Cyril Calderon Walker profile picture

Cyril Calderon Walker

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Awareness, Spreading Environmental Awareness. Being good to myself, Karma, Surfing, Encounters with whales and dolphins and all wildlife, I love all things about the Ocean, Harvesting Sea Glass, Hot sand under the toes, Creating Art, Yoga, Meditating,The time 3:00 AM, Nag Champa, The Full Moon, Moonbows, Star Gazing, Meteor Showers, Skateboarding, Skateboarding is not a crime, All music and my strange passion for opera, Dancing, Camping, A good fire, Sleeping out under the stars, Reading books and finding words placed unbelievably, Sea kayaking, Exploring rugged coastline by Sea kayak, Hiking, Backpacking, Hacky Sac, Frisbee, Being above the tree-line, Watching Movies, Hotsprings and skinny dipping, Free diving, The feeling of being deep under water, Cliff Jumping, Big Sur, Baja, Joshua Tree, Sierra Nevada, Channel Islands, Santa Cruz, The smell of wet resin drying on a surfboard, Strong coffee with clouds in it, Tropical Destinations,
"Seat thyself sultanically among the moons of Saturn, and take high abstracted man alone; and he seems a wonder, a grandeur, and a woe. But from the same point, take mankind in mass, and for the most part, they seem a mob of unnecessary duplicates, both contemporary and hereditary".
~Herman Melville
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My Interests

"Keep your heart Green and perhaps a songbird will come"
~Chinese Proverb


I'd like to meet:

Go to for your local surf forecasts
Go to for your local surf forecasts



Lawerence of Arabia, Ben Hur, The Color Purple, Snatch, Barbarella, Fight Club, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Braveheart, Gladiator, Whale Rider, Never on a Sunday, The Naked Pray, Step into Liquid, Riding Giants, Cool Hand Luke, One Flew Over the Cookos Nest, The Shinning, Topper, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Doctor Shivago, Platoon, Forrest Gump, Armageddon, Fight Club, The Fifth Element, The family Stone, Fearless, Gallipoli, The Matrix, Snatch, Out of Africa, Shakespeare In Love, Kung Fu Hustle, 300, Clan of the Cave Bear, Splash, Master and Commander:Far Side of the World, As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me, Dersu Usula, The Seven Samauri, The Notebook, Tristan & Isolde, Rambo First Blood, West Side Story, The Sound Of Music, Legends of the Fall, Game Plan, Dangerous Beauty, Catch-22, All the Mornings of the World, Cyrano, Camile Claudel, Romeo and Juliet(1968) The First 50 Dates, Blade Runner, Jaws, Apocalypse Now, Zulu Dawn, The fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the king, The Pillow Book, Stardust, The Green Mile, Beowulf, Dune, The English Patient, Dangerous Beauty, Pollock, Das Boot, The Thomas Crown Affair(1999), The Matrix, Scareface, The four Feathers, Shrek, As Good as it Gets, Love Actually, Pans Labyrinth, All the Mornings of the World, The Red Violin, Melana, Perfume, Seabiscuit, The Black Stallion, The Wizard of Oz, Babe, Sleeper, I Am Legend, Planet of the Apes, Almost Famous, My Tasty Little Frenchman, Omega Man, Solent Green, Stardust. 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, City of God, Central Station, Bridge over the River Kwai, Sunshine, Pulp Fiction, Saturday Night Fever, The Warriors, La Femme Nikita(french version), Jean De La Florette, Manon of the Spring, Gone with the Wind, Patton, Star Wars(original-1977), Aliens Two, Dances with Wolves, Kelly's Heroes, The Pillow Book, Titanic, Nightmare before Christmas, The Wanderers, The Warriors, The Postman Always Rings Twice(1981), Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apacalyspe, Resident Evil: Extinction,


What you can do:
*Boycott Canadian seafood in restaurants and grocery stores*
*Ask restaurants, hotels, and food distributors to agree to not sell/serve Canadian seafood*
*Join a demonstration*
*Write to your politicians*
*Write to companies*
*Involve friends and family*
*DONATE to Sea Shepherd*
Go to http://www. seashepherd. org/seals to learn more about how you can help (including who to write to)
Click on the banner to donate directly to Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd needs to expose what the Canadian government would like to keep hidden. They need to once again show the world the horror of the blood-drenched ice floes and the pitiful suffering of the young seal pups as they die. They need to keep the slaughter on the front pages in order to keep it from disappearing out-of-sight and, therefore, out-of-mind...
Please stand with them on the ice floes off Eastern Canada and hold up the banner for life, for the defenseless baby harp seals and their mothers!


Jacques-Yves Cousteau 11 June 1910–25 June 1997