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Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for!


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This is for my niece, Stacey, paralyzed from the shoulders down now due to a drunk driver and my brother in law, Garry, killed by a drunk driver.
Garry was 18 when his life was taken away. He had finally decided he wanted to straighten out his life and finish school. I will never forget the day or the phone call as long as I live. I was engaged to be married to his brother. I had just gotten my phone and had given the number to Garry earlier in the week. Garry wanted me to cut his hair, I was sick and told him later in the week I would do it, I promise. So friday (13th) came the phone rang and it was the police. They were asking questions about Garry and I was like 'whats going on?' They told me he had been in fatal crash and they needed the family to go to the hospital. Out of the 4 guys he was the only one that knew my number and he lived just long enough to tell them to call me. He was pronounced DOS. I never dreamed in a million years that I would be cutting his hair while he laid in a casket. But I made a promise to him and I kept my promise to him even in death. I couldn't have him going to heaven w/o a haircut.
The vehicle, a red Pontiac Grand Am, was going 95 mph in a long curve when it went off the right side of the road, became airborn, broke a sign and telephone pole in half, rolled several times and came to a rest in a plowed field 200 ft away from where it went off the road. 2 of the 4 people in the car was ejected, 1 was trapped in the car, and Garry was 1/2 in and 1/2 out of the window where the car eventually ejected him and landed on top of him.
Binegar's blood alcohol level tested .173 the night of the crash. A .1 percent was legally considered to drunk to drive in 1990. He was sentenced 2-10 years in prison and his license was revoked for life. I believe he only served 2 years for this I know it wasn't a very long time. I am sure Garry would much rather be here watching all his nieces and nephews and great niece and great nephew grow up, but thanks to a poor judgement call he cant be here. Who knows maybe all these years later and thanks to myspace maybe his death will save a life somewhere and with enough myspace pages that shows the devastation and loss we can save the lives or many!

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I'd like to meet:

My beautiful niece, Stacey, was in a car wreck on 12-23-05. She let some friends convince her to ride to the corner store. Only the ride ended in tragedy. The car flipped my neice was 1/2 in 1/2 out of the hatch back in a car made for 4 and she was #5 in the middle of the back and no seatbelt. She suffered a C4 C5 neck injury and is now paralyzed from the shoulders down. Confined to a wheel chair the rest of her life.

Before the wreck

After the wreck

Leaving the hospital,for the 1st time, on a pass!


My niece is the most beautiful and amazing person you could ever know. She has been thru hell and back. Imagine one day you are homecoming queen, in college, walking, having fun, the next you can't move. Your world has been destroyed, so you think. She has so many medical expenses and has to have 24 hr care for the most part. She has to have someone help her into her chair, help her into bed, help bathe her, feed her, dress her, cath her. Your normal everyday functions from bladder to bowels now do not work and have to have help to make them work. She cant even scratch her own head when she has an itch. Stacey is a very strong willed girl and I know she can over come this with time, patience, and the love from her family. It just takes time.


Drunk Driver Kills - video powered by Metacafe


All Words & Music by Lynn Carey Saylor c Guitar Girls Dotcom Publishing, BMI

This is a mistake This is not some pre-ordained fate You should be here Instead of an endless ocean of tears

(Chorus) If I could turn back just one day I'd give anything to make it that way I'd take the keys from your hand and I'd make sure you stayed Instead I let you drive away I wasnt a friend yesterday.

I don't understand How I let this happen to you No one will forget Your life will matter This message they'll get

(Chorus) If I could turn back just one day I'd give anything to make it that way I'd take the keys from your hand and I'd make sure you stayed Instead I let you drive away I wasn't a friend yesterday.

(Bridge) There won't be the good old days Or your grown kids to praise I can't make friends with grief I don't know how I will find relief

(Chorus repeat 2x) If I could turn back just one day I'd give anything to make it that way I'd take the keys from your hand and I'd make sure you stayed

"I Wasn't A Friend" appears on the album "You Like It Clean"

SIGNED/PERSONALIZED CD's are available at





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My niece Stacey!

My Blog


There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.   Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:19:00 PST

Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

  Rules Kids Won't Learn in School Rule #1 It's not your parents' fault. If you screw up, you are responsible. This is the flip side of "It's my life," and "You're not the boss of me," and other ...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:02:00 PST

Up To You!

    It is easy to be miserable. It is just as easy to be happy.   Being miserable will nourish and support your ego. Being happy will bring peace and fulfillment to your spirit.   ...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 06:04:00 PST

Wonderful People

I think this is a great idea and a great mission you are doing i will add you for i feel that it is important to drive safe. i do not drink but fear that everyday and i hope you can succeed in your mi...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:02:00 PST

Wonderful support

..> Powerful message thank's...... Body: I'm sorry for your losse's. I lost my son because of alcohol and drugs. when I first set up his memorial page I received alot of nasty phone calls and mess...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:56:00 PST

Comments in my inbox

WOW...... I just wanted to stop by your space and leave a message...this amazes me still that people don't think before they drink and drive or abuse drugs and drive. I know IN THE PAST I have been in...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:09:00 PST

Comments from my inbox

I know you don't know who I am but I came across this page. I find it to be very powerful and wish there was a way for more people to see what can/may happen due to their stupidity. I was reading thro...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:08:00 PST

Comments from my inbox

Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:06:00 PST

Choices - What will yours be?

    Some people sit, some people try; Some people laugh, some people cry; Some people will, some people won't; Some people do, some people don't.   Some people believe, and develop a pl...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:47:00 PST

Kinda angry at the moment

When we are young we learn in school Don't do drugs, Dont drink alcohol!  So we are convinced we will never do it because the teachers said how bad it is.  Then enters Mr/Ms Peer Pressure.&n...
Posted by Is Alcohol & Drugs worth dying for! on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:39:00 PST