Let's talk nutrition
I am not against animal protein.
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Be Your Own Herbal Expert (pt. 8) by Susun S Weed
Honey has been regarded as a healing substance for thousands of years. Greek healers relied on honey water, vinegar water and honey/vinegar water as their primary cures. An Egyptian medical text dated to about 2600 BCE mentions honey 500 times in 900 remedies. What makes honey so special?
First, honey is antibacterial. It counters infections on the skin, in the intestines, in the respiratory system, or throughout the body.
Second, honey is hydroscopic, a long word meaning “water lovingâ€. Honey holds moisture in the place where it is put; it can even draw moisture out of the air. A honey facial leaves skin smooth and deliciously moist. These two qualities - anti-infective and hydroscopic - make honey an ideal healer of wounds of all kinds, including burns, bruises and decubita (skin ulcers), an amazing soother for sore throats, a powerful ally against bacterial diarrhea, and a counter to asthma.
Third, honey may be as high as 35 percent protein. This, along with the readily-available carbohydrate (sugar) content, provides a substantial surge of energy and a counter to depression. Some sources claim that honey is equal, or superior, to ginseng in restoring vitality. Honey’s proteins also promote healing, both internally and externally.
And honey is a source of vitamins B, C, D and E and appears to strengthen the immune system.
Honey is gathered from flowers and individual honeys from specific flowers may be more beneficial than a blended honey. Tupelo honey, from tupelo tree blossoms, is high in levulose, which slows the digestion of the honey making it more appropriate for diabetics. Manuka honey, from New Zealand, is certified as antibacterial. My “house brand†is a rich, black, locally-produced autumn honey gathered by the bees from golden rod, buckwheat, chicory and other wild flowers.
Raw honey also contains pollen and propolis, bee and flower products that have special healing powers.
Bee pollen, like honey, is a concentrated source of protein and vitamins; unlike honey, it is a good source of minerals, hormonal precursors and fatty acids. Bee pollen has a reputation for relieving and with consistent use, curing allergies and asthma. The pollens that cause allergic reactions are from plants that are wind-pollinated, not bee-pollinated, so any bee pollen, or any honey containing pollen, ought to be helpful. One researcher found an 84 percent reduction in symptoms among allergy sufferers who consumed a spoonful of honey a day during the spring, summer and fall plus three times a week in the winter.
Propolis is made by the bees from resinous tree saps and is a powerful antimicrobial substance. Propolis can be tinctured in pure grain alcohol (resins do not dissolve well in 100 proof vodka, my first choice for tinctures) and used to counter infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, flus, gum disease, and tooth decay.
WARNING: All honey, but especially raw honey, contains the spores of botulinus. While this is not a problem for adults, children under the age of one year may not have enough stomach acid to prevent these spores from developing into botulism, a deadly poison.
Fill a small jar with unpeeled cloves of garlic.
If desired, add one very small onion, cut in quarters, but not peeled.
Fill the jar with honey.
Label and cover.
This remedy is ready to use the next day. It is taken by the spoonful to ward off both colds and flus. It is sovereign against sore throats, too. And it tastes yummy! (Garlic may also carry botulinus spores, but no adult has ever gotten botulism from this remedy. (that is known)
(Not suitable for vegans or vegetarians)
“I thought at first this would be dreadful stuff to put on an open wound...instead, the bacteria in the fat disappeared and when pathogenic bacteria were added... they were killed just as fast,†commented scientists who tested this formula found in the ancient Smith Papyrus.
Mix one tablespoonful of honey with two tablespoonsful of organic animal fat.
Put in a small jar and label.
Increase the wound-healing ability of this salve by using an herbally-infused fat.
Fill one glass with eight ounces of orange juice.
Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of honey.
Fill another glass with eight ounces of distilled water.
Add 1/4 teaspoonful of baking soda.
Drink alternately from both glasses until empty.
He recommends this for burns covering large areas. Keep the burn constantly wet with this healer for best results.
Place chopped fresh comfrey leaves in a blender.
Add aloe vera gel to half cover.
Add honey to cover.
Blend and apply.
Best to make only as much as you can use in a day; store extra in refrigerator
Herbal syrups are sweetened, condensed herbal infusions. Cough drops are concentrated syrups. Alcohol is frequently added to syrups to help prevent fermentation and stabilize the remedy. Cough drops and lozenges, having less water, keep well without the addition of alcohol.
Bitter herbs, especially when effective in a fairly small dose, are often made into syrups: horehound, yellow dock, dandelion, chicory and motherwort spring to mind in this regard.
Herbs that are especially effective in relieving throat infections and breathing problems are also frequently made into syrups, especially when honey is used as the sweetener: coltsfoot flowers (not leaves), comfrey leaves (not roots), horehound, elder berries, mullein, osha root, pine, sage and wild cherry bark are favorites for “cough†syrups.
3 Videos on Food Safety
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Healing gifts of color and energy from the earth.
Free phone...
Note: Office on Violence Against Women has many resources for both men and women victims of domestic violence; OVW grant programs and funding opportunities; OVW special initiatives; publications; press releases and remarks; events and meetings, etc.
Help for Victims: Hotline Numbers and Links
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233);
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
Rape, Abuse, and Incest Resource National Network (RAINN)
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
National Center for Victims of Crime, Stalking Resource Center
1-800-211-7996 (TTY)
National Runaway Switchboard
1-800-Runaway | http://www.1800runaway.org
A national number for runaways and youth in Crisis as well as their families. Can even help you get home if you want.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233); 1-800-787-3244 (TTY) | http://www.ndvh.org/
National Toll free hotline for domestic violence problems-confidential, 24 hrs. Translators available.
RAINN - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
1-800-656-HOPE (4673) | http://www.rainn.org/
Toll free, 24 hour confidential hotline for people in abusive situations.
(RAINN transfers your call to your local rape crisis center or DV shelter, and picks up the tab for it. You will not get long distance charges, the call will not show up on your phone bill, and it's also free from a payphone.)
National Center for Victims of Crime and National Stalking Resource Center
1-800-FYI-CALL (1-800-394-2255) | http://www.ncvc.org/src/index.html
A resource to help you understand and address stalking and harrassment. Available
M-F, 8:30 am-8:30 pm EST
Miles Foundation
203-270-7861 | http://[email protected]
A confidential resource for victims of Interpersonal Violence in the Military
Darkness To Light Hotline
1-866-FOR-LIGHT(367-5444) | http://www.darkness2light.org/
Toll free, confidential, 24 hours hotline for victims of child sexual abuse
Childhelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-4- A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) | http://www.childhelpusa.org/
Toll free, confidential, 24 hr hotline for advice, information and to clarify options. It is not the same as reporting the abuse. You dont need to give your name or name of the abuser to talk.
NCMEC-National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) | http://www.missingkids.com
They run an alternate database for runaway youth and can help.
Stop It Now!
1-888-PREVENT | http://www.stopitnow.com/
A national helpline for adults who are concerned about inappropriate sexualized behavior in themselves or people they know. Toll free, confidential M-F 9am-6pm ET.
National Center on Elder Abuse
1(800)677-1116 | http://www.elderabusecenter.org/
Eldercare Locator- is not a helpline, but rather will direct you to the state hotline number. They can help you find the right place to report elder abuse.
Womens Law Initiative
State-by-state legal information on domestic violence and orders of protection
American Domestic Violence Crisis Line
From within the USA, dial 1-866-USWOMEN.
From overseas, contact your local AT&T operator and ask to be connected to 866-USWOMEN |
If you have a safe email, email them anytime at [email protected]
International toll free domestic violence crisis line For American women and children living abroad from 10:00pm to 6:00am, Pacific Standard Time, Monday night through Friday morning & Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. All communication is confidential.
International Directory of Resources
International inventory of hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centres and women's organizations, searchable by country, plus index of domestic violence resources in over 70 languages.
National Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE | http://www.hopeline.com/
National hotline for people dealing with depression and suicide, their friends and family