Saving our beautiful planet!
All sorts of folks, but especially the passionate ones!
1%FTP musician members include Jack Johnson, the Brushfire Records Label and it's artists, Mojave, Megan Slankard, Enzo name a few.
We support more members here including Felt Soul Media, Adventure Film Works, Teton Gravity Research, Woodshed Films, Angling Exploration Group, Golden Coast Productions, Spotted Tail Productions, Satellite Films, The Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival Ltd. and The Mountain Film Festival among others.
Good question, who will be our first TV personality, program or entity to step it up and make the comittment?
"Let My People Go Surfing" by Yvon Chouinard
"Blessed Unrest" by Paul Hawken
"Raising the Bar" by Gary Erikson
"World, Inc." by Bruce Paisecki
"Cradle to Cradle" by William McDonough & Michael Braungart
Our members and you for supporting them!