Mark Alburger profile picture

Mark Alburger

Mark Alburger

About Me

Mark Alburger (b. 1957, Upper Darby, PA) is an award-winning, eclectic ASCAP composer of postminimal, postpopular, and postcomedic sensibilities. He is Music Director of San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra and San Francisco Cabaret Opera / Goat Hall Productions, Editor-Publisher of 21st-Century Music and New Music, Music Critic for Commuter Times and San Francisco Classical Voice, and Instructor in Music Theory and Literature at Diablo Valley College. His principal teachers were Gerald Levinson, Joan Panetti, and James Freeman at Swarthmore College (B.A.); Jules Langert and Ted Blair at Dominican University (M.A.); Roland Jackson at Clarement University (Ph.D.); and Terry Riley.
Dr. Alburger has composed 157 major works over the past 34 years, including chamber music, concertos, oratorios, operas, song cycles, and symphonies. His complete catalogue is being issued on discs from New Music ($15 / P.O. Box 2842, San Anselmo, CA (707) 451-0714)
Complete Works Recordings Available:
EARLY OBOE EARLY VOICE (1) - Psalm 6, Suite "Sol[ar]", Ecclesiates, Poems on Crane, The Lord’s Prayer
INSTRUMENTS OF DECONSTRUCTION (2) - Variations and Theme, Interrupted Interludes, The Twelve Fingers, Nocturnes for Insomniacs, Three Places in America, Portraits of Three Players, Four Processions, Seasons’ Eves, Book (Prehistoric Atlas)
CONTRARY COMOTION (3) - Some Stuff, Two and a Half Pieces, Yellow River Concerto II, Academic Endeavors, Embedded Inventions, Missa "The a Deux", Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated"), Sequence Music
DESERT MUSE (4) - Orpheus Cycle, Stolen Students, Sinfonietta, Aerial Requiem, Mary Variations
BASS AND RANGE (5) - Street Songs, Merton Songs, Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch")
A WINDBLOWN ROCK IN SAN RAFAEL (6) - Crystal Series, San Timoteo Can[yon]tata, Songs for Rebecca, Missa California, Lot in Life
ONE-HOUR COLOR PROCESSING (7) - At a Photo Shop, Spectral Preludes, Big Beat, Trumpet Concerto ("Mach[a][o] Concertino")
LOST IN PLACE (8) - Mice Suite No. 1, Westminster Tropes, Deploration Passacaglias, Helena Suite
Recordings in Progress:
Other Recordings Available:
"The Twelve Fingers" on DIVERSIONS (Max Lifchitz, North/South Consonance)
"Symphony No. 1" on AMERICAN TAPESTRY (North/South Consonance)
CAMINO REAL (I Kill Me Music - available from New Music)
Psalm 6, The Twelve Fingers, Symphony No. 1, The Bald Soprano and Pied Piper Overtures, "Information Wanted" from Business As Usual, and "Between Depression" from Cats, Dogs, and Divas are in regular rotating airplay on KDVC.ORG
WORKS, 1974-2007 (New Music, San Anselmo, CA)
Op. 1 Psalm 6 (1974) for oboe(s) (and high-hat cymbals)
Op. 2 Suite ("Sol[ar]") (1975) for oboe, piano, and percussion
Op. 3 Ecclesiates, or the Preacher (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra (after the Book of Ecclesiastes)
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 5 The Lord’s Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard (after the Gospel According to Matthew)
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 7 Interrupted Interludes (1977) for keyboard
Op. 8 The Twelve Fingers (1977) for keyboard
Op. 9 Psalm for the Sabbath Day (after Psalm 92) (1977) for voice and keyboard (after Psalm 92)
Op. 10 Nocturnes for Insomniacs (1978) for violin (or vibraphone) and keyboard
Op. 11 Portraits of Three Players (1978) for flute and keyboard
Op. 12 Four Processions (1978) for string quintet
Op. 13 Three Places in America (For Four) (1978) for four oboes / four trombones / four-handed keyboard
Op. 14 Seasons’ Eves (1978) for double-reed (or harp) duet
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 16 Some Stuff (1979) for mixed quintet
Op. 17 Two and a Half Pieces (1979) for flute, 2 trombones, and tuba
Op. 18 Yellow River Concerto II (1979) for oboe and violin (or percussion)
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1979) for keyboard and voice (after Richard Loucks)
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 21 Missa "The a Deux" (1980) for voices and instruments (after the Liber Usualis)
Op. 22 Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated") (1981) for violin (or vibraphone) and trombone
Op. 23 Sequence Music (1982) for a (piano) trio
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments) (after Matthew Keill)
Op. 25 Stolen Students (1983) for keyboard
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra (3333 3331 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for soli, chorus, and instruments (after the Liber Usualis)
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 29 Street Songs (1985) for voice and keyboard (or instruments) (after Found Texts)
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard (after Thomas Merton)
Op. 31 Duo Sonata No. 2 (1986) for viola (or vibraphone) and percussion
Op. 32 Crystal Series (1987) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 33 San Timoteo Can[yon]tata (1988) for soli, chorus, and instruments (after Paul’s First and Second Letter to Timothy)
Op. 34 Songs for Rebecca (1988) for voice and keyboard (after texts selected by Rebecca Jones)
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments (after the Liber Usualis)
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (after Genesis 18-19)
Op. 37 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments) (after Found Texts)
Op. 38 Spectral Preludes (1989) for keyboard or ensemble
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 40 Trumpet Concerto (1990) for trumpet and ensemble
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra (2222 2000 PfPerc Strings) (voices ad lib or ensemble)
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments (after Found Texts)
Op. 43 Deploration Passacaglias (1992) for keyboard
Op. 44 Helena Suite (1992) for voice(s) and keyboard(s or instruments) (after Found Texts)
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra (after John Steinbeck)
Op. 46 Iliad Songs (1992) for voices and orchestra (after Homer)
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and instruments (after Genesis)
Op. 48 San Fernando Hub (1993) for voices and instruments (after Found Texts)
Op. 49 Business as Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s]) (after Found Texts)
Op. 50 L.A. Stories (1994) for voices and instruments (after Found Texts)
Op. 51 San Rafael News (1995) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and instruments
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 54 Israel in Trouble (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997)
Op. 56 For My Brother for My Brother (1997) for voice (or instrument) and keyboard (after S. Alburger)
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 58 The Ten Commandments (1997) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for baritone, bass, and instruments
Op. 60 Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical") (1998) for keyboard
Op. 61 Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 ("It wasn’t classical, if was symphonic / It wasn’t a symphony, because it did not have a sonata-allegro") (1998) for orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings) (or ensemble)
Op. 62 Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais") (1998) for orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 64 Joshua Fought the Battle (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 65 Samson and Delilah (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 67 Saul! Saul! (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 69 King David (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 70 Solomon (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and instruments (after The Book of Daniel)
Op. 74 Buddha’s Little Instruction Book (1999) for two voices and keyboard
Op. 75 Symphony No. 3 ("Recycled") (1999) for orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra (1111 1111 PfPerc Strings)
Op. 77 The Sidewalks of New York: Henry Miller in Brooklyn (1999) for soprano, alto, tenor, and ensemble (101[sax]0 0210 GtPfPerc Bass) (after Mel Clay)
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 79 Job: A Masque (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 80 John and Salome (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 81 The Beatitudes (Blessed Are) (1999) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 82 Symphony No. 4 ("Sequence") (1999) for orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 83 Quadruple Concerto ("Metal") (1999) for wind quartet (and metal instruments)
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000) for flute and orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 85 The Gospell According to St. Matthew (2000) for voices and instruments
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and instruments
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") for violin and orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) foir voices and orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings) (after Sophocles)
Op. 89 Le Petit Prince (2000) for voices and Pierrot ensemble (after Antoine de St. Exupery)
Op. 90 Diocletian (2000) for voices and orchestra (after Edward Gibbon)
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra (after Anton Chekov)
Op. 92 Trombone Concerto ("Flute Players") for trombone and orchestra
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and instruments
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra (after Eugene Ionesco)
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001) for voices and orchestra (after George Orwell)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra) (after Harriet March Page)
Op. 97 Quartet for the Beginning of Time: Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel (2001) for voices and instruments
Op. 98 Noah’s Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001) for voices and instruments
Op. 99 Symphony No. 5 ("An American’s Reply") (2001) for orchestra (2222 2231 Pf2Perc Strings) (2001)
Op. 100 Symphony No. 6 ("Apathetic") (2001) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 101 Symphony No. 7 ("Tragicomic") (2001) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings
Op. 102 Symphony No. 8 ("Unending") (2001) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth (2001) for voice(s) and keyboard (or orchestra) (after Harriet March Page)
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and keyboard (or orchestra) (after Harriet March Page)
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard (or orchestra) (after Harriet March Page)
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice and keyboard (after William Blake)
Op. 109 Six Characters in Search of an Author (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after Luigi Pirandello)
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after Tennessee Williams)
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after John Millington Synge)
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after Jack Kerouac)
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after Samuel Becket)
Op. 114 Horn Concerto ("Sherlock") (2004) for horn and orchestra
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004) for clarinet and orchestra
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child’s Opera (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 117 Symphony No. 9 ("From the West") (2004) for orchestra (4444 4431 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004) for oboe and orchestra
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004) for viola and orchestra
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004) for bassoon and orchestra
Op. 121 Tuba Concerto ("Pasteurized") (2004) for tuba and orchestra
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child’s Play") (2004) for piano and orchestra
Op. 123 Harp Concerto ("Ballerina") (2004) for harp and orchestra
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004) for percussion and orchestra
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004) for cello and orchestra
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Conrad") (2004) for bass and orchestra
Op. 127 Twelve Pieces for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra (4444 4431 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard) (after Samuel Becket)
Op. 129 Eccelsiastes Tropes (2005) for soprano (and shadow singers) and piano (or orchestra)
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 133 Rossetti Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra (1110 1100 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra (1111 1111 Pf2Perc Strings)
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra (4444 4431 HpPf2Perc Strings)
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice and keyboard (or instruments) (after Juan Chi)
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra (after Found Texts)
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 140 One Page of a Swarthmore College Literary Magazine (2006) for voice and instrument(s) (after Tom Crochunis, et al)
Op. 141 Kipling Songs (2006) for voice and keyboard (after Rudyard Kipling)
Op. 142 The Ring of Harriet (2006) for voices and orchestra (after Harriet March Page)
Op. 143 Textbook (2007) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 145 St. Paul Suite (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 146 Trout Fishing in America (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 152 The Countess Cathleen (2007) for voices and orchestra
Op. 153 History Phases (2007) for sound files
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 (2008) ("Spitzer") for voice and keyboard
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 (2008) ("Vatsyayana") for voice and keyboard

My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Mark Alburger -- Composer, Midi, Music Director, Oboe, Voice

Harriet March Page -- Artistic Director, Librettist, Soprano

Musicians of San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra and San Francisco Cabaret Opera / Goat Hall Productions

Influences: Many days a new piece, from sequential albums. The compositions -- and inspirations -- today are...
Sounds Like: Op 59 Mice Suite No. 3: II.Triple Fugato of Vengeance (after John Steinbeck) -- Arnold Schoenberg's Five Pieces for Orchestra, the universal children's taunt, clustery jazz, Giuseppe Verdi's Il Trovatore, Lowell Mason's Mary Had a Little Lamb, Paul Hindemith's Mathis der Maler Symphony, and Mark Alburger's Academic Endeavors mix it up and fight (Foresta Barn)

Op 72 The Nativity According to St Matthew: II. Where Is He Born" (after Biblical text) -- Gian Carlo Menotti's Amahl and the Night Visitors encounters the advent hymn Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence with a fair amount of minimalist figuration

Op 76 Animal Farm: I. Wasps -- Ralph Vaughan Williams Wasps superimposed upon itself and stung by BBC sound files.

Op 77 Henry Miller in Brookly: 4. At the Blood Bank -- Kurt Weill meets rap.

Op 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological"): 1. Allegro aperto -- A Diana of the W.A. Mozart Oboe Concerto in C Major, hunting down basso buffo behavior, Philip Glass, and various medieval/modernisms.

Op 89 The Little Prince: III Dandy Situation (after Antoine de Saint-Exupery, instrumental version) -- Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire taken on holiday.
Record Label: New Music, North/South Consonance, I Kill Me Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

February 4 - We Are of the Sky (

(picture version, which makes slightly more sense, but just barely, at and away, Mt. Diablo looming and squinting in the light, theory dictation is the Orkney Islands Hymn...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 02:30:00 PST

February 3 - Rise & Fall of Roaming Empiricist (

(re pictures, please refer to early to Diablo Valley College to record instrumental version of the interior part of Camino Real: Block 12, for the Horsewomen of the Apocal...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:47:00 PST

February 2 - Up, Up, But We’ll Stay (

(The version of this blog with pictures may be found at, and time to take Harriet down to the airport. Look! There she goes! Not really. It's another cloudy rainy day. Bu...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST

February 1 - Symphony of a Thousand Tasks (

(The picture version of below may be found at Mahler Symphony No. 1: III ("The Huntsman's Funeral") (Frere Jacques in D Minor) for dictation today.Do Re Me Re Do (repe...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 07:51:00 PST

January 31 - Birth and Transposition (

The picture component of the below may be found at markalburger.blogspot.comComposer Brian Holmeswho plays a multitude of brass instruments, including garden hose (topped with a French horn mouthpiece...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:47:00 PST

January 30 - Glorious Day (

The version of below, with pictures, may be found at markalburger.blogspot.comPage 6 of Mice and Men, Act V, Scene 1 A "Jus' feel that hair" prepared for publication.Theory dictation is Rex Coeli (Glo...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:16:00 PST

January 29 - Bwa-Ha-Ha (

Clearly, the real blog is now at but at least here are the words below....So Harriet gets an email from Beth Henry (that's her above playing Widow Quin against my head-d...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 03:27:00 PST

January 28 - Off We Go Again (

For the pictures re below, please go to markalburger.blogspot.comA big sun in Lynch Canyon, just in case any northern Californians have forgotten what it looks like (the sun, that is; the canyon is ea...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:25:00 PST

January 27 - There We Are (

Second day posting on blogger at, where all pictures referenced below may be found***Prepared the second and third pages of Mice and Men: Act V A, "Jus' Feel That Hair" for p...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 01:59:00 PST

January 26 - Here We Are (

Posted the following below at, where it makes more sense, what with all the references to posted pictures....***Well, well, here we are on blogger. This is the alarmin...
Posted by Mark Alburger on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:25:00 PST