certain breath patterns that induce trance states quickly. Learn the exercises and the science behind them. Experience the effects and variations of each one.
Herbs & Natural Medicines, HS103
A comprehensive list of herbs and what their medicinal uses are, how to make tinctures and formulas, and how to use them. Learn some history about herbs as well. (This course is for your personal knowledge, and does not license you to prescribe herbal concoctions for clients in a medical context. Further study is needed.)
World Religions: 25 credits
The student is introduced to many religions, their basic philosophies, and their origins. It is important for the student to be aware of the belief systems of others in order to better communicate. The following headings and course descriptions define World Religions.
Overview Of World Religions, WR101
Learn the fundamental concepts of many world religions, their historical figures, their belief systems, the regions they are practiced in and other anectdotal information.
Great Spiritual Teachers, Gurus & Yogis, WR102
This course gives you an introduction to many of the finest spiritual teachers, gurus and yogis, like Ramana Maharishi, Yogananda, Krishnamurti and many others whose teachings have lasted through time and continue to assist spiritual seekers.
Mystical Beginnings Of Christianity, WR103
A look at the mystical beginning of Christian belief systems. Learn about origins and philosophies of early Christianity, the Essenes, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Native American Traditions, WR104
This course covers the basics about Traditional Native American cultures. The focus is on dispelling stereotypes and providing various reputable viewpoints, many of which come from a traditional Native perspective. Extensive research of various tribes and their traditions is included in this course.
Gods, Goddesses & Mythology, WR105
Several pagan religions are examined for their teachings, history and present day forms. Covered are Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic and other pantheons of gods and goddesses with their stories.
Wizards, Magical Creatures & Adepts, WR106
A look at the characters of fantasy, their functions and purposes and where these characters originate. The mystery school of ancient adepts are also explored.
Witchcraft, WR107
A look at early and modern witchcraft, its history and practices. Included are a few spells and rituals that the student can work with at home.
Shamanism: Indigenous Worldviews, WR108
This course covers earth-based, traditional, non-linear worldviews especially related to healing, and maintaining balance on the planet.
Meditation Skills: 15 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Meditation Skills
Meditation Skills, MS101
Observing Thoughts Letting Them Go, Deepening The Silence, The Breath & Observing The Body, Object As Focal Point, Falling Through Layers Into Stillness, Relaxing From Toe To Head (audio meditations)
History of meditation and the methods different cultures use to gain access to places of the divine within the self are discussed along with scientific study on the benefits of meditation. Included are concentration and visualization practices so the student may have direct experience of various methods commonly taught in metaphysics.
Hypnosis: Self & Others, MS102
Hypnosis techniques are given for self hypnosis and the hypnosis of others. Learn how to monitor someone when he or she is under hypnosis, and what type of journeys would be most useful for particular types of sessions. Learn how to induce age regression, past life regression, triggering unconscious memories, and other topics for hypnosis. (This course does not license you as a hypnotherapist. Further study is needed.)
Colors & Symbols, MS103
Exploring Colors, Finding Your Personal Symbol (audio meditations)
The metaphysical meanings of colors and symbols are listed. Learn what colors to use for healing, energizing, or calming yourself and others. Practice with color meditation and running different colors through your energy systems. Learn about religious symbols of primary religions, and learn how to create your own symbols.
Unlocking Imagination, MS104
Receiving Inspiration, Insights & Creativity (audio meditations)
Learn techniques for increasing your creativity and receiving ideas. Find out what the imagination really is and where ideas come from. Learn how to access the Universal Mind.
Mantras & Mudras, MS105
Using Your Mantra (audio meditations)
Mantras have been a long used as an effective technique for making the mind stand still. Learn how to create a mantra, how mantras work, and what the results are that you can expect. Mudras are hand positions for harnessing or directing energy. Learn the different positions and their meanings. Use mudras to direct your own energy and the energy coming from others. Good for dance meditation too.
Intuitive Skills I: 25 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Intuitive Skills I
Chakras & Auras, IT101
Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Brow Chakra, Crown Chakra, Chakras 8-22, Multiple Chakras, Auric Layers, Cleansing & Clearing Chakras (audio meditations)
Walk through your chakras and your auric system. Learn how to deeply explore each chakra and perceive the layers of the auric field. Learn how to harmonize and balance the chakras and auric layers.
Psychic Skills & ESP, IT102
Accessing Universal Mind, Retrieving Information (audio meditations)
A discussion of psychic skills, ESP, and how to access it in yourself. Learn several games you can play with your friends in order to improve your psychic skills in a fun way. Techniques for remote viewing, telepathy, sensing with the sixth sense, and other systems for knowing the unknown are outlined.
Divination Systems, IT103
Learn about divination systems that have been used throughout history. Covered are tarot, pendulum, runes, palmistry, dowsing, tea leaves, numerology,geomancy and much more...
Channeling Skills I, IT104
Becoming A Clear Channel, Speaking As Your Guide or Higher Self (audio meditations)
A discussion of channeling and what it really is, this course is for connecting with your deeper guidance and getting into “the zone” for bringing through messages. Prepare to speak as your deeper self or guide. Very specific techniques are explored. Covered is well known channeled information, old and new alike. It is important for the metaphysician to be familiar with these authors because they are so well read by spiritual seekers. Covered are Seth writings by Jane Roberts Seth, Edgar Cayce, Kryon, Lazaris, Pleiadians, Ramtha and many more.
Crystals & Gemstones, IT105
A comprehensive list of crystals and their properties. Find out common beliefs about/uses of crystals and how you can integrate them into your life.
Astrology Basics, IT106
Learn zodiac names, important astrological transitions in a human lifetime, what each house means, and the meaning of astrological symbols used in astrological charts.
Phenomena, IT107
A discussion of phenomena, its history, its effect on mankind, and its place in religious thought. Many common phenomena are explored: ghosts and hauntings, physical reality distortions, coincidental experiences, synchronicity and other similar subjects.
Connecting With Angels, IT108
Experience Your Angels, Visit The Angels (audio meditations)
Several angels are listed with their specific functions, and guidance is given on how to connect with them and hear their messages. Angels speak in more than just words. You are also guided in meditation to meet your own guardian angels.
Miscellaneous Courses I: 25 credits
Dreams & Dreaming: History, Recall And Interpretation: DR100
This course covers the historical aspects of dreaming and how dreams were used in ancient practices. Included are Greek, Egyptian and other philosophies around dreams, brain states for dreaming, and scientific discoveries about dreams. Included are techniques for dream recall and interpretation. Also included is a comprehensive list of common dream symbols and how to interpret events in dreams.
A Course In Miracles, CM100
A Course In Miracles is a famous book around which many study groups have been formed. This is a large body of material. Learn how to run A Course In Miracles study groups and get a sense of what CIM is all about.
Reincarnation, RC100
Past/Future/Simultaneous Lifetime Explorations (audio meditations)
Receive information about your past incarnations, as well as your future and simultaneous lifetimes through meditation journeys. The written material discusses karma, reincarnation, how to psychologically handle collecting life memories, good vs. bad lifetimes, mass consciousness banks, and other subjects connected with incarnation explorations.
Manifesting Skills, MF100
Seeing Yourself As Abundant, Being Magnetic To Abundance, Being Carried, Working With Pre-physical Energy, Surrendering Will, Abundant Future (audio meditations)
Manifest with ease and effortlessness by working with the energies that exist underneath physical reality. Learn how to adjust your own energy and become magnetic. Manifest in a simplified way by letting yourself be carried, rather than efforting things into being.
Energy Of Money, EM100
Learn how to align yourself with the energy of money. Find limiting belief patterns you may have about money and shift them. Creating abundance starts with your own attitudes and beliefs about abundance.
Creative Project, CP100
It is the student's choice what he or she would like to create. Suggestions would be: songs, poems, artwork, writing, creating a video or any other idea the student would like to propose. The purpose of this is to draw out the creativity of the student in whatever form that comes.
10 Electives: 10 credits
Students must choose 10 electives from the Electives List
Consciousness II: 15 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Consciousness II
Meditation For Children, CS201
This course gives the student basic understanding of how to work with children in a counseling or therapeutic environment as a metaphysical minister. Learn how to use guided imagery to help children, keep their attention during a meditation, and play metaphysical games that help them develop their abilities.
Relationships, CS202
There is a lot of written material on relationships and how they work, or don't work. Communication skills are discussed, problem solving skills are included, and other useful techniques are introduced as creative ways to keep relationships healthy. Relationships are sometimes complicated, yet there are some very simple techniques for preserving them.
Trauma & Recovery, CS203
Healing Trauma (audio meditations)
This is a very important subject for future teachers. Many students or clients will come from dysfunctional or tragic backgrounds. Learn about psychological processes & symptoms that people who have been in very dark spaces may be experiencing.
Death & Dying, CS204
Learn how to assist those who are dying or experiencing the death of a loved one. Also explored is the subject of death and what really happens after death.
Metaphysical Technologies, CS205
This is an introduction to technologies inspired by the desire to become enlightened. Many technologies are covered and resources are listed. Sound & Light machines, devices for inducing particular brainwaves, and many other inventions.
Metaphysical Health Studies II: 20 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Metaphysical Health Studies II
Spiritual Nutrition, Eating & Cooking, HS201
Guidelines are given for how to create live food without losing the life force of the food, and outlines are given for healthy eating and cooking for spiritual integrity and vitality. Also discussed are food combining, weightloss, and other topics, including arguments for or against some dietary concepts.
Reiki, HS202
Reiki has become a very popular type of hands-on spiritual healing practice. It has become a cornerstone in the toolbox for energy work sessions, and every metaphysics practitioner should have exposure to it. (This course does not give you the necessary Reiki attunements, these must be sought in your local area or from another online source that does distance Reiki attunements. This is an introductory course.)
Physical Exercise For Spiritual Well-Being, HS203
An overview of the benefits of exercise for the physical body, which also affects the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the body. Exercise effects all levels. Different kinds of exercise are discussed along with spiritual perspectives on exercise.
Yoga, HS204
Yoga is discussed and common hatha yoga postures (asanas) are covered, along with the benefits of each. Also discussed are the Eight Limbs of yoga, for hatha yoga is not the only type of yoga that exists.
Intuitive Skills II: 20 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Intuitive Skills II
Hypnosis II, IS201
Conduct an experiential journey with a willing friend who will allow you to practice on him or her. All that is required is that your friend write a brief description of his or her experience with you as the hypnotist. (This course does not license you to be a certified hypnotherapist, further study is needed.)
Channeling Skills II, IS202
Student must submit a written or spoken channeling session. This is done by yourself or with a friend using a tape recorder or written text. The purpose of this course is to assist the student with tapping into his or her deeper wisdom and experience finding wise answers from within the self.
Predictions, IS203
Discussed is the nature of predictions, why they don't always come true, and how predictions effect the mass consciousness. Predictions of the future from several different sources and cultures are examined and explored.
Unconditional Love, IS204
Unconditional Love (audio meditations)
Learn the art of unconditional love, a product of divine consciousness and total acceptance of all people. It is a very important skill for a teacher and is a quality of highly evolved souls.
Astral Projection, IS205
Astral Projection Techniques are explored in Meditation Journeys (audio meditations)
Learn techniques for achieving out-of-body experiences. Astral projection is a spiritual power, a siddhi, and it can add quite a bit of excitement to meditation or sleep time. This spiritual power is discussed and journeys are included for inducing out-of-body experiences.
Lucid Dreaming, IS206
Lucid dreaming is also a spiritual power, or siddhi. Learn techniques for achieving lucid dream abilities, learn what uses lucid dreaming has, and use charts for triggering and tracking your progress.
Aura Viewing, IS207
Seeing auras is another spiritual power, or siddhi. Learn techniques for achieving the ability to see auras, learn what the meaning of different layers of the aura are, and view examples of auras.
Vibrational Healing, IS208
Learn the art of intuitive and extrasensory healing. Learn how to shift others at the energy level with hands on techniques. Learn how to diagnose the aura and chakras, even if you can't see them yet. Work with vibrations, colors, prayer, imagery, reiki, and psychic skills.
Career Skills: 20 credits
The following headings and course descriptions define Career Skills
Finding Your Life Purpose/Life Work & Soul Agenda, CA201
Your Soul Agenda (audio meditations)
Learn how to find your purpose and find out what work you are meant to do on the Earth plane. You are awakening in the dream for a reason. Travel into your future and find out how your life will look as a fully awakened being.
Awakening To Your True Self, CA202
Exploring Consciousness, Who Are You? (audio meditations)
Find out who you really are and let go of the human condition. Each person has been under hypnosis since birth, believing you are the body, the mind, a name, or the experiences in this human lifetime. This is not who you are.
Leading A Meditation, CA203
In this lesson the student learns how to lead a meditation without effort or memorization. Learn how to let the meditation do you, thus "reading" the meditation to others as you experience it. The student's assignment is to tape record a ten minute meditation and send it in for credit. All meditations are accepted for there is no wrong way to lead one. The student is encouraged to lead a meditation without a script, but if it is absolutely necessary, a scripted meditation is acceptable.
Attracting Clients, CA204
Adjusting Your Energy, Becoming Magnetic, Calling Souls To You, Choosing Your Brightest Reality, Transmission Skills, Becoming A Visible Light Bearer (audio meditations)
Learn energy techniques for drawing people to you at the soul level who will benefit from what you have to teach or your healing practice. Journeys include different techniques for making your metaphysical practice magnetic to those who can be assisted by what you have to offer.
Practitioner Ethics, CA205
Ethics are discussed for spiritual teachers, healers and leaders. Learn about teacher/student, healer/client relationships and how to stay in integrity. Also outlined is how to handle different kinds of students and clients gracefully, even problem students.
Promoting Your Spiritual Business, CA206
Learn the basics of promoting and running a spiritual business using spiritual tools and morals. This is an introduction to a very large and complicated subject, but here you will get some ideas on where to start. Some business basics are offered, including how to start a church and apply for tax exempt status.
Creative Project, CP200
It is the student's choice what he or she would like to create. Suggestions would be: songs, poems, artwork, collages, writing, creating a video or any other creative idea the student would like to propose. The purpose of this is to draw out the creativity of the student.
5 Electives: 5 credits
5,000 Word Master's Thesis
Write about any metaphysical subject. 5,000 words is the equivalent of a book chapter. Many people are daunted by the words "Master's Thesis," but it is not very difficult to find things to write once you get going on a subject you find interesting. Specific guidelines are given so there is no mystery about how to write a thesis or doctoral dissertation.
Upon successful completion of the Masters level of our curriculum, this license gives you the title of Reverend or Minister. Included are outlines for ceremonies like weddings, funerals, etc.
Practitioner Certificate
This certification is required in some states. It allows you to do hands-on healing, blessings, energy work, and other such modalities legally. This is given upon successful completion of the Masters Degree.
Each elective is 1 credit
Creative Writing For the Metaphysical Genre, CW301
Learn the basics of writing in different formats including non-fiction, fiction, self-help and research books in the metaphysical field. Learn how to make a book outline, how to find your "voice," and how to find a publisher or self publish in the growing market for metaphysical types of books.
Emotional Art, EA302
In this course, the student will paint several different emotions, learning how to interpret emotions through art rather than words. This is a completely experiential course with minimal written material.
Feng Shui, FS303
Learn about the art of placement. Feng Shui is an oriental system for placing your furniture and other objects in the home in order to allow for the most optimal energy flow.
Gaia, Mother Earth, GA304
Gaia is an ancient name for Mother Earth. In this course you will learn more about how cultures worshipped Mother Earth. You will also receive some ideas on how to connect more with Gaia.
Attracting Your Mate, AM305
Preparing For & Opening To Love, Attracting Your Mate (audio meditations)
Journeys for attracting a mate into your life, and opening yourself to your partner and being loved.
Qabalah/Kabalah, QB306
The Qabalah is an ancient system of divine numerology. Letters and numbers are intertwined. This course is only an introduction to this vast and complicated subject.
UFOs & Extraterrestrials, UF307
What is the truth about UFOs and Aliens? An intelligent and level-headed discussion on this subject, and how to make sense of it all.
Ear Candling, EC308
Ear candling is an easy way to maintain the health of the ear canal. It is a wonderful way to relieve the sinuses and create well-being in other areas. Specific directions for ear candling are included.
Dolphin Healing, DO309
Learn about dolphins and read about various kinds of experiences with dolphins. Dolphins offer humans a special kind of relationship that can be very healing and helpful if a connection is made. Dolphins are very intelligent and have much to offer humanity.
Moon, Equinox, & Solstice Ceremonies, CE310
Each type of ceremony is discussed. Specific directions for running these ceremonies are given. The student is also required to perform a ceremony, solo or with friends, and write a brief descriptions of the experience.
Toaist Healing Arts, TO311
Learn about the subtle healing arts in Taoist concepts, self healing, healing of others, and healing of the world.
Altars & Rituals, AR312
Altars and rituals are discussed. Some basic patterns, designs and ideas are given. From there, creativity does the rest...
Falun Gong, FA313
Falun Gong is a very widespread practice that has been persecuted by the authorities. It is a gentle and benevolent practice for calling in energy from the universe for self healing and maintenance, and processing the suffering of others.
Ayurveda, AY314
Ayurveda is an Eastern Indian system for knowing what your body type is and eating right for your type. It is very effective in creating health in every individual.
Tantra, TA315
This is an introduction to some of the concepts of Tantra. Tantra is not about spiritually focused sexuality alone, but is a way of being adn living, bringing awareness to all that one does.
Polarity Therapy, PT316
Discover what polarity therapy is and how to use it in various healing modalities for individual sessions for self and others.
Sacred Labyrinths, LB317
Explore the concept of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool. Covered is the labyrinth of the Chartres Chapel, and modern replications of the labyrinth experience.
Breatharianism, BR318
How do they do it? People truly do live on air, light and earth energy alone, without food. Breatharianism produces wonderful states of consciousness and defys the "unescapable" physical law that we think we must eat food in order to live. Find out all about it from a living Breatharian.
Urantia Book, UR319
The Urantia Book is an extensive amount of material that was and is widely read and studied. Find out what the Urantia Book is about and read some excerpts and thier explanations.
Hope, HP320
Hope is a necessary ingredient in our emotional coffers. Without hope, nothing would have ever progressed or evolved. Explore all the aspects of hope and its effects.
Coping w/Stress Through Mindfulness, CS321
Stress can be addressed by being mindful of daily activities, the mental state and the emotional state. Here are some spiritual approaches to coping with stress.
Forgiveness, FG322
Radical forgiveness goes beyond ordinary forgiveness in the concept that there is no harm done by any other person against another, adopting blamelessness of others and taking responsibility for one's creation. Radical forgiveness frees the consciousness to love.
Mary Magdalene, MM323
Notoriously misunderstood and thought to be a prostitute Jesus rescued from stoning, Mary was far more than just a follower of Jesus and some believe she was actually his most beloved friend and lover.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to assisting people in becoming knowledgeable about metaphysical concepts and discovering the true self.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences has made its program affordable for people of all walks of life, keeping tuition prices low, and creating payment plans for every budget.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences is here to help the student answer his or her calling in assisting the human population in its spiritual evolution and awakening, giving the student knowledge, experiential practice, and legitimate credentials.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences purposely designed courses for the distance learner so that relocation is not necessary and attendance in person is not required. The student can study on his or her own schedule rather than a schedule set by a university.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences is dedicated to assisting spiritual teachers as they pursue their life purpose and life work, learn to live with integrity and grace, and teach others how to do the same.
University Of Metaphysical Sciences is a facility for spiritual learning, whether the student seeks knowledge for personal growth or goes on to become a metaphysical teacher, writer, minister, workshop facilitator or other type of healer. University Of Metaphysical Sciences believes that the healer must be whole before true efficiency in helping others is attained.
Bachelors Degree Titles:
Bachelor Of Metaphysics, B.M., Bachelor Of Metaphysical Sciences, B.Msc., Bachelor Of Divinity, B.Div.
Masters Degree Titles:
Master Of Metaphysics, M.M., Master Of Metaphysical Sciences, M.Sc., Master Of Divinity, M.Div.
Ordination: Reverend or Minister, student's choice, Practitioner's Certificate
Doctorate Degree Titles:
Philosopher Of Metaphysics, Ph.M, Doctor Of Metaphysics, D.M., Doctor Of Metaphysical Sciences, D.Ms.
Doctor Of Divinity in: (D.D. or D.Div.)
Metaphysics, Metaphysical Sciences, Metaphysical Counseling, Spiritual Counseling
Philosopher of Metaphysics. Ph.D., Philosopher of Metaphysical Sciences, Ph.D., Philosopher of Metaphysical Counseling, Ph.D., Philosopher of Holistic Life Coaching, Ph.D., Philosopher of Metaphysical Theology, Ph.D., Philosopher of Metaphysical Life Coaching, Ph.D., Philosopher of Parapsychology and Paranormal Sciences, Ph.D., Philosopher of Transpersonal Counseling, Ph.D., Philosopher of Pastoral Counseling, Ph.D.
COURSES AT UMS Metaphysics, Spirituality, New Age, Metaphysical, Meditation, Buddhism, Zen, Auras, Chakras, Crystals, Lucid Dreaming, Channeling, Advaita Awareness, Power of Now, Non-duality, and so much more! The courses offered at University Of Metaphysical Sciences are:
Bachelor's Degree Course Descriptions
Consciousness I: 25 credits, Meditation Skills: 15 credits, Archetypes, Meditation Skills, Enneagram, Hypnosis: Self & Others, Metaphysical Communication & Problem Solving Skills, Colors &; Symbols, Affirmations & Reprogramming, Unlocking Imagination, Shadow Work, Mantras & Mudras, Transforming Personality, Intuitive Skills I: 25 credits, Emotional Well-Being, Chakras & Auras, First Causes-Core Issues, Psychic Skills & ESP, Inner Child Work For Adults, Divination Systems, Anger Management
Channeling Skills I Metaphysical Health Studies I: 15 credits, Crystals/Gemstones, Juicing, Fasting &; Cleansing, Astrology Basics, Pranayama &; The Art Of Breathing, Phenomena, Herbs &; Natural Medicines, Connecting With Angels World Religions: 25 credits Miscellaneous I: 25 credits, Overview Of World Religions, Dreams & Dreaming, Great Spiritual Teachers, Gurus & Yogis, A Course In Miracles, Mystical Beginnings Of Christianity, Reincarnation, Native American Traditions, Manifesting Skills, Gods, Goddesses &; Mythology, Energy Of Money, Wizards, Magical Creatures & Adepts, Bachelors Creative Project, Witchcraft, Shamanism: Indigenenous Worldviews Masters Degree Curriculum Courses.
Consciousness II: 20 credits, Unconditional Love, Meditation For Children, Astral Projection, Relationships, Lucid Dreaming, Trauma & Recovery, Aura Viewing, Death &; Dying, Vibrational Healing, Metaphysical Technologies, Career Skills, Metaphysical Health Studies II: 25 credits, Finding Life Purpose/Life Work/Soul Agenda, Spiritual Nutrition, Eating &; Cooking, Awakening To True Self, Reiki, Leading A Meditation, Physical Exercise For Spiritual Well-Being, Attracting Clients, Hatha Yoga, Practitioner Ethics Intuitive Skills II: 25 credits, Business Management, Hypnosis II, Masters Creative Project, Channeling Skills II, 5 Electives: 5 credits, Predictions Master's Thesis Ordination/Practitioner's Certificate
Electives Courses
Creative Writing For The Metaphysical Genre, Falun Gong, Emotional Art, Ayurveda, Feng Shui, Tantra, Gaia, Mother Earth, Polarity Therapy, Attracting Your Mate, Sacred Labyrinths, Qaballah/Kabala, Breatharianism, UFOs & Extraterrestrials, Urantia Book, Ear Candling, Hope, Experiencing Dolphins, Coping w/Stress Through Mindfulness, Moon Ceremonies, Equinoxes, Solstices, Forgiveness, Taoist Healing Arts, Mary Magdalene, Altars &; Rituals More Electives always being added...

My Interests


Member Since: 4/18/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: University Of Metaphysical Sciences at
Christine Breese, D.D., Ph.D., founder of UMS, leads workshops and retreats. Meetings consist of discussion, meditation and group activities. These meditations you are hearing are Christine Breese (voice) and the lovely music of Michael Hammer (music)
To find out more about Christine Breese, go to
Influences: UMS has used thousands of books, audio and video for resource material to research it's many courses. Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Carolynn Myss, Louise Hay, Byron Katie, Gangaji / Papaji / Ramana, Adyashanti, Shakti Gawain, Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Greg Braden, Barbara Brennan, and many many more! Christine Breese edioted and oversaw a team of more than 40 writers to create the curriculum for University Of Metaphysical Sciences.

TOPICS COVERED: meditation, shambhala, emotional intelligence, vipassana, mindfulness, astrology, i ching, numerology, tarot, awareness, buddhism, yoga, gnosticism, taoism, hinduism, dreams, dreaming, advaita, zen, Vedanta, non-duality, non-dualism, non-dual, shaman, Sufism, awakening, enlightenment, conscious, consciousness, kundalini, shaman, shamanism, tantra, peaceful warrior, chaos theory, bodhisattva, bodhi, bodhi tree, spiritual, spirituality, spiritual path, shaolin, dharma, karma, theosophy, ju jitsu, judo, aikido, aikijitsu, kung fu, tai chi, gi gong, sacred geometry, unconditional love, Christ consciousness, maha leela, prayer, dzogchen, shamanism, shaman, prayer, guru, spiritual teacher, diamond heart, enneagram, the elements, yoga, lucid dreaming, astral projection, healing, hypnotherapy, mysticism, mystic, meditation, Tibet, Tibetan, Indian, India, chanting, bhajans, satsang, kirtan, pendulum, divination, tarot, crystals, crystal, amethyst, quartz, rose quartz, meditate, shamballa, nirvana, Samadhi, awaken, now, present, mind, emptiness, sutra, ashram, Prasad, darshan, tao, peaceful warrior, Naropa, breathing, breath, flower of life, visualize, visualization, world peace, psychic, clairvoyant, reader, liberation, true, freedom, diamond, presence, emptiness, nothingness, dogma, sri, shri, Vipassana, self inquiry, who am I, who are you, who you really are, What Do You Really Want? chakra, chakras, aura, auric, photo, dark night of the soul, cosmos, cosmic, nothing, bodhisattva, bandha, pranayama, devotee, spiritual seeker, truth, awareness, illusion, disillusionment, raw food, vegan, vegetarian, whole foods, experience, experiences, hindu, Buddhist, one, oneness, all, non-attachment, compassion, empathy, love, kindness, patience, stillness, angels, guides, guiding, guardian angel, celestial, altars, rituals, wicca, witchcraft, native American, American Indian, indigenous tribes, Aborigine, channeling, channel, chant, chanti, chi, qui gong, tai chi, qi, life force, lightworker, light, worker, light body, lightbody, vibrational healing, lucid life, lucidity, prophesy, predictions, reiki, unconditional love, moment, in the moment, essene, energy, energetic, healing, Chinese medicine, Chinese astrology, Quantum Physics, Kabbalah, Qabala, Sacred Geometry, feng shui, dolphins, kundalini, swami, essential oils, aromatherapy, young living oils, rebirthing, organic, magic, magical, magik, magikal, magus, magi, meta, trance, macrobiotic, fire walking, divine, rebirthing, intentional communities, communes, new age, metaphysics, metaphysical, acupuncture, acupressure, accupuncture, accupressure, harmony, dance, drumming, drum, om, aum, namaste, intuition, intuitive, Gnosticism, mudra, raja, Sanskrit, meridian, bardo, soul, silence, samsara, devi, visionary, bhakti, snatam kaur, sadhana, siddhi, asana, prana, miracle, sitar, insight, meeting, self, merkaba, holosync, brain, power, transcendental meditation, maitreya, neurology, quantum physics, psychology, epistemology, ontology, cosmology, ancient sacred sites, Sedona vortex, power sites, Tantra, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Advaita Vedanta, 11:11, 2012 endtimes predictions, harmonic convergence, essenes, mystic, mystical, visionary, crystal healing, crystal magic (magick, Majick, Majic), Angel Therapy Practitioner, reiki healing, psychic medium, spiritualism, mediumship, crystal children, indigo child, indigo children, rainbow children, psychic children, orin and daben, coast to coast Radio, visualize, telepathy, paranormal, phenomena, clairvoyance, mindfulness, bodhisattva, shambala, shambhalla, shamballa, Shambhala, metaphysics, metaphysical, meditation, sufi meditation, sufi dance, yoga, karma yoga, bhakta yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga, kundalini yoga, yogi, yogini, Ashtanga yoga, bikram yoga, hot yoga, kundalini awakening, kundalini, light body, awakening your lightbody, chakra alignment, chakra system, chakra energy, tarot, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, aliens, ufo, ufos, tantric sex, tantra, bardo worlds, falun (falon) gong, falun dafa, reiki group healing, crystal therapy, crystals properties, aromatherapy, reading tarot cards, alternative medicine, guided meditation, herbs, herbal, runes, pendulum, kundalini awakening, kriya, law of attraction, the secret, om, aum, siddhanath hamsa yoga, siddhanath hamsa yoga, siddhanath surya yoga, gurunath, sutras, concentration, living kriya master, awakening, nirvana, samyama, psychedelics, hallucinogens, powerplants, time travel, extra dimensional journeying, the occult, alchemy, manifestation, rosicrucians, samadhi, patanjali's sutras, flower of life, davinci code, merkaba meditation, sacred geometry, thoth, ufos, area 51, astronomy, obe, obe’s, out of body experience, clairsentience, psychokinesis, empaths, nde's, near death experience, clairaudience, breathing, pranayam, pranayama, sedona vortex, third eye, levitation, relaxation, occult, wake up, sixth sense, 6th sense, intuition ...
Religions: Buddhism, Wicca, Druids, Pagans, Paganism, Hinduism, Meditation, Mysticism, Sufism, Rosicrucian
Misc: Louise (Louis, Lois) Hay Foundation, Hayhouse, Findhorn, Art Bell (Coast To Coast AM Radio), Self Realization Fellowship (SRF), Seva Foundation,
BOOKS: UMS has used thousands of books, audio and video for resource material to research it's many courses. Here are some of the spiritual teachers, gurus and authors who's work we have referenced:
Osho, Maitreya, Buddha, Siddhartha, Rumi, Ramana, Ghandi, Gandi, Rama, Krisha, Ganesh, Ganesha, Shakti, Kali, Peace Pilgrim, Mother Teresa, Ammachi, Ramana Maharsi, Yogananda, Parmahansa Yogananda, Quan Yin, St Francis, Rinpoche, Babaji, Mary Magdalene, Pan, Greenman, Christ, Socrates, Gautama, Nanak, Vivikenanda, Guru Nanak, Ramakrishna, Maharishi, Guruganesha Singh, Takar Singh (Sing), Swami Chinmayananda, Malcom X, Ramana Maharishi, Nisarghadatta Maharaj, Shankaracharya, Ghandi (Gandi, Gandhi), Salvador Dali, Rinpoche Lama, Ramakrishna, Swami Tejomayananda, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Swami Shankarananda (Shiva Yoga), Swami Muktananda, Osho, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Bagwan, Zarathustra, Swami Sivananda, Sivananda, Baba Free John, Adi Da, Neem Karoli Baba, Sri, Anandamayi Ma, Sri, Aurobindo, Sri, Manoranjan Basu, Ramesh S. Balsekar, Vimala Thakar, Adi Shankara, Kabir, Rumi, Mira Bai, Jnaneshwar (Jnanadev), Yukteshwar, Yukteswar, Osho, Guatama Buddha, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Isis And Osiris, Sogyal Rinpoche, Rumi, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Sri Yukteswar, Yogiraj Gurunath, Babaji, HamsaYogi, Vivikananda, Om, Gurunath, Sai Baba, Thoth, Lao Tzu, Edgar Cayce, Sri Aurobindo, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Adyashanti, Sivananda, Chogyam Trungpa, Yogiraj Gurunath, Babaji, HamsaYogi, Vivikananda, Om, Gurunath, Sai Baba, Thoth, Lao Tzu, Edgar Cayce, Sri Aurobindo, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Adyashanti, Sivananda, Chogyam Trungpa, Sri Yukteswar, Muktananda, Baba Muktananda, Swami Muktananda, Amma, Ammachi (known as the Hugging Saint) ...AUTHORS & SPIRITUAL TEACHERS: Barbara Brennan, Sanaya Roman, Kryon, Shakti Gawain, Ramtha, J Z (JZ) Knight, Ramtha, Richard Bach, Carlos Casteneda, Don Juan, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Chogyam Trungpa, Eckart Tolle, Caroline Myss, Deepak Chopra, Carolyn, Carolynn Myss, Byron Katie, Dalai Lama, Prema, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Das, Ram Dass, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Sai Baba, Pema Chodrin, Pema Chodron, Wayne Dyer, Neale (Neal) Donald Walsh (Walsch), James Redfield, Sylvia Brown, Self Realization Fellowship, Ananda, Expanding Light, Doreen Virtue, Sri Daya Mata, Hari Das, Doreen Virtue, Lazaris, Orin, Louise Hay, Sonia Choquette, Mary Summer Rain, Melody, Anondea Judith, Nostradamus, Jane Roberts, Greg, Gregg, Braden, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Krishnamurti, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Muktananda, Esther Hicks, Abraham, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Ken Wilber, Ken Kesey, Gurjieff, Ouspenski, Papaji, Poonjaji, Thich Nhat Hanh, Martin Luther King, Eckhardt Tolle, Kahlil Gibran, Maharaji, Kriyananda, Satchidananda, Juliano, Guruganesha Singh, Takar Singh (Sing), Swami Chinmayananda, Malcom X, Ramana Maharishi, Nisarghadatta Maharaj, Shankaracharya, Ghandi (Gandi, Gandhi), Salvador Dali, Rinpoche Lama, Ramakrishna, Swami Tejomayananda, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Swami Shankarananda (Shiva Yoga), Swami Muktananda, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Zarathustra, Swami Sivananda, Baba Free John, Adi Da, Neem Karoli Baba, Sri Anandamayi Ma, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Manoranjan Basu, Ramesh S. Balsekar, Vimala Thakar, Adi Shankara, Kabir, Rumi, Mira Bai, Jnaneshwar (Jnanadev), Yukteshwar, Yukteswar, Osho, Guatama Buddha, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Isis And Osiris, Sogyal Rinpoche, Rumi, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Sri Yukteswar, Joseph Campbell, William Tiller, David Hawkins Carl Jung, Alan Watts, Thich Nhat Hanh, Madam Blavatsky, Solara, Jasmuheen, J.R.R. Tolkien, Aleister Crowley, Lee Caroll (Carrol, Carroll), Jane Roberts, Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke, Alex Grey (Gray), Maxfield Parrish, Doreen Virtue, Gary Renard, John Edwards, Terence Mckenna, Sonia Choquette, Oprah, Sylvia Browne, Neale Donald Walshe, Diana Cooper, Angela Mcgerr, Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukav, John Holland, Wayne Dyer, Colette Barron-Reid, Linda Goodman, Louise Hay, Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Taylor Hicks, Eri Morningstar, Hay House, Hayhouse, Stephen Covey, Lynn Andrews, Rhonda Byrne, Gregg Braden, Art Bell, Timothy Leary, Peace Pilgrim, Gary Zukav, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Alan Watts, Pema Chodron, Sylvia Brown, Sylvia Browne, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Bikram, Bikram Choudhury, Linda Goodman, Quan Yin, Kwan Yin, Yeshua, Starhawk, Sonaya Roman, Sanaya Roman, Jack Canfield, carlos nakai, Watermark by Enya, Caribean Blue by Enya, Only Time, by Enya, Deep Forest, Loreena McKennit, Kirtans, Starseed, Shanti, Om Shanti, Deeva Premal, Girish, Durga Das, Karnamrita Dasi, Jaya Lakshmi, Matishayu, Krishna Das, Donna DeLory, Sada Sat Kaur, Jai Uttal, Jayalakshmi, Namaste, Shantala, Rasa, Radhe Singh Kaur, Andreas Vollenweider, Under the Mountain and Into the Cave by Andreas Vollenweider, Mary Summer Rain, , Drunvalo Melechezedek, Dan Brown, Rudolf Steiner, Robert A. Monroe, Edgar Cayce, Brian Weiss, Nancy Zi, Gloria Steinam, John Magnus, Edain McCoy, Robert Bruce, Osborne Phillips, Beelzebub, Barrie L. Konicov, Denning & Phillips, Melita Denning, Oliver Fox, Julie Soskin, Debra Lynne Katz, Sonia Choquette, Dion Fortune, Lois Duncan, Samuel Sagan, Lobsang Rampa, Vera Stanley Alder, Vessa Rinehart-Phillips, Susan B. Reintjes, Stephen Laberge, Yuschak Thomas, Arnold Mindell, Robert Van De Castle, Pamela Weintraub, Tony Crisp, Scott Cunningham, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Swami Sivananda Radha, Mark Stavish, Jean Campbell, Gregory S. Sparrow, Moshe Feldenkrais, Charles Genoud, David Augsburger, Colin Tipping, Susan Blackmore, Ken Keyes, Wayne Liquorman, Arvind Sharma, David R. Hawkins, David Loy, Jerry Katz, Andrew Cohen, Osho, Terence McKenna, Hui Neng, Michael Murphy founder of Esalen Institute, Jalal Al-Din Rumi, Andrew Harvey, Sandra Ingerman, Dan Brown, D. K. Iyengar, Sivananda, Gerald G. Jampolsky (Jerry, Gerry, Jampolski) ...BOOKS: Yoga Sutras by Pantanjali, The Art of Happiness by H.H. (HH) Dalai (Dali) Lama, Breatharianism by Jasmuheen, 11:11 by Solara, History of Everything by Ken Wilber, Transactional Psychology by Ken Wilber, Spectrums of Consciousness by Ken Wilber, Integral Approach by Ken Wilber, The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, Western Approaches to Personal Growth by Ken Wilber, The power of myth by Joseph Campbell, Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Campbell, Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra, The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra, Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra, Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer, Be Here Now by Ram Dass, Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue and Messages from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue, Eating in the Light by Doreen Virtue, Lightworker's Way by Doreen Virtue, Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Divine Guidance by Doreen Virtue, Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue, Healing With The Fairies by Doreen Virtue, Goddesses and Angels by Doreen Virtue, Angel Speak by Doreen Virtue The Crystal Children by Doreen Virtue Women Who Run With Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Taylor Hicks, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, Indigo, Crystal, & Rainbow Children by Doreen Virtue, Crystal and Rainbow Children by Eri Morningstar, The Urantia Book, Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya (Sonaya) Roman, Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman, Living With Joy by Sanaya Roman, (Orin, Daben), Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide (Birth Into Light) by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, Creating Abundance by Sanaya Roman, Soul Love: Awakening Your Heart Centers (Roman, Sanaya), Creating Money by Sanaya Roman, Way of the Wizard by Deepak Chopra, Peaceful Existence by Deepak Chopra, Love Poems of Rumi, Life After Death - Deepak Chopra, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Awakening to Zero Point by Gregg Braden. The Collective Initiation by Gregg Braden, Coast To Coast Radio Show by Art Bell, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh, This Light In Oneself by J Krishnamurti, An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mohandas Gandhi, Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words by The Peace Pilgrim, The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav, The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron, Start Where You Are by Pema Chodron, An Open Heart by Dalai (Dali) Lama, Living on Light by Jasmuheen, The Book: Taboo On Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise (Louis) Hay, Love Yourself by Louise (Louis) Hay, Heal Your Body by Louise (Louis) Hay, The Power Is Within You by Louis (Louise) Hay, Being In Balance by Dr Wayne Dyer, Power Of Intention by Dr Wayne Dyer, Power Versus Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer, Bikram Yoga by Bikram Choudhury, Medicine Woman by Lynn V Andrews, Jaguar Woman by Lynn V Andrews, Wherever You Go There You Are, The Holographic Universe, The Spiral Dance by Starhawk, The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson, A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson, Chicken Soup For The Soul by Jack Canfield, The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield, Our Greatest Fear by Marianne Williamson, The Prophet by Kalil Gibran, Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti by J. Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known by Jiddu Krishnamurti, Think on These Things by Jiddu Krishnamurti, On Fear by Jiddu Krishnamurti, Awakening of Intelligence by J. Krishnamurti, Raw Food Un-Cookbook by Juliano, Drawing Down the Moon, Aromatherapy Anointing Oils, The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, From Earth to Herbalist, Spirit Healing, Path of Transformation by Shakti Gawain, 60 Days to Enlightenment by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, • The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, The Secret Doctrine of The Rosicrucians, Rosicrucian Teachings for Home and Business, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melechezedek, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life II by Drunvalo Melechezedek, The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy and Mathematics by Rudolf Steiner, , The Seth Material by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Seth-Dreams and Projections of Concsiousness by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Nature of Mass Events by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Nature of Personal Reality by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Dreams and Projections Of Consciousness by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Psychic Politics by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Adventures In Consciousness by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment by (Seth) Jane Roberts, Magical Approach by (Seth) Jane Roberst, Journeys Out of the Body by Robert A. Monroe, Out of Body Experiences, Far Journeys by Robert A. Monroe, The Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe, Successful Astral Projection to the Space and Universe, Astral Projection And the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out Of Body State by John Magnus, Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce, Astral Projection For Beginners by Edain McCoy, Rudolf Steiner: His Life and Work, Colour by Rudolf Steiner, Bees by Rudolf Steiner, The Magical Approach by Seth Jane Roberts, Art of Breathing by Nancy Zi, Guardian Angels: Connecting With Our Spiritual Guides and Helpers by Rudolf Steiner, Evolution of Consciousness by Rudolf Steiner, Sedona Vortex 2000, The Sedona Vortex Experience, Sedona Vortex Explorer, The Sedona Vortex Guide Book, The Edgar Cayce Remedies, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life, Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus by Edgar Cayce, Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (Edgar Cayce Series), Edgar Cayce's Predictions For The 21st Century, Auras: An Essay on the Meaning of Colors by Edgar Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods for Body, Mind, and Spirit, Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones, and Crystals, Think on These Things by Edgar Cayce, Edgar Cayce's Story of the Soul, The Essential Edgar Cayce, Experiencing Astral Travel: An 8 Week Course by V. M. Beelzebub, Astral Projection Plain & Simple: The Out-of-Body Experience by Osborne Phillips, Astral Projection Kit by Denning & Phillips, Astral Projection by Barrie L. Konicov, Astral Projections by Brad Steiger, Astral Projection by Oliver Fox, Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti, How Psychic Are You? by Julie Soskin, You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing by Debra Lynne Katz, The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul by Sonia Choquette, Diary of a Psychic by Sonia Choquette, Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune, The Third Eye by Lois Duncan, Awakening the Third Eye by Samuel Sagan, Third Eye by T. Lobsang Rampa, Finding of the Third Eye by Vera Stanley Alder, Opening the Third Eye by Vessa Rinehart-Phillips, Third Eye Open: Unmasking Your True Awareness by Susan B. Reintjes, Third Eye of the Buddhist by Shanmukha Anantha Natha, Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life by Stephen Laberge, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge, Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements by Yuschak Thomas, Dreaming While Awake: Techniques for 24-Hour Lucid Dreaming by Arnold Mindell, Lucid Dreams in 30 Days by Keith Harary and Pamela Weintraub, Our Dreaming Mind by Robert Van De Castle, Dreaming The Divine: Techniques for Sacred Sleep by Scott Cunningham, Lucid Dreaming: Use Your Psychic Powers to Explore the World of Your Dreams by Tony Crisp, Master of Lucid Dreams by Olga Kharitidi, Dream Yoga: The Practice of Lucid Dreaming as a Path to Enlightenment by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Realities of the Dreaming Mind: Practice of Dream Yoga by Swami Sivananda Radha, Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esoteri by Mark Stavish, Group Dreaming: Dreams to the Tenth Power by Jean Campbell, Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light by Gregory S. Sparrow, Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying by Dalai (Dali) Lama, Universe in a Single Atom: Convergence of Science and Spirituality by Dalai (Dali) Lama, How to See Yourself As You Really Are by His Holiness the Dalai (Dali) Lama, A Simple Path: Basic Buddhist Teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom by Dalai Lama, How to Expand Love by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Wisdom of Forgiveness by Dalai Lama, Ethics for the New Millennium by Dalai Lama, Meaning of Life by The Dalai Lama, Many Ways to Nirvana by Dalai Lama, Advice on Dying by Dalai Lama, Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette, Your Psychic Pathway by Sonia Choquette, Your Heart's Desire by Sonia Choquette, Linda Goodman's Sun Signs by Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman's Relationship Signs by Linda Goodman, Love Signs by Linda Goodman, Power of Awareness by Neville, Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais Gesture of Awareness: A Radical Approach to Time, Space, and Movement by Charles Genoud, Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle, Radical Self-Forgiveness & Self-Acceptance by Colin Tipping, New Freedom of Forgiveness by David Augsburger, Consciousness by Susan Blackmore, Conversations on Consciousness by Susan Blackmore, Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Visionary Plant Consciousness: The Shamanic Teachings of the Plant World by J. P. Harpignies, Secret Life Of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier, The Secret: Universal Mind Meditation by Kelly Howell, Secrets of Longevity by Dr. Maoshing Ni, Beyond the Bleep: What the Bleep Do We Know by Alexandra Bruce, What the Bleep Do We Know: Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality by William Arntz, The Little Book of Bleeps: Excerpts from What the Bleep Do We Know by Betsy Chasse, Conversations With God by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch (Walsh), Questions and Answers on Conversations With God by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch, Conversations with God for Teens by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch (Walsh), Meditations from Conversations With God by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch (Walsh), Friendship with God by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch (Walsh), Home with God by Neale (Neal) Donald Walsch (Walsh), Fading Toward Enlightenment by Wayne Wirs, Beyond Duality by Laurence Galian, A Non-Duality Press Sampler: Issue 1 by Julian Noyce, Pathway of Non-Duality by Raphael, Teachers of One Living Advaita: Conversations on the Nature of Non-Duality by Paula Marvelly, Advaita Vedanta by Eliot Deutsch, Advaita Vedanta by Arvind Sharma, Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta, Ramana, Shankara and the Forty Verses: The Essential Teachings of Advaita by Ramana Maharashi and Alan Jacobs, The Wisdom of Balsekar: The Essence of Enlightenment from the World's Leading Teacher of Advaita: The Concept of Nonduality by Wayne Liquorman, Alan Jacobs, and Ramesh S. Balsekar, Why Lazarus Laughed: Zen, Advaita, Tantra by Wei Wu Wei, Sleep As a State of Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta by Arvind Sharma, One: Essential Writings on Nonduality by Jerry Katz, Nonduality by David Loy, Devotional Nonduality) by David R. Hawkins, Challenge of Enlightenment: A Voyage into the Multidimensional Integrity of Nonduality by Andrew Cohen, Book of Secrets by Osho, Courage by Osho, Love, Freedom, Aloneness: Koan of Relationships by Osho, Osho Zen Tarot: Transcendental Game Of Zen by Osho (Bagwan Shree Rajneesh), Sex Matters by Osho (Bagwan Shree Rajneesh), Emotional Wellness by Osho Meditation by Osho, Intuition by Osho, Awareness by Osho, Buddha Said... by Osho Compassion: The Ultimate Flowering of Love (Osho: Insights for a New Way of Living) by Osho, Book of Understanding by Osho, Tarot in the Spirit of Zen: Game of Life by Osho, Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic by Osho, Tao: Pathless Path by Osho, Diamond In Your Pocket by Gangaji, Who Cares by Ramesh Balsekar, Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi by Ramana Maharshi, The Collected Works Of Sri Ramana Maharshi By Sri Ramana Maharshi, Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle, Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Arkana) by Sri Ramana Maharshi, Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi: A Visual Journey by Ramana Maharshi, Practical Guide To Know Yourself: Conversations With Sri Ramana Maharshi by Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramana Gita by Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Arunachala: From Rigveda To Ramana Maharshi by A.R. Natarajan, True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness by Adyashanti, Spontaneous Awakening by Adyashanti, My Secret Is Silence: Poetry and sayings of Adyashanti by Adyashanti, Future of the Body by Michael Murphy (Esalen), God and the Evolving Universe by James Redfield and Michael Murphy (Esalen), Sin by Michael Murphy (Esalen), You Are That! 1 Satsang With Gangaji by Gangaji, Freedom & Resolve: The Living Edge of Surrender by Gangaji, You Are That! 2 Satsang With Gangaji by Gangaji, Just Like You: Autobiography by Gangaji, Buddha: Story of Enlightenment by Deepak Chopra, Life After Death by Deepak Chopra, Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness by Deepak Chopra, How to Know God by Deepak Chopra, Deepak Chopra: Kama Sutra by Deepak Chopra, Unconditional Life by Deepak Chopra, Magical Mind, Magical Body by Deepak Chopra, An Ancient, Magical Prayer by Deepak Chopra, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra, Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra, Bagavad Gita by Sri Aurobindo, Bagavad Gita And Its Message by Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems by Sri Aurobindo, Essays On The Gita by Sri Aurobindo, Essential Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi, Illuminated Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi, Soul of Rumi by Coleman Barks, A Year with Rumi by Coleman Barks, Rumi by Coleman Barks, Love Poems of Rumi by Jelaluddin Rumi, Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi, Teachings of Rumi by Andrew Harvey, Rumi: New Rumi Poems by Coleman Barks, Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh, Taming the Tiger Within by Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love by Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha Mind, Buddha Body: Walking Toward Enlightenment by Thich Nhat Hanh, Mindful Living: Teachings on Love, Mindfulness, and Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh, Present Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh, Energy of Prayer: Deepen Spiritual Practice by Thich Nhat Hanh, Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh, Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda, Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality by Carlos Castenada, Power of Silence by Carlos Castenada, Shamanic Journeying by Sandra Ingerman, Sacred Mirrors: Visionary Art of Alex Grey by Alex Grey (Gray), Ken Wilber (Wilbur), Transfigurations by Alex Grey (Gray), Visions by Alex Grey (Gray), Visionary Artist by Alex Grey (Gray), Pathways to Bliss by Joseph Campbell, Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, Inward Journey by Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light by Joseph Campbell, Masks of God by Joseph Campbell, Kryon by Lee Carroll, Parable of Kryon by Lee Carroll, Alchemy of the Human Spirit (Kryon Book 3) by Lee Carroll, Don't Think Like a Human: Kryon Book 2 by Lee Carroll, Letters from Home: (Kryon, Book 7) by Lee Carroll, Lifting the Veil by Lee Carroll (Kryon), Kryon Book I: The End Times by Lee Carroll (Kryon), Ramtha by Ramtha and JZ Knight, Who Are We Really? by Ramtha amd J Z Knight, Defining The Master by Ramtha, Buddha's Neuronet for Levitation by Ramtha and JZ Knight, Crossing The River by Ramtha and JZ Knight, Earth Path by Starhawk, Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk, Earth Magic by Starhawk, Walking to Mercury by Starhawk, Twelve Wild Swans by Starhawk, Truth or Dare by Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark by Starhawk, The Alchemist by Paulo (Paul) Coelho, The Fifth mountain by Paulo (Paul) Coelho, Starlight Crystal by Christopher Pike, Zahir by Paulo (Paul) Coelho, Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass, Be Here Now by Ram Dass, Still Here by Ram Dass, Spiritual Journey by Ram Dass, Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass, Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita by Ram Dass, Essential Ram Dass by Ram Dass, Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance by Marianne Williamson, Illuminata by Marianne Williamson, Mystical Power by Marianne Williamson, Manifesting Abundance by Marianne Williamson, A Course In Miracles, A Course In Miracles, Vol. 2: Workbook, The Secret of Shambhala by James Redfield, Tenth Insight (Celestine Prophecy) by James Redfield, Celestine Vision: New Spiritual Awareness by James Redfield, Expectant Universe by James Redfield, The Biggest Secret by David Icke, And the Truth Shall Set You Free by David Icke, Heal the World by David Icke, Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, Heart of the Soul : Emotional Awareness by Gary Zukav, Mind of the Soul by Gary Zukav, Soul Stories by Gary Zukav, Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav, Soul to Soul by Gary Zukav, Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks, Ask & It Is Given by Jerry Hicks, Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Esther Hicks, The Secret Behind The Secret by Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained by Art Bell, The Coming Global Superstorm by Art Bell, The Art of Talk by Art Bell (Coast To Coast Radio), The Quickening by Art Bell, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Become What You Are by Alan W. Watts, Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts, Tao by Alan Watts, Nature, Man and Woman by Alan W. Watts, Light on Pranayama by D. K. Iyengar, Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, science of pranayama by Sivananda, Yoga: Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, Kriyas by Vivekananda Kendra, Pranayama Yoga: The Art of Relaxation by Yogini Sunita, Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life by Santideva, Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara (Shambhala Classics) by Shantideva, Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering by Pema Chodron, Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin (Shambhala Dragon Editions) by John Blofeld, Taking the Bodhisattva Vow by Bokar Rinpoche, Bodhisattva Vow: A Sourcebook by Chogyam Trungpa, Truth Is by H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji), Papaji: Interviews by H. W. L Poonja (Papaji), Fire of Freedom, Satsang with Papaji by David Godman, Wake Up and Roar: Satang With H. W. L. Poonja by H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji), Writing Spirit by Lynn V. Andrews, Medicine Woman by Lynn V. Andrews, Spirit Woman by Lynn V. Andrews, Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel by Lynn A. Andrews, Love and Power by Lynn V. Andrews, Star Woman by Lynn V. Andrews, Mask of Power: Discovering Your Sacred Self by Lynn V. Andrews, Secrets & Mysteries of the World by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Sylvia Browne's Book of Angels by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Visits from the Afterlife by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Insight: Case Files from the Psychic World by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Adventures of a Psychic by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Sylvia Browne's Book of Dreams by Sylvia Browne (Brown), Invisible Landscape by Terence Mckenna, Food of the Gods by Terence Mckenna, Indigo Children by Lee Carroll, Beyond the Indigo Children by P. M. H. Atwater, Anger and the Indigo Child by Dianne Lancaster, Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children by Peggy Day and Susan Gale, Crystal Children by Doreen Virtue, Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Power of Unconditional Love by Ken Keyes, Hundredth Monkey by Ken Keyes, Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky, Satsang with Eckhart Tolle, Satsang with Papaji, Satsang with Gangaji, Satsang with Nisargadatta Satsang with Prajnaji, Satsang with Pyar, The Holy Science by Swami Sri Yukteswar, Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolynn (Carolyn) Myss, Sacred Contracts by Carolynn (Carolyn) Myss, Urban Shaman, Play of Consciousness - Swami Muktananda's autobiography, Bhagawan Nityananda Of Ganeshpuri by Swami Muktananda, Mukteshwari by Swami Muktananda, From the Finite to the Infinite by Swami Muktananda, I Am That: The Science of Hamsa by Swami Muktananda, Meditate by Swami Muktananda, Secret of the Siddhas by Swami Muktananda, Swami Muktananda Paramahansa: The Saint and His Mission by Amma, Kundalini Secret of Life by Muktananda, Nawa Yogini Tantra by Swami Muktananda, Reflections of the Self by Swami Muktananda, Immortal Light: Ammachi's Advice to Families, Messages from Amma: In the Language of the Heart, Path of the Mother: With the Divine Guidance of the Holy Mother, Ammachi, Ammachi: A Living Saint by Judith Cornell, Ammachi (Hugging Saint) by Swami Amritaswarupananda, Amma: Healing the Heart of the World by Judith Cornell, Amma's Cookbook: From Indian Village to Internet by Amma, Amma by Judith Cornell ...

AUTHORS, GURUS, AND SPIRITUAL TEACHERS: Deepak Chopra, Eckhart (Eckert, Eckart) Tolle (Toll), Carolynn Myss, Louise Hay, Byron Katie, Gangaji / Papaji / Ramana, Adyashanti, Shakti Gawain, Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Greg Braden, Barbara Brennan, Dan Millman, Neale Donald Walsh, Silvia Brown, Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer, Richard Bach and many many more!
MOVIES/TV: The Secret, What the Bleep, Indigo Child, (Children) Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Supernatural, Heroes, What Dreams May Come, Waking Life, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gandhi, City of Angels, Pleasantville, What The Bleep Do We Know, The Secret DVD, The Secret Movie, The Lord of the Rings series, Return of the King (Lord Of The Rings) JRR Tolkein, The Two Towers, (Lord Of The Rings), The Ring JRR Tolkein (Lord Of The Rings) JRR Tolkein, Harry Potter series, The Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter), John Edwards psychic medium TV series, Oprah TV show, An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown ...
MUSIC: Carlos Nakai, Watermark by Enya, Caribean Blue by Enya, Only Time, by Enya, Deep Forest, Loreena Mckennit, Kirtans, Starseed, Shanti, Om Shanti, Deeva Premal, Girish, Durga Das, Karnamrita Dasi, Jaya Lakshmi, Matishayu, Krishna Das, Donna Delory, Sada Sat Kaur, Jai Uttal, Jayalakshmi, Namaste, Shantala, Rasa, Radhe Singh Kaur, Andreas Vollenweider, Under The Mountain And Into The Cave by Andreas Vollenweider ...
RETREAT CENTERS, ETC: Mount Madonna, Esalen, Breitenbush Hot Springs, Harbin Hot Springs, Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, Conscious Living Expo, Whole Life Expo, Findhorn, Sedona, Vortex, Mount Shasta, Mt. Shasta, Omega Institute in Reinbeck, NY,
MISC: Hay House Foundation, Seva,

Sounds Like: Meditation CDs, Meditation Music , Guided Meditation, Guided Imagery
MUSIC: Carlos Nakai, Watermark by Enya, Caribean Blue by Enya, Only Time, by Enya, Deep Forest, Loreena Mckennit, Kirtans, Starseed, Shanti, Om Shanti, Deeva Premal, Girish, Durga Das, Karnamrita Dasi, Jaya Lakshmi, Matishayu, Krishna Das, Donna Delory, Sada Sat Kaur, Jai Uttal, Jayalakshmi, Namaste, Shantala, Rasa, Radhe Singh Kaur, Andreas Vollenweider, Under The Mountain And Into The Cave by Andreas Vollenweider ...

Record Label: University Of Metaphysical Sciences
Type of Label: None