I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
I am a woman pasisionate about life and the magic of the moment. My photographs are an expression of the love in my heart. When the heart’s energy is free, there is love. One of the secrets to taking great photographs is to create a space of freedom. Children have been my greatest inspiration in capturing precious moments. They are free to play without cause, offering the perfect photograph.
A little backstory...I have been taking photographs since I was 15 while touring the country as a pianist for a professional gospel quartet. We travelled by bus and I was in awe of the beauty of the land! I couldn't begin to express my awe of the earth through words...photographs seemed inadequate as well, however, I experienced a 'soul connection' to this beauty through the lens. My Mother had given me a camera to take on the road and many rolls of slide film. The film was sent to a special company for developing and printing, then mailed home to Mother. For weeks I never saw the photographs I had taken, yet I was completely satisfied having taken them. (Unlike today, the world of digital has made me anxious to view the photographs immediately. I must say, I believe in ANALOG! I love my Nikon F4.) Mother was quite surprised when she received hundreds of slides of Colorado without people in the photographs... That was the beginning.I married young (the 1st time). When my circle of friends started having babies, a whole new world of photography came alive for me. I was absolutely captivated by these little beings of love. When my daughter *Jessica* was born, I realized the love inside my heart was infinite. As a new Mother, this love compelled me to attempt capturing her every breath. She was 4 months old when I took the photograph you see (here) on my background. I had so much positive feedback from this one shot, I thought I might have a gift worth taking seriously. She has been an ongoing inspiration ~ radiating beauty from the inside ~ out ~ The daughter I dreamed!Today, I am blessed with the 2nd generation of a Mother's love. I am the Grandmother (G Ma) of a grandson! The joy of photographing my baby holding her baby is beyond my dreams!
Thank you, *Jessica* for all you bring to me....for encouraging me to continue sharing through this art medium. I wouldn't be here today without your love. My heart is forever with you and Elijah.Thank you to all the beautiful people, wild life, and Mother Earth who have allowed me the honor of taking their photograph. I have an abundance of great treasures from all of you. Expressing my heart through the lens brings me great joy. I hope your experience here touches your life."When words become unclear, I shall focus on photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with the silence." ~ Ansel Adams
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