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I am Eagle Heart of Eagle Heart Productions. My humble gratitude to the Creator of this Great Mystery we call life.All love and thanksgiving to my daughter, grandson, family and friends who love, inspire and encourage me.Life is Art ~ I AM an Artist of the Heart I follow my heart and have always chosen a path of artistic expression to manifest what I need in my life. I am considered by many to be a 'natural healer'. WE ARE ALL HEALERS!I incorporate a variety of modalities in my work such as; Reiki, Tai Ji, consultation in nutrition and organic food dietary supplements. I am a photographer, a musician, an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. During my work I have had the honor of studying with some of the greatest masters and teachers who grace the earth. Some are with us and some have transcended on to other dimensions. I am deeply grateful to each one of them. The responsibility I carry in working with people is one that I take with extreme seriousness! If I don't have an answer, I will research until I find one. I am in constant search of truth.You are all my teachers ~ We Are OneThank you for being here and sharing your healing energy. In Peace ~
My gratitude to Tom and for providing this space for us to connect with one another. It is an amazing source of power! Let's respect and honor it! "The TAO is called the Great Mother; empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds. It is always present within you. You can use it any way you want." Tao de Ching ~
"Every day should be a day of thanksgiving for the gifts of life: sunshine, water and the luscious frutis and greens that are indirect gifts of the Great Giver. Thanksgiving and praise open in your consciousness the way for the spirtual growth and supply to come to you. Spirit pushes Itself out into visible manifestation as soon as a channel is opened through which It can flow. You should be thankful for everything at all times. Realize that all power to think, speak and act comes from God, and that He is with you now, guiding and inspiring you." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda The Eight Aspects of GodExcerpted from The Essence of Self-Realization by Paramhansa Yogananda"There are eight aspects in which God can be experienced: as Light, Sound, Peace, Calmness, Love, Joy, Wisdom, and Power. To experience Him as Light during meditation brings calmness to the mind, purifying it and giving it clarity. The more deeply one contemplates the inner light, the more one perceives all things as made of that light. To experience God as Sound is to commune with the Holy Ghost, or Aum, the Cosmic Vibration. When you are immersed in Aum, nothing can touch you. Aum raises the mind above the delusions of human existence, into the pure skies of divine consciousness. Peace is an early meditative experience. Peace, like a weightless waterfall, cleanses the mind of all anxiety and care, bestowing heavenly relief. Calmness is another divine experience. This aspect of God is more dynamic and more powerful than that of Peace. Calmness gives the devotee power to overcome all the obstacles in his life. Even in human affairs, the person who can remain calm under all circumstances is invincible. Love is another aspect of God–not personal love, but Love infinite. Those who live in ego-consciousness think of impersonal love as cold and abstract. But divine love is all-absorbing, and infinitely comforting. It is impersonal only in the sense that it is utterly untainted by selfish desire. The unity one finds in divine love is possible only to the soul. It cannot be experienced by the ego. Joy is another aspect of God. Divine joy is like millions of earthly joys crushed into one. The quest for human happiness is like looking around for a candle while sitting out of doors in the sun. Divine joy surrounds us eternally, yet people look to mere things for their happiness. Mostly, all they find is relief from emotional or physical pain. But divine joy is the blazing Reality. Before it, earthly joys are but shadows. Wisdom is intuitive insight, not intellectual understanding. The difference between human and divine wisdom is that the human mind comes at things indirectly, from without. The scientist, for example, investigates the atom objectively. But the yogi becomes the atom. Divine perception is always from within. From within alone can a thing be understood in its true essence. Power, finally, is that aspect of God which creates and runs the universe. Imagine what power it took to bring the galaxies into existence! Masters manifest some of that power in their lives. The expression, 'Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,' describes only one side of Jesus' nature. The other side was revealed in the power with which he drove the moneychangers from the temple. Just think what magnetism it took to combat single-handedly all those men, entrenched as they were in habits and desires that had been sanctioned by ancient custom! People are often appalled by the power they see expressed in the lives of saints. But remember, you will never find God until you are very strong in yourself. Power may exercise less appeal on your mind than other aspects of God, but it is important to realize that divine power, too, is a part of your divine nature. Whatever aspect of God you experience in meditation, never keep it contained in the little chalice of your consciousness, but try always to expand that experience to infinity."
"A master teaches us to accept everything,to be thankful for good and bad, right and wrong,friend and enemy, helper and abuser, liberator and oppressor.A master helps us to forget the dark pastand the future bright with a thousand promises,and live in the fullness of the present moment.A master shows us how all of Nature,every being, every thing - even our enemy -helps us evolve and attain perfection."~Amma~