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Mr Shuffler


About Me

My name is Mr Shuffler.
I was born on January 1, 1977.
I am a Capricorn, Fire, Dragon.
EXTE – THE UNION is my manifesto.

I have accepted that I am but one man with but one life. I have further accepted that I cannot change the direction of the wind, or cause sustenance to fall from the sky. I know that I want, and I know that everybody else wants too. I am in no doubt that it is a “dog eat dog world”.

From as early as I can remember, like all ‘good’ boys, I was continually told to look after my little sister. This became my evidence that humans had been creating stockpiles of riches on the basis of ‘greed’ or ‘fear’ since the beginning of time. But once I learned that the greatest riches were the ones most tainted by blood and screams, I could not be encouraged to seek wealth.

I grew quietly, observing myself and others, until some of the others developed technology that could indeed cause sustenance to fall from the sky. At that time I learned the truth, in that the laws and statutes merely facilitated the most ‘fearful’ and ‘greedy’ in remaining politically powerful relative to all wealth. Because I was born without apparent political influence, I still could not look after my little sister.

Following what I thought was my most desperate time, during that period when all becomes still, I began to contemplate. Eventually I realised that ‘I’ had become ‘We’ and ‘We’ had evolved.

EXTE’s Re-finitions – Evolution

Evolution = The augmentation of an entity (humans) to better survive expected conditions. Evolutionary Equity = The only known prerequisites for evolution are stimuli and time. Evolutionary Evidence = Evidence of evolution is only arguable when the majority of occurrences of an entity uniformly display the related augmentation.

EXTE’s Refinitions – Evolution of The Human Mind

Individual: “I must gather what I need. This is necessary for survival.” – Probable advent of Communication. Group Based Individual: “We can gather what we need. This would be more effective.” - Probable advent of Trust/evolution of Communication. Strategist Individual: “I can gather what others take. This would be more effective.” – Probable advent of Weapons/evolution of Communication. Group Based Strategist Individual: “We must protect against danger from rouge individuals, or groups, who can take what our group gathers. This will not be more effective, but it is necessary for survival.” - Probable advent of political systems/evolution of Communication. Artistic Individual: “Everything has been gathered, and it is a dog eat dog world. I can create some new small thing of relative value to others. This will probably be no more effective that gathering was, but it is necessary for survival.” – Probable advent of small-scale innovation/evolution of Communication. Strategist Artistic Individual: Everything has been gathered. I have learned to survive through creating small things. I can create some new big thing of relative value to others. This would be more effective.” - Probable advent of large-scale innovation/evolution of Communication. Group-Based Strategist Artistic Individual: “Everything has been gathered and largly consumed. The markets appear both saturated and dominated as a result of ‘greed’ and ‘fear’. Our creations have no value except to each other. We must work together if we are to avoid extinction.” – [Probable advent of Generation Why?/evolution of Communication]

It is clear that the threat of human extinction has continually evolved and that Communication has evolved accordingly. It is also clear that the human mind has also evolved to meet the investment requirements of each new form of Communication. On this basis it is easy for me to Trust that Communication is the anti-thesis to every perceivable human extinction.

It is difficult to eat without navigating economic systems, but I know that my purpose is within Communication, rather that economic strategy. This is my justification for declaring myself an Artist.

EXTE’s Refinitions - What is Art?

Work of Art = The Communication of a material or conceptual entity by a human. Good Art = A work of art that finds an audience and stimulates further Communication. Artistic Value = The relative increase in an audience’s Communication regarding a work of Art’s subject matter as a direct result of that work of Art. Artistic Critique = A political mechanism for relating good Art and Artistic value to Global economics.

I Love my son and Love my world-wide family. Read my blogs, view my pics, take in my tunes and watch my vids, then tell a friend, and share some Love by leaving a comment.
Mr Shuffler

Click here to link to The Music Of Mr Shuffler

My Interests

Civilisation building. Raising the children. Ms Right.

Mr Shuffler's Blog Index
Last view count - 12983

101/1 - Mr Shuffler's Myspace Coding
(Click to read)

101/2 - Interview With Mr Shuffler by Oatmeal (Pt 1)
(Click to read)

101/3 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Part 1 – Man Knows God, Man Knows Love, Man Knows Fear
(Click to read)

101/4 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Parts 2&3 – Man Knows Greed, Man Knows Trust
(Click to read)

101/5 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Part 4 –Man Knows War. Man Knows Creativity
(Click to read)

101/6 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Part 5 - Man Finds The Truth Of ‘Team’ In The Proof Of Time
(Click to read)

101/7 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Parts 6, 7 & 8 - Man Knows The Two Truths Of Man. Man Knows The Beginning Of Evil
(Click to read)

101/8 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – Parts 9 & 10 - Application Of Fact. Application of Logic (Pt1)
(Click to read)

101/9 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part2)
(Click to read)

101/10 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part3)
(Click to read)

101/11 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part4)
(Click to read)

101/12 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part5)
(Click to read)

101/13 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part6)
(Click to read)

101/14 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part7&8)
(Click to read)

101/15 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - Application Of Logic (Part9)
(Click to read)

101/16 - A Condensed History Of The (Male) World – 10 - The End of The Beginning
(Click to read)

101/17 - Interview With Mr Shuffler by Oatmeal (Pt 2)

202/1 - Who is Mr Shuffler and why is he here?
(Click to read)

202/2 - Mr Shuffler. Inspiration, hating, or the birth of a nation?
(Click to read)

202/3 - Are you feeling religious?
(Click to read)

202/4 - How To Keep Love In The Family
(Click to read)

202/5– Camden Council Accessible Transport Service - Illuminati Illuminated. Nowhere to hide.
(Click to read)

202/6 - Local Government: The Sound Of The Future
(Click to read)

202/7 - Mr Shuffler’s Q & A – Platonic Relationships?
(Click to read)

202/8 - Mr Shuffler’s Q & A - Local media?
(click to read)

202/9 - Hiphop is dead… Rap is just a technique… Long live EXTE - The Union

202/10 - An ode to my Myspace fam…

202/11 - Mr Shuffler’s Q & A - Body Language?

202/12 - Muse. Views. Use. Juice?
(click to read)

303/1 - Sing-Along CV's - Itch FM
(Click to read)

303/2 - Warning to the power mongers and all their crack rappers
(Click to read)

303/3 - Clean money?
(Click to read)

303/4 - No Point Denying The Myspace Jumpoff
(Click to read)

303/5 - Early To Bed, Early To Rise Is The Plan
(Click to read)

303/6 - Why do I got to wade through pages of wack (crack) rappers?
(Click to read)

303/7 - Myspace Jumpoff? Loyalty In Love At 2am
(Click to read)

303/8 - If I Am A Lyrical Heavyweight, Then Let Time Be The Judge
(Click to read)

303/8.5 - Wanna See Me Knock A Nigga Out? - Explicit
(click to read)

303/8.5.2 - The Aftermath
(click to read)

303/8.5.3 - HELP NEEDED!!!
(click to read)

303/9 - Guess who’s coming to dinner
(Click to read)

303/10 - Collabo with Matthew J Anders
(Click to read)

303/11 - I’ve posted some music... Wanna hear it?
(Click to read)

303/12 - Farming The Urban Jungle In 9
(click to read)

404/1 - No time like the present, except the future...
(Click to read)

404/2 - Birthday Wishes For Mummy
(Click to read)

404/3 - Five days to go!!!
(Click to read)

404/4 - A Special History Lesson For Babyboy
(Click to read)

404/5 - A Few Notes On Being A Man
(Click to read)

*** 404/6 - The Complete (Condensed) History of the (Male) World ***
(Click to read)

404/7 - Daddy’s gone, but not forgotten
(Click to read)

404/8 - Every adult should know at least one good children’s story...
(Click to read)


I'd like to meet:

Maybe I should be brave, step out of my comfort zone and write something like "happy people who are out for a laugh”. But I've got to keep it real. Like most Artists, my zone isn't that comfortable yet… Artists, philosophers, activists, communicators... Maybe the faces behind the Myspace pages… Producers looking for talent… Ms Me… Who knows?

Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor Map

**Email Address Input Not Required**

The New World Order (from NTLEKT

Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight (In Holland)

KRS-One & Marley Marl - Hip-Hop Lives

Kanye West ft. Rakim, Nas, & KRS One - Classic

Ghetto - Top 3 Selected

My Life Path Number is 8
My purpose in life is to help others succeed

I am both a natural leader and a natural success. I am also a great judge of character.
I have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, I can see gold where other people see nothing.

In love, I am very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.

I love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand my vision.
Great success comes easily for me. But so does great failure, as I am very reckless.
I am confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. What Is Your Life Path Number?

Dont believe it? Check it out... 1st January 1977... Or try it yourself





People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Just be glad that now there is a reason for all the friends that have come in and out of our life for a reason and for a season and be blessed that you have the ones you do for a lifetime!!!!

HUMANITY by Katy Edwards

Please hear my plea…

You do not know the things I see
The future- the things that could be
The past- only the grace of God could set you free

Listen now to your angel of light,
your shadowy spider in the night

I mean what I say and I say what I mean-
not all truth is that clean

Hear me now- do not listen to your fear
doing so makes nothing disappear

I call you now as He has called me
It is time to rise above what you have been taught to be


Good friends and nice long chatts
Drinking iced tea and just sitting back
Thinking about days that have come and gone
Living, laughing and just moving on
Playing flashlight tag in the back yard
Remembering life is not that hard
Making it through day by day
Trying again when you have lost your way
Take the time to see the sights
Go for long romantic walks in the moon light
Hold the hand of someone you love
Count your blessings and thank the Lord above
Lifes not perfect and never will be
But it is always what you make it, so make it happy

My love runs deep and will always be true
Need a hand? I am here to help you
Call my name and I will come without hesitation
I will play no games, you'll need no reservations
Through all this randomness thrown on the screen
I hope you can follow and get what I mean
Hold fast to your real friends, they're hard to find
Be quick to love and quicker to forgive, keep an open mind
Remember you dreams, dont let them go
Never give up till you reach your goal
Someone out there is waiting for you to show them the way
I think you understand what I am trying to say
Let me see if I can sum this up in one meaning
Live large, Laugh hard, and never regret anything...


I won't even begin to tell you how many times over the last few weeks I have tried to put pen to paper to create some great blog for you…but I couldn't get past the first few lines. My intentions we stuck somewhere between the lines and I'd eventually just hit cancel.

But I guess in life there are times when we all feel like we don't have much to give, much to say…

But the past few days I have been reminded of my purpose. Reminded of my gifts and talents and encouraged to move past my little writers block. I guess even the strongest of the strong need a little push sometimes. I can't even count how many times I have been told I am being used, that I am a vessel, a healer…that I have such an impact with my words…but even for me that is hard to comprehend sometimes.

That's the beautiful irony I suppose of my calling. That I may never know the hearts that have been touched, that I may never fully understand the lives I inspire…

But here's the best part that really just revealed itself to me…that is so for all of us. I am no different, no more special, my gift places me no higher than anyone else…we all have these benefits to bring to the lives of the people we meet. We all have opportunities to enhance and encourage at any given moment of the day.

Not just on myspace, not just to friends and family…but to all. The strangers that cross our paths are not strangers at all. For in life there truly are no coincidences. No random happenings…its what you do with those opportunities that determines your next step…

To accept your place in life is to be happy right where you are…if you never took another step forward would you be okay being you at this very second? A few weeks ago I almost would've said no because I know there is more for me to accomplish in this life…but when I take a second look I remember the little things, the beautiful things that I do daily to set myself apart.

Your biggest challenge in life is SELF. There is really no other battle.

The mastery of self leads to the mastery of life.

And the mastery of life is no promise of only good things to come…

But it is the inner standing that you are seated securely in the peace of your spirit.

Seated peacefully in the seat of your soul…

Where even the darkest of troubles will not harm you…

As they fade gently into the night with your faith and understanding…

Press forward to the light and do not look back.

This is my love to you

CALL FOR HELP by Zen-1 (UK Stand up! - Click to read)


UK music all day, or any music that borders on art. Particular artists? Skinnyman, Klashnekoff, KRS1, Bob Marley, Dead Prez, Amy Whinehouse, Finley Quaye, Floetry, Talib Kweli, Nas, YoYo Ma, Jahiem, Jodeci, Jadakiss, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Jehst, Wiley, Jimi Hendrix,...


Films I like to like = Roots, Naqoyqatsi, Akira, Scarface/The Godfather/Belly, Eddie Murphy's Delirious, The Lion King 1/2/3 etc... Films I like to hate = How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Terminator 3, Eddie Murphy's Raw, I Got The Hook Up etc ...


Anything educational... Or funny. Treat TV like weed. It rarely truly helps your life. Go easy, it can seem like fun until it gets addictive!... Having said that, I can't get enough of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Come Dine With Me, Heroes, BBC Schools TV...


Mine obviously!
My company is called Making Shift Happen.
The word shift means to put aside something and replace it by another or others or to move from one place, position, person, to another or to manage to get along or succeed by oneself.
If you have a story but don't want to write it, contact me, we can do an interview by phone, you can tell me the story, and I can record it with your permission. Then I can transcript it. You would get the final read before it printed.
The book will be focused on SHIFT. What has happened in your life to cause the biggest change - the biggest turnaround- the biggest push forward? I'm looking for something raw, something truthful, something unique, something funny.....and I want it all, I'm deeply curious and I know others are too!
The best story earns $300 to you when the book is published.
The most referrals regarding the book to have people submit stories gets $200 when the book is published.
Come to my website for more details ( or email me. [email protected] or My goal is to have at least 300 stories submitted by Christmas.
Thanks! Michele


Tecumseh, Jimi Hendrix, Yvette :) ,...

My Blog

Poems About Growing Up...

I’m taking it one day at a time, but what other way is there...  You probably know I’ve been tagged, so maybe I’ll get to that question you’ve been itching for the answer ...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:28:00 PST

Poems About Love... And Making Love...

I’ve been gone for a minute, but I’ve been thinking about all y’all (ok... some more than others)...  No rhymes this time.  Here are some poems I penned about Love...Broken...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:53:00 PST

Horoscope News For Capricorns Only... (Courtesy of my friend Little Rocket)

Pluto is about to make a stunning move out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn on January 25. Pluto is associated with power and money, as well as with complete regeneration and renewal. As the planet f...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 07:12:00 PST

Mr Shufflers Review of 2007 (Graphic Poetry with working links)

2007 Review... Part 2 of 3 I haven't been on Myspace a year, so I can't do a full review, but I think you'll get the idea... Special shout to BEANO... Ima email you in a London minute... And Happy Bir...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:01:00 PST

Media Watch Review 2007 - Inc. Top Bogger of 2007

Mr Shuffler's Review of 2007 (3 of 3)   Media Watch 2007  12 months of 'The Media' January According to reports, there are now more CCTV cameras installed in England's major cities than in al...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 07:36:00 PST

Mr Shufflers 2007 Review (Part 1 of 3)

 (Review part 1 of 3... The formatting might get better...  :@) ...)     I wanted to do this big review of 2007. Pictures and music. Power and politics.  But I've landed ...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 05:31:00 PST

303/8.5.3 - Wanna hear some more Mr Shuffler music?

Click to listen to CHANGE IS COMING... } 8^o I've been away for a minute, but lemme know what you think of my new track...  Be kind, I only finished it a minute ago, but Im going back to re-recor...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 07:43:00 PST

Just a quick one...

I've got being carbon neutral down to a fine Art...  Now I'm aiming for karma neutral...  Any advice?
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:35:00 PST

303/15 - The Devil Doesnt Rollerblade! (Chapter 3)

The Devil Doesn't Rollerblade! - A Tale of a Single Father SOMEWHAT BASED LOOSELY ON A TRUE STORY (The DrtybstadMyspace format version)By Mr Shuffler Sasha Wyne is a happy-go-lucky guy. &nb...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:48:00 PST

303/14 - The Devil Doesnt Rollerblade! (Chapter 2)

The Devil Doesn't Rollerblade! - A Tale of a Single Father   SOMEWHAT BASED LOOSELY ON A TRUE STORY       (The Duttybstadfckrymyspace formated version - Hold ctrl and scroll m...
Posted by Mr Shuffler on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:22:00 PST