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Healing Touch

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~ All Are Welcome ~
I am Eagle Heart of Eagle Heart Productions. My humble gratitude to the Creator of this Great Mystery we call life.All love and thanksgiving to my daughter, grandson, family and friends who love, inspire and encourage me.Life is Art ~ I AM an Artist of the Heart I follow my heart and have always chosen a path of artistic expression to manifest what I need in my life. I am considered by many to be a 'natural healer'. WE ARE ALL HEALERS!I incorporate a variety of modalities in my work such as; Reiki, Tai Ji, consultation in nutrition and organic food dietary supplements. I am a photographer, a musician, an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. During my work I have had the honor of studying with some of the greatest masters and teachers who grace the earth. Some are with us and some have transcended on to other dimensions. I am deeply grateful to each one of them. The responsibility I carry in working with people is one that I take with extreme seriousness! If I don't have an answer, I will research until I find one. I am in constant search of truth.You are all my teachers ~ We Are OneThank you for being here and sharing your healing energy. In Peace ~
My gratitude to Tom and Myspace.com for providing this space for us to connect with one another. It is an amazing source of power! Let's respect and honor it! "The TAO is called the Great Mother; empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds. It is always present within you. You can use it any way you want." Tao de Ching ~
"Every day should be a day of thanksgiving for the gifts of life: sunshine, water and the luscious frutis and greens that are indirect gifts of the Great Giver. Thanksgiving and praise open in your consciousness the way for the spirtual growth and supply to come to you. Spirit pushes Itself out into visible manifestation as soon as a channel is opened through which It can flow. You should be thankful for everything at all times. Realize that all power to think, speak and act comes from God, and that He is with you now, guiding and inspiring you." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda The Eight Aspects of GodExcerpted from The Essence of Self-Realization by Paramhansa Yogananda"There are eight aspects in which God can be experienced: as Light, Sound, Peace, Calmness, Love, Joy, Wisdom, and Power. To experience Him as Light during meditation brings calmness to the mind, purifying it and giving it clarity. The more deeply one contemplates the inner light, the more one perceives all things as made of that light. To experience God as Sound is to commune with the Holy Ghost, or Aum, the Cosmic Vibration. When you are immersed in Aum, nothing can touch you. Aum raises the mind above the delusions of human existence, into the pure skies of divine consciousness. Peace is an early meditative experience. Peace, like a weightless waterfall, cleanses the mind of all anxiety and care, bestowing heavenly relief. Calmness is another divine experience. This aspect of God is more dynamic and more powerful than that of Peace. Calmness gives the devotee power to overcome all the obstacles in his life. Even in human affairs, the person who can remain calm under all circumstances is invincible. Love is another aspect of God–not personal love, but Love infinite. Those who live in ego-consciousness think of impersonal love as cold and abstract. But divine love is all-absorbing, and infinitely comforting. It is impersonal only in the sense that it is utterly untainted by selfish desire. The unity one finds in divine love is possible only to the soul. It cannot be experienced by the ego. Joy is another aspect of God. Divine joy is like millions of earthly joys crushed into one. The quest for human happiness is like looking around for a candle while sitting out of doors in the sun. Divine joy surrounds us eternally, yet people look to mere things for their happiness. Mostly, all they find is relief from emotional or physical pain. But divine joy is the blazing Reality. Before it, earthly joys are but shadows. Wisdom is intuitive insight, not intellectual understanding. The difference between human and divine wisdom is that the human mind comes at things indirectly, from without. The scientist, for example, investigates the atom objectively. But the yogi becomes the atom. Divine perception is always from within. From within alone can a thing be understood in its true essence. Power, finally, is that aspect of God which creates and runs the universe. Imagine what power it took to bring the galaxies into existence! Masters manifest some of that power in their lives. The expression, 'Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,' describes only one side of Jesus' nature. The other side was revealed in the power with which he drove the moneychangers from the temple. Just think what magnetism it took to combat single-handedly all those men, entrenched as they were in habits and desires that had been sanctioned by ancient custom! People are often appalled by the power they see expressed in the lives of saints. But remember, you will never find God until you are very strong in yourself. Power may exercise less appeal on your mind than other aspects of God, but it is important to realize that divine power, too, is a part of your divine nature. Whatever aspect of God you experience in meditation, never keep it contained in the little chalice of your consciousness, but try always to expand that experience to infinity."
"A master teaches us to accept everything,to be thankful for good and bad, right and wrong,friend and enemy, helper and abuser, liberator and oppressor.A master helps us to forget the dark pastand the future bright with a thousand promises,and live in the fullness of the present moment.A master shows us how all of Nature,every being, every thing - even our enemy -helps us evolve and attain perfection."~Amma~

My Interests

"I will be happy forever Nothing will hinder me I walk with beauty before me I walk with beauty behind me I walk with beauty above me I walk with beauty below me I walk with beauty around me My words will be beautiful" ~ from the Navajo Blessingway

The more deeply one contemplates the inner light, the more one perceives all things as made of that light. ~ Paramahansa Yoganada

My Grandson, ELIJAH DALLAS...EAGLE DANCER teacher of love... joy...light... ONENESS ...presents the question ... HOW DO YOU CATCH A RAINBOW?

"The common expression is 'I love you.' But instead of 'I love you,' it would be better to say, 'I am love — I am the embodiment of pure love.' Remove the I and you, and you will find that there is only love. It is as if love is imprisoned between the I and you. Remove the I and you, for they are unreal; they are self-imposed walls that don't exist. The gulf between I and you is the ego. When the ego is removed the distance disappears and the I and you also disappear. They merge to become one — and that is love. You lend the I and you their reality. Withdraw your support and they will disappear. Then you will realise, not that 'I love you,' but that 'I am that all-embracing love.'" ~Amma

My passion for healing comes from the heart. Love is the healer.Having seen the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", I more clearly understand that the well being of our Earth Mother and our human bodies is one and the same. It is synergistic! Healing begins with the mind knowing we are love. If we start from this place, we will heal ourselves and our Earth. Our enviroment is compromised, our minds are comprised, our diets are compromised. Somewhere along the way, we became lazy. We wanted life to be "convenient". In accepting this thinking, we allowed the enviroment of our body and Earth to be compromised. Since the 1950's our world and our bodies have become polluted with chemicals. Since the 1970's the use of chemicals has increased 100%. Furthermore, 60% of babies are born premature. Neither our bodies nor the Earth can contain homeostasis (well being) any longer with the use of these chemicals. THE TIME FOR COMPROMISE HAS PASSED! Healing is universal. Each one of us is responsible for our health, the health of our earth to sustain our lives and that of our children and grandchildren. It is up to us to be aware and informed. Ask questions, find truth! What we think, breathe, eat and do to ourselves we do to the Earth and what we do to the Earth we do to ourselves.The information I gather repeatedly validates the requirement for balance of mind, body and spirit. My focus and commitment is to practice universal healing. A very important part of my work is in nutrition. This includes organic cultured whole food supplements. 16 years ago I learned of the company 'New Chapter', founded by Paul Schulick, master herbalist/natural healer. The research and science integrated with the wisdom of nature is astounding. Nancy Angelini, ND, Ph.D, National Director of Education & Training for New Chapter is a constant wealth of information. My life has been graced by this radiant lady. First and foremost she is my friend; a gift of heart, elegance and carries crucial knowledge for the survival of all life. I am grateful and enriched to be part of this cutting edge work of healing with the wisdom of nature. I highly recommend New Chapter become a daily part of your regimen. I speak with confidence, personal experience and the testimony of hundreds having been supported in changing their homeostasis. New Chapter.info"Do not believe in anything(simply) because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything(simply) because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis,when you find that anything agrees with reasonand is conducive to the goodand benefit of one and allthen accept it and live up to it."~Buddha

I'd like to meet:

Find peace in your heart and it will spread over the world. The effect of it is strong and immediate. Keep your quiet centre, and stand for peace instead of fighting for peace. We can do it.Yoko Ono, 2002

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. ~ Mother Teresa


"Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for todayImagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace...You may say I'm a dreamerbut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usImagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world....You may say I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will live as one" ~ John Lennon

"Limitless undying love that shines around me like a million suns It calls me on and on Across the Universe"~ John Lennon, 1968


All things in this creation exist within you, and all things in you exist in creation; there is no border between you and the closest things, and there is no distance between you and the farthest things, and all things, from the lowest to the loftiest, from the smallest to the greatest, are within you as equal things. In one atom are found all the elements of the earth; in one motion of the mind are found the motions of all the laws of existence; in one drop of water are found the secrets of all the endless oceans; in one aspect of you are found all the aspects of existence...[Thus] "Your life has no end, and you shall live forevermore."~ Kahlil Gibran


THE TREES ARE TEACHERSEarth Medicine By Jamie Sams "The trees are called Standing People because they are our teachers. They do not walk about like human beings, but they do hold the energy of the Earth and Sky. The roots of the trees go deep into our Mother Earth, and the branches reach for the sunlight high in the sky. These teachers of the woods show humankind how to balance the male and female energies present in every human being. Through their example, we can learn how to give and receive. The trees are firmly grounded in the Earth and reaching for the heavens with their brances, showing human beings how to be bridges between the tangible and nontangible worlds. The balanace of demonstrative and receptive is found in the heart of humans and in the trunk of the trees. These living examples of balance allow humankind to discover the flow of life force that brings inner peace. It is circular and flows up through the roots to the top of the branches, traveling down to the roots again, a recycling of energy.When we can see the energy coursing through our bodies, like the circular flow of the trees being fed by the Earth, we can find balance. When we accomplish this task, we no longer leak, waste, or misuse or energy because it is constantly being recycled."
Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon Cycle, She Who Heals, shows humankind that every act of life is a cycle or step on the path to healing. When we learn how to let go of our need to hold onto the past, we heal our formerly limited potential for growth. When we find courage and faith inside ourselves, we can heal our fear of future. When we refuse to mentally degrade ourselves or another, the mind clears and allows us to be present ~ conscious of everything that is happening in the moment. THese are all examples of healing the fragments of our lives that need to come into wholeness. When we go beyond the places where we have become numb, we feel life again. When we learn to feel again, we can heal." ~ Jamie Sams


My niece ~ Spirit Lady Hawk aka Sheri Clark ~ Listening to her spirit's guidance ~ offering a 'healing touch' to this golden eagle ~ ultimately saving its (her) life.

My Blog

1 Million Mothers Needed to Create A Miracle For Mothers In Need

Greeting to All ~I work very closely with New Chapter. Tarini is a woman of great heart and integrity. I support her in this effort and invite each and every one to contribute * $ 1.00 * and pass this...
Posted by Healing Touch on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:45:00 PST

Eagle Mended ... Ready to be Released

http://www.oregonlive.com/oregonian/stories/index.ssf?/base/ living/1178767521105360.xml&coll=7&thispage=1  The Golden Eagle has healed and is ready to fly.  My niece will open the ca...
Posted by Healing Touch on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

Rescue of A Golden Eagle

 This is an amazing true story experienced by my niece.  With her permission, I share it with you. Peace ~ Healing Touch What An Experience!!! April 12, 2007 From Spirit Lady Hawk AKA Sheri...
Posted by Healing Touch on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST

Sign Citizen's Petition

..> ..> I invite you to please take the time to go to the website and sign this petition pertaining to our freedom of health. www.HealthFreedomUSA.org In Peace, Eagle Heart   Sign the Citizen's...
Posted by Healing Touch on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 12:47:00 PST

NY University Law Review Criticises Codex

New York University Law Review Criticises Codex By Paul Anthony Taylor A paper published in 2006 in the New York University Law Review, a respected academic journal, examines the increasing prominenc...
Posted by Healing Touch on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 08:02:00 PST