N'East Magazine profile picture

N'East Magazine


About Me

N’EAST MANTRA N’East Magazine is built on the character of the Northeast. Its foundation is the resolve developed to thrive in an ever-challenging environment. Its framework is the passion of the athletes who call this region their backyard. Its design is the artistic integrity of its creative minds, and its structure is brought together by the shared experience of the Northeast.We are the athletes and artists from the Jersey Shore’s firing jetties to the summits of the White Mountains, from the streets of Boston and NYC, to every trail and neighborhood ramp in between. We are the Northeast.ARTIST BUILT. ATHLETE DRIVEN. READER SUPPORTED.[ ên · eest ] magazinenoun: a magazine based out of the northeast committed to lifestyle sports and the pursuit of zen through progressive writing and photography…(also see bitchin' reading)N'EAST Magazine is THE lifestyle sports and travel magazine for the Northeast. We can be found at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Eastern Mountain Sports, REI, Tower Records, Universal News, Shaws, B. Dalton, Hudson News, and over 300 indy bookstores and retailers nationally.

My Interests

kool! I'm stoked on Issue 11 and seeing this for the first time while waiting for waves in Tortola!thanks! david carson

I'd like to meet:

The Athletes, Creative Junkies and Motivators that can think outside the Box and bring action sports to a new level right here in the Northeast
The Portsmouth Gas Light Co. Teams Up With NH Surf Riders and Summer Sessions To Kick Off Beach Season. On May 2nd the Portsmouth Gas Light Co., will be hosting a summer season opener. NH Surf Riders, a nonprofit organization focused on the New Hampshire surf scene, will be giving our guests all the info they need to enjoy the summer surf and help raise funds for ocean clean-up efforts. Summer Sessions of Rye, NH will be providing an array of door prizes as well as heating up the party by sponsoring a beach fashion show. Local surfboard shaper Rich Dennis will be displaying his hot custom longboards. For the Parrotheads itchin' for some summer paradise, Jimmy Buffet's Landshark Lager will be chillin' behind the bars. Prepare to awe your friends this summer with the seriously sleek gear that we will be showcasing at the Gas Light on May 2nd. A portion of the door proceeds will go to NH Surf Riders to help clean up the seacoast's beaches and keep the summer surf going. For more information on this event or future events go to: www.portsmouthgaslight.com

