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Don't Know - Seeker of the Truth

About Me

My name is Amiria and I would like to share my spiritual journey with you.
If you are seeking 'Truth' or 'Self-realization', then maybe I could offer some suggestions on how I went about it, and the subsequent results.
The books below are those I spent 14 years studying and they were all I had - there was no Buddhist temple or Hari Krsna movement, no Tao temple, and definitely not a 'true' church of Jesus. I had no-one to talk to and the internet was relatively new in those days - found only in the homes of the rich. There was just me and my Gods - through the power of their word!
You may like to read my blogs and although the first two - 'Religion vs Spirituality' are a bit controversial, I believe them to be true because of my experience.
My 'Emotions' blogs, relate to what drove me to become a Spiritual being, and how I attained the level of existence I currently enjoy (right here, right now, peaceful, strength of conviction level).
If you would like to subscribe to any of my blogs, I welcome you most heartily to do so, and if you would like to talk to me, please feel free to message me - I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Love and Light
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My Interests

** Music (write and score my own) ** Avid writer ** Very spiritual ** Love my children and grandchildren
What Aura Colour Are You?

Having a white aura is perfectly healthy, even if you just see a faint white glow around yourself or somebody else. White auras mean purity, virginity and love for family and friends. You like cute things, and you are very peaceful.
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What is your Spiritual gift?

You have a very special gift. You are a Meduim .....A Meduim is some one who can talk with Spirit and bring peace to those who have lost loved ones and also the loved ones they lost. This is a gift that you must use wisely and not take for granted.
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Your Psyche is Blue
You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you.
By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go.
While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side.

When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you

When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding What Color Is Your Psyche?

I'd like to meet:

Friends who have similar interests or who are seeking self awareness.
My Bibles

The Secret Video

    Science of Life Larry King 1:2 Larry King 2:2 Thoughts2Things What the Bleep Dr.Masaru Emoto Thoughts Ideas Who We Been Quantum Physics Quantum One Oneness
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** Pink Floyd ** Rolling Stones ** The Kinks ** Small Faces ** Joe Cocker ** Harry Nilsson ** The Inkspots ** Hawkwind ** Pasedina Roof Orchestra


My grandchildren have me enjoying all the Harry Potter series ... hmmm, she thinks ...


** Love reading - have a large collection of books**


**Heroes and friends of Amiria**

My Blog

Religion vs Spirituality Part II

After some consideration regarding my last blog, I must stress that religious beliefs are necessary because they provide a platform toward the cultivation of a higher truth, an inner truth that leads ...
Posted by Amiria on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 02:50:00 PST

Religion vs Spirituality

Whilst not to be confused with Spirituality, Religion has been, and is today, a singular point of contention with the human race of this earthly society.  Why would this be so?  In my opinio...
Posted by Amiria on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:44:00 PST