In The Wind...... profile picture

In The Wind......


About Me

inthewind... revolutions....
(now accepting applications for revolutionaries..)
you make music ~*~ we find you.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to offer support to local venues, musicians and fans of music. We will put every effort possible into
helping expand the local original music community in Your Area.
Why local music?
because it's from the soul...
local musicians songs come from their soul.
and they want to share what is in their soul with you.
for you to enjoy.
Why Support it?

to help start a revolution.
the music industry is in a struggling place.
there are so many musicians trying
to make a living sharing their songs
and their souls... with us..
What’s in it for You?
As a Venue Owner:
you are the catalyst
to help these musicians touch your customer's souls.
in time, local music enthusiasts will discover
that you are offering and supporting
local original music
and the music scene will begin.
your venue can be the
catalyst in the beginning
and the capitalist in the end.
and you can be proud to know
that you were the catalyst in creating
an actual music scene in your area...
we'll do all the work and you get all the credit.
As Musicians:
you are the fuse.
share your music in venues
that support original local music.
instead of being told
what to play and when to play it,
you can play your music
the way you want us to hear it.
we will make every effort to create
an attentive listening room environment
(no matter how loud you are..)
for you to share your music with us..
What's in it for me?
Well, mostly just the fact that I can stop
running all over the state to hear original music.
I have developed an in depth knowledge of
the Minnesota music scene and have developed
many relationship's with local original musicians,
and would like to share that knowledge and gift with you.
Contact me:
Contact: [email protected]
go to website.
check out my youtube channel
for videos i've recorded...
contact me if you need posters, merchandise,
website or myspace maintenance,
or if you can help us to do so...
CLICK HERE for previous poster samples.
other shows of interest;
View calendar
how you can help.
click the button below.

My Interests

revolting, uprising, and collapsing..

I'd like to meet:



Hank3, Motorhead, Hank Sr., John Lee Hooker, Lucinda, Scott Biram, Tia Sprocket, Carrie Rodriguez, Holly Williams, TBT, WIB, F.O.Y., and of course... Jon Wilbur


Anything with Milla... Boondock Saints, Quentin T. movies... Foreign films, oh...


must die.


Sonny Barger books and motorcycle manuals


Hank3 and Hank Sr., *** John Lee Hooker, *** Sonny Barger... *** * * * * *
forty watt bulb's big ol' outdoor show..!
june 13-15, bailey ray's, santiago, mn.
contact me here if you're
interested in playing friday's open stage.
1 band selected for a spot on saturday's line-up.
you can also contact me for additional info
about the music or the sunday bike run.
Summer Local Music Showcase
Wednesdays at The Pioneer Place on Fifth.
Anyone not planning to attend The Deep Blues Fest
doesn't understand what it is...
These bands are coming from around the world!
And Man! I LOVE this Music!
Please support The Deep Blues Festival
and I'll see YOU there!
check it out!
drew peterson - "sodapop" -
at the in the wind appreciation party - march 24th at the rox.
The Pack A.D. -
3.24.08 at the rox... they took my soul with them...
They started with this; - bury my dead..
The Pack A.D. - 3.24.08 at The Rox Bar..
And ended with this;....- what's up there..
Luther The Devil ~
Now Booking.. Contact: In The Wind... Promotions (Me)
Hud ~
Now Booking.. Contact: In The Wind... Promotions (Me again)
Stacy K at Club Underground...
Now Booking... Contact In The Wind... Promotions..
40 Watt Bulb - Drew solo at The Uptown...
Now Booking for Wednesday's and Thursday's! Contact u no hoo..
Doug Otto and The Getaways.. At The Bulldog...
The Pines at The Rox Bar in St Cloud, MN...
And what kind of music page would I have
without a HANK III video?
How about showing my buddy Ivan, and your car,
a little love..
And save yourself a little $$$ on auto repairs...

My Blog

are you kidding me.....

we throw a show like THIS and 50 people show just goes to show..... there are at least 50 damn smart people in this town..... ;-) ...
Posted by In The Wind...... on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:17:00 PST

Coup d’état

A coup d'état (also coup) (pronounced /ku?de?--t??/ AHD: [ko?o"d-- tä]) is the sudden, illegal overthrowing of a government by a part of the state establishment  usually the military  to replace the...
Posted by In The Wind...... on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:48:00 PST