I read cards: The Faerie's Oracle, and Osho Zen. And practicing Reiki. I'm a natural healer, being an angel and all :) I've also been getting into numbers. 0 – Timelessness, super consciousness, God. 1 – Beginnings, origins, conception, individuality, the ego. 2 – Union, partnership, two halves of a whole, coming together, duality — male, female, yin and yang, good and evil. 3 – Life, inner strength, creativity, planning, developing, constructing, striving, the divine Trinity, past present and future, mother father and child. 4 – Stability, work, labor, structure, foundation, earthly things, the cube, the square. Being satiated. 5 – Action, change of course, daring and bold nature, the five human senses, material excess, Man and primal urges. In occultism, think of the pentagram. 6 – Tranquility, harmony, balance, love, perfection, things are flowing and being in the flow. 7 – High spiritual achievement, mental perfection. Other sources define 7 as the waiting period, being stuck, unable to move forward, a time of evaluation, the unstable period before inevitable change…think of Genesis – and on the seventh day, God rested. 8 – Power, authority, will, material gains, success, energy, karma, entering a new phase. The sign for “infinity†is a figure 8 tipped on its side. 9 – Endings, rebirth, reformation, recovery, things coming full circle. The circle is 360 degrees — 3 + 6 + 0 = 9. 10 – Closure of a cycle, transformation, beginning anew, possibly on a higher level. Also, computer binary code, indicative of “a programâ€, is the repeating 10101010. 11 – The initiate, mastery of a domain, spirituality, enlightenment, potential to achieve. Many MANY people have reported consistently spotting a variation of this, which is 11:11, namely on clocks. Two interesting theories include 11:11 being a trigger code to wake us up and raise ourselves out of the illusion; or, being in the flow and on the right track, with things lining up, as evidenced by the parallel line structure of 1111. In trying to figure out how people came to decide that 11:11 is a “trigger code†of some sort, I came across a definition of the number 11 in Mary Summer Rain’s “Guide to Dream Symbols†book. She claims that 11 represents misplaced values. I thought that was interesting since she’s pretty much the only source saying this. If 11 represents misplaced values, then getting 11:11’d could be a reminder to rethink our values and strive for something better. 12 – Spiritual strength, divine protection. It’s a related form of 3, since when it’s broken down, 1 + 2 equals 3. 13 – Obstacles to overcome, death, destruction, end and beginning. 28 – The moon cycle, the feminine cycle. 28 is 2 + 8, which is 10. Think of the meaning of the number 10 and how it matches with the concept of the moon and feminine cycles. 33 – High potential, mastery of spiritual consciousness. The 33rd rite of the Scottish rite of Freemasonry is the highest level one can achieve. Jesus died at 33. (but then again, the bible was supposedly re-written by Freemasons who inserted that in. ;) ) I love to draw and paint. LOVE web comics: Penny-Arcade, PVPonline, VG Cats, OOTS, Devil's Pantie's, and Wapsi Square. Those people are all gods and one day I'll be one too...maybe. If I feel like it. I also love comic books: X-Men, Soul Fire, Fables, and Kabuki is my favorite. I also like to play guitar. I get to start learning all over again since I had hand surgery. And since surgery I also haven't been able to go rock climbing, biking, or yoga (at least sun salutations).I loooove henna art and also do mendhi. I love to belly dance and sing where no one can see me and I believe I'm pretty damn good.Oh, and I love to game. My favs are mmorpgs, fantasy, and fighting games. I'm currently playing Lord of the Rings Online, it's AMAZING! I WAS playing WOW for a while.
Buddah, Jesus, cool aliens, angels, Lisa Gerard, Lorenna McKennitt, Angelina Jolie (yummie), Barbara Brennan, Neal Donald Walsh, Jennie Beeden, my real dad, mermaids, Tolkien, Sark, Oprah, Sigur Ros, and I'm sure there's many more that I can't think of.
I like practicly everything except most rap and country. LOTR soundtracks (those voices are soo beautiful). Lorenna McKennit has the voice of an old world gypsy. I love classical, especially violin, guitar, and flute. Phish, is one of my all-time favorites. Did I forget to mention I toured with them?I also love Tori Amos, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, old No Doubt, Sigur Ros, Dead Can Dance, Ben Harper, Dave Matthews Band, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Gorrillas...I can keep going.
The Life Aquatic, The Big Labousky(can't spell) is a classic, The Life of Brian, The Search for the Holy Grail. The Last Unicorn, Unico, Hook, and Fern Gully are my childhood favorites.All the Lord of the Rings movies. Narnia rocked the casbah. Harry Potter feeds my imagination. The Iron Giant I just watched and I cried. The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The Corpse Bride. Also What The Bleep and The Secret.I can't leave out The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh, and all the Hayao Miyazaki animes...Oh, I just watched V for Vendetta and that's my new favorite. I love movies...except for all the crappy ones.
I'm not watching TV right now, but when I was it was all Adult Swim's Venture Brother's, Robot Chicken, Space Ghost, Full Metal Alchemist, Aqua Teen Hungar Force...I'm sure I'm forgetting something there. I also watched Comedy Central's The Daily Show, The Steven Colbert Report, Deadwood, Animal Planet, and Spongebob Squarepants. hehe.oh, and I can't forget Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Jack, Chappell Show, & The Simpson's.
My favorites are Converstions With God (life altering book that is a must),The LOTR books, the Wheel of Time series, Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue, all the Harry Potter books, The Artist's Way,and Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan. Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. I love books. Especially all the inspiring ones. Lately I've been reading The Lightworker's Way by Doreen Virtue and The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion.
Doreen Virtue, Barbara Brennan, teresaflowers.com, Psylocke, Annabeth and Megan (a.k.a Megabeth), Lisa Gerard, Marlo Morgan, Neal Donald Walsh, Margaret Naylor, Angie (you Genius you!), and Mary Tebbs.