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Lucy Phermann

salvation through destruction

About Me

YOU MUST CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR COMMENTS!NOTE: I've enabled the name/email requisite for accepting adds. I've never liked it but I was tired of the spam profiles that kept making me add requests. If you're interested in adding me, just send me a message. You don't have to beg, kiss my ass or tell me the story of your life (unless you want. Just ask first if I'm interested). I know it takes a little effort that sometimes seems too much. But if we really must meet, we will, in due time. Sending that message just might make it happen faster, but always in due time. To the old and new friends, you must know that for a while now (april 23rd, 07) I haven't been very active in this community know as myspace (or any social community for that matter). I've been mostly alone in my inner space, and though I still remember my mates in the outer world, I can't be with you now. That doesn't mean I forgot you, actually if we have had at least one meaningful conversation someday in our lives, you mean more to me than you'll ever know. I've met great people here, and though many are left behind, know that I won't forget you and wish you a great journey. Beyond our differences we're united in pain. And unless you've had a awfully unscarred and utterly meaningless life, you can find somewhere inside of you the one that can relate to the others in suffering. Just don't get too addicted to it unless you want it to destroy you. Pain is a great teacher and helper. But not for the victims.
God is dead, let us prey.
I wrote this because I do a lot of random adds and once in a while I get the "excuse me, who are you?" or "do I know you?", and well, there's not a problem in giving some explanation.
If I added you, the odds are big that we don't know each other, or you'd know it. After all, myspace is a place to meet people (that's why there's a 'who I'd like to meet' section). I think your 'real life friends' already must know what's the music you like, the movies you watch, if you like to read, what kinda people you admire and like, and all the info you filled up in your profile. If they don't, you should work on tightening your friendship and know each other better, that's what friends do. So I don't made this page for my 'real life friends'. If I wanna talk to them, I call them, or IM them and tell them to hang out and have some fun. So I'm not here to add my real life friends. I'm here to use myspace as the powerful tool it can be to reach out to people that I can't normally do due to geographical limitations. The more people I reach, the better. Because I am very interested in what my fellow humans have to say and in telling them what I have to say. I think it helps understanding better this world we're in, and each other. Call it curiosity. Yeah, Im curious about what other people think, feel and do. Because, I don't really like many things that I see in the world today, and I'd like to help someway. But in order to do that I must listen to what people say and try and understand them. Then I can think about it and in return I tell them what I have to say. And maybe it can help them in their own personal journeys. And everybody wins. I dedicate a lot of my time to this, and then express my ideas thru art, whatever is gonna be thru music, writings, images. And thru here I reach to you and tell you: 'hey, look what I've found. Whatcha think?'. If we happen to get along, there are big chances that we'll keep in contact by whatever means and you'll hear from me on a regular basis, at least from time to time. I won't reach directly the thousands people on my friends, obviously. Just like a band can't hug and shake hands with every one of their fans in a gig, or a teacher explaining their class to each one of their pupils; but I'll post blogs, bulletins, and whatever I have to say, you can read it. Oh, if you write me, I'll write you back.
Finally, I could have added you for whatever reasons. Maybe we have similar tastes and I think you might enjoy what I do. Or maybe we have very different points of view and listening to each other would be helpful for some 'cognitive dissonance'. Believe me, my interest are very wide: music, pop-culture, cults and religions, mathematics, biology, fiction, genetics, space physics, sideshow, psychology, sexuality, history, sociology, drugs, perception, emotions, reality, lucid dreams, memes, philosophy, comics, movies, literature, art in its different expressions and many other things. But after all, only the future will show us what we can learn from each other.
So, it's up to you really. If you're not interested, feel free to press the 'deny' button if that's your will. This is NOT a popularity contest for me. I won't ask you to whore me but if you are one of those who post 'whore me' bulletins... I don't have a problem with it. May you be whored and sodomized in all the ways you like, that's none of my business, but yours (unless you want to be sodomized by me, ahah)
I guess that pretty covers everything and will clear any doubt about why I added you.
So, that's all fuckers. Take risk.
Lucy Phermann.
Your e-metic until the end.
And check out , the profile of my bro and me's web radio program "Descarga Total" with extreme music, and info on websites, movies, videogames, famous criminals and more!!CLICK HERE
Last but not least, check out my personal blog @ , with my writing and musings on this strange thing we call reality. CLICK HERE
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"Life is not a journey to the grave in an attempt to arrive pretty and well preserved. But rather a trip where you skid in kicking and screaming, fucked up and worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "BAD ASS! What a ride!"
WwWwWWw---Bookmarked Blogs---wWWwWwW
WHO AM I?( view more )
MY 24TH BDAY( view more )
BE MY COLUMBINE( view more )
GRY ANSWER( view more )
PARENTS vs KIDS( view more )
1. If you want me to talk you then talk to me, and i'll answer you as soon as i can. Or you can be silent and just read my bulletins i'll be posting from time to time. I assure you they'll be interesting or at least amusing.
2. If you think I added you just 'cus i think this a popularity contest, you are utterly wrong. I think that "ADD ME BITCH ME AND FUCK ME FROM BEHIND", "i made a bet with a friend and i need 15 friends so i can win!" thing is stupid. However I'll gladly add you, bitch you and fuck you from behind. But you must not have any STD, must have lots of money, a limousine, be goodlooking and with personality and style. ahahahah. Oh and you must shave. Girl or guy, PLEASE shave. I only like hair under certain specific conditions. ahahah.
3. If i dissappear for some time, it's normal. There's more in life than myspace and more things to do. That doesn't mean i want you less, it just means I'm not a 24/7/365 myspace answer machine. And, like in sex, sometimes you're just "not in the mood".
4. If u ever need someone to talk, i can listen to you (but read Nº3). That's why i'm here for. I want you to listen to me and i want to listen to you.
5. If you still want to delete me after this, go ahead. But if you do so, i'll crawl up your bed at night, with glowing red eyes and big teeth and chop off ur legs with a bite. Or ur crotch if u don't have legs. (everybody has, and wants to have, crotchs , right?)
That' all fuckers :)
Take risk.
Growing up I was the typical, good, intelligent, quiet, nice boy, good student, nerd, lonely kid. Besides that i always wanted to be a priest, and i almost went for it, but as you will see, things changed (thanks god, lol). I mention this, because, even when now i'm almost the antithesis of what i used to be, my personality is a total paradox. That often results in a certain isolation. Since i was 4, i've been listening the same words from the people: "you are so... strange.. so weird". Yeah my mental schemes are very different from the norm and that usually confuses people. Even when i'm not a very sociable person, i'm nice, friendly and easy to get along (however, many people are afraid of me). That has taught me one thing: "The fact that someone is nice doesn't make that someone a good person". I'm not a good person. But i'm not a bad person either. I don't conduct myself in moral terms of "good/evil". I'm amoral. Example: i like helping people, listening to their problems, give them advise and support. To me, that doesn't has to do with being a good person. It's just something that i naturally like to do. I enjoy sharing with other people, i think it richens both mine and their lives. I'm a hedonist. Hedonist of pain and pleasure. For a long time, as a consequence of different experiences and processes, i kinda.. lost my emotions. It was like having my soul in a coma. I lost the hability to express emotions. Laugh, cry, get angry. Trying to avoid the pain, all of them were blocked. Emotions makes us vulnerable, but they are also what makes us different from a car. So I decided to recover them. Thanks to that "emptyphany" I was set free from the "fascism of joy" in which we are wrapped in since we are born. I had no idea of all the path that lied ahead..
oh and this is my page on DeviantArt, if u like Zombies and Psychedelic pics, go there and take a look --
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
I adopted a cute lil' death fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
Your IQ Is 140

Your Logical Intelligence is Genius Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Genius A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
my General knowledge is not really that good, but yeah i have my culture. eheh
1. First Name? Jacob
2. Were you named after anyone? The Patriarch from the bible, yeah that guy that fought with God, had 12 sons, one of them Joseph who became pharaoh. and whom a god changed his name to Israel. (I was gonna be a priest, so there, I'm well coursed in the Bible)
3. Do you wish on stars? No
5. Do you like your handwriting? I like that I don't have an specific handwriting, most of the time it's very messy but other times I can write very good or even exactly like different ppl I know
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Plumrose.
7. What is your birth date? July 31, 1981
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? I'm very proud of ever cd I own, no matter how unlikable may some ppl think they're.
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends? I'd fuck me. Yeah I'd be friends with me, I'm in love with myself don't you see?
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No. Really, I don't.
12. What are your nicknames? Jacock, Jackoff, Jacko, Wacko, Jacobus, Jacobite, Crow, Lucy, Lu, Manson, Michael Jackson.. I know many ppl and they all call me by different names
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No if I don't need to
17. Shoe Size? Eur:41/USA:8/UK:7/26CM
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I hate being sometimes a procastinator.
28. The first thing you notice about the favorite sex? face , particularly the eyes.
30. Favorite Drink: Cerelac, Nestea, Coke, 7up, and herbs infussions I prepare (chamomile, tea...)
31. Alcohol: beers, rum and coca cola (cuba libre), screwdrivers, wine, ponche crema(eggnog). and everything else. oh, I HAVE to drink absinthe at least one time, no, many times.
32. Hair Color: natural: jet black. I bleach it sometimes
35. Favorite Food? meat. pizza. burguers. pasticho. arepa.
38. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? both. but the happy ending has to be a good one. something like the return of the king or disney movies, eheh
39. Summer Or Winter? WINTER. (We don't have that in my country but I hate the heat. Shoveling the snow would be annying tho)
40. hugs or kisses? both, and a blowjob if you're in the mood, thanks.
41. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? hmmm.. cinnamon rolls, ice creams, STRAWBERRIES WITH WHIPPED CREAM!! =P...
48. Favorite Smells? rain, wet earth, the smell of banks (I've always loved that smell), yummy food, the smell of washed clothes dried to the sun, the smell of the ppl I like (and I don't mean that only in a sexual way), the smell of the sea and the beach, the smell of plants, incense, hot bread, the smell of fireworks (that gunpowder odor)
49. Favorite Sounds? thunders, rain falling, fireworks exploding, any kind of explosion indeed, sea sounds, birds warbling, music.. the sound of things burning ...
50. Rolling Stones or Beatles? both are good, but the beatles were too pacifist for my taste (they still rock tho) so I go with the Stones
51. What's the farthest you've been from home?12 hours by car.
52. Do you have a special talent? I can suck my own dick. I'm very good with maths. I'm very good with words and writing. I'm a good listener and advisor.
53. What is the last thing you'd like to eat?Fish soup.. ewww...
54. When was your first kiss? 22. with a friend of mine. in a sushi bar while some friends and other ppl were watching. it was very funny. but kinda awkward.
Which Star Wars Character Are You?
Darth Vader
You are the galaxies most feared figure. A giant among ants, you are a demi god and are capable of much, although you are evil.

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Take the quiz: "Which character from a horror film are you?"

Satan (from The Omen)
My favourite one! You are well diguised and secretly go about killing all who will stand in your way of getting world domination. Go you!!

My Interests

I research, investigate, experiment. In an age where vacuity devours everyting using the weapons of obedience, "values", conformity and fear, I put all my efforts to make possible the elimination of the zombie priest that is obstructing the cervix. So you can say gynecology is one of my main interests.
Mind is the most powerful weapon of mass destruction, so i'm also interested in psychology/psychiatry and any related material.
Someone said "love your enemy" and i think is very important to know your enemy, therefore, religions and their history also have my attention, plus I love fairytales and mythology.
Human creations can help a lot to human destruction, and thus, to human salvation. And, being a hedonist, I take pleasure in entertaining and delightment. So ART, being in written, visual, audiovisual or auditive manifestation, will always have my kisses. Unfortunately, god created many artists, but not much art.

I'd like to meet:

Perverts, saints, lunatics, artists, whores, martyrs, but please, politicians and economist black kiss my ass, then fuck off.

Puuuussy, pussy, pussy, pussy. Com'ere. That's it. Now lay quiet on this bed. It will be only a lil prick. Now.. let's see what's inside you. Humans are like piatas. You "really never know what you are gonna find inside...


My friend Space


I'd like to say a couple of things about music. Although music is one of my passions, I highly dislike the attitude of most of the people that likes music toward this. To me, Music (with big M) is something fantastic 'cus of the emotional resonance it causes. It's something that marvels me. It can be just sounds, and they can have such an effect on us. It's like a shot straight into the veins of the soul, and few kind of arts can attain this.

But most of the people tha likes music, adopt silly attitudes towards it. They think they're so special 'cus they listen to certain kind of music or certain bands. They don't like that other people listen to the same band they listen to. If that happens, then the band has sold out and they won't listen to it anymore. They think they're an elite, and they're full of the same shit as everybody. (if you are one of those people and u are reading this: I love ur mom too, asskisser). We also have those who think any mainstream band equals a shitty band. Or those who think one specific style is the only good one. All those people are limited, silly morons. Music is one thing to ENJOY , not something to act stupid and say: "my music is betters than yours". So, stop making a clown of yourself. If you love a band and then it becames popular, that doesn't mean it sold out, u sucker. Unfortunately, people are so stupid you can be yelling: "you are all full of shit, you are sinking into garbage" and they'll do nothing but clap their hands in excitement. So if certain band has a personal meaning to you, don't be stupid. What it means to you has nothing to do with the herd. Just give to each thing the place it has, sit back, and enjoy.

Said that, i'll say that I like any music that causes an emotional reaction on me. If it touches my inner self, I like it. Of course, I'll prefer some to other depending on certain things. Lyrics, concept, the way I relate to it, etc. I can say my favorite style is rock. And rock, more than a sound, is an attitude. So u can find me listening from Burzum to Abba to Mozart to Boyzone.

Some music I like:

Marilyn Manson
Chemical Brothers
Daft Punk
Fatboy Slim
White/Rob Zombie
My Dying Bride
Type O Negative
Morbid Angel
At The Gates
Cradle Of Filth
Edge of Sanity
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Rolling Stones
The Beatles
King Crimson
Dark Throne
Paradise Lost
King Diamond
The Cure
The Gathering
The Strokes
The Smashing Pumpkins
Stone Temple Pilots
Green Day
Atari Tennage Riot
Rage Against The Machine
Robert Miles
Chris Cornell
Robbie Williams
David Bowie
Charles Trénet
Hombres G
Cypress Hill
Caramelos de Cianuro
La Puta Electrica
Snoop Dogg
Busta Rhymes
Soul Assassins
Wu-Tang Clan
Frank sinatra
Dr Macabre
Rotterdam Terror Corps
Chosen Few
Michael Jackson
Todos Tus Muertos
Duran Duran
Café Tacuba
Illya Kuryaki
Terry Scott Taylor
Depeche Mode
Pet Shop Boys
Cindy Lauper
La Corte
Delinquent Habits
Reyes Latinos
The Noise
3 Dueños
Tiro de Gracia
Fito Paez
Rocío Durcal
No Mercy
Metallica (and I've never heard a whole album by them)
The Cranberries
Roy Orbison
Enrique y Ana
John Goldsmith
Danny Elfman
Celia Cruz
Dead Can Dance
Death in June
Neptune Towers
Manu Chao
Vanilla Fudge
Héroes del Silencio
Enrique Bunbury
Control Machete
Leonardo Favio
Nino Bravo
Tears For Fear
Joy Division
Gary Jules

As you can see, many styles, rock, metal, industrial, techno, gabber, happyhardcore, triphop,hiphop, indy, pop, classic, etc... OH! and I love the 80s!! :P
I love music. Most of us do. And we like the music we can relate too, for any reason. I relate to a wide spectrum and variety of feelings, thoughts and emotions, therefore I enjoy a variety of music.

p.s.: Nu Metal is NOT metal. :)

Tony Iommi.... You are very calm and dark but you can be quite
witty and amusing.

Which rockstar are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla


With Movies, another of my passions, usually happens the same as with Music. People are very snobs towards it. I think movies should be rated by I.Q. instead of age. But well, maybe if the pigs eat the flowers they can become humans again..
I love movies 'cus they have all the things I like: music, a story, and visual material. They stimulate you in different ways. As with music, they can be just entertaining or very educative.
Genres.. well, I can enjoy different kinds. However, I must add a side note and say that the fail of the terror/horror genre nowadays is because the state of humanity. Our reality is more scary and frightful than any monster or legend we used to fear when we were innocent and ignorant. But you can enjoy these films in other ways.. I cried watching "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" (and I don't mean crying as one tear sliding over my cheek, I mean it as crying as when u were 7 years old and your so loved pet died). I also think "The Fly" is the most beautiful love story I've seen in a movie, but few people can appreciate its subtleness.
I particularly enjoy those "weird films" that you can't describe but as "weird". And cult films. As regards directors, I must mention in particular: Tarantino, Tim Burton and David Lynch.
Some of my favorite films are:
The Fly
Donnie Darko
Lord of The Rings
The Matrix
Kill Bill
The City of Lost Children
The Cube
Abre los Ojos
The Others
Resident Evil
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Basic Instincts
Primal Fear
American History X
The Fight Club
Edward Scissorhands
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
The Planet of The Apes
The Passion of the Christ
The Exorcist (I and III are my favorites)
The Omen
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Crow
The Sixth Sense
Great Expectations
Romeo and Juliet
The Gremlins
The Mask
The Truman Show
Dumb and Dumber
Dick and Jane
Liar Liar
The Cable Guy
Bruce Almighty
Birth of a nation
The Great Dictator
Interview With The Vampire
The Thing
The Stuff
The People vs Larry Flint
Cannibal Holocaust
Lola Rentt
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Professional
Evil Dead
Lost Highway
Blue Velvet
Twin Peaks
The Lion King
101 Dalmatians
The Silence of The Lambs
Mary Poppins
The Neverending Story
Natural Born Killers
Reservoir Dogs
Presque Rien
The Corpse Bride
James and The Giant Peach
King Kong
Teenage Caveman
Du er ikke alene
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Masters of Horror series
Beat The Devil
From Hell
Not Another Teen Movie
The Shining
Over the edge
The War of The Worlds
The ring/Ringu
Amityville's horror
The Jacket
Secuestro Express
The Constant Gardener
Memories of a Geisha
Aeon flux
Aeon Flux (the animated series)
The Maxx
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Brokeback Mountain
Bubble Boy
Chicken Little
Stuart Little
La vita é bella
A beautiful mind
Empire of The Sun
The Virgin Suicides
A Clockwork Orange
The Fifth Element
Blue Lagoon
Mr and Mrs Smith
Meet The Parents
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
O Brother, Where art thou?
The Craft
Judge Dredd
Stop! Or my mom will shoot!
Mars Attack!
Tango and Cash
and a lot more than I've seen and some others that I've not seen yet.
p.s.: I also like pornos, specially the one we are part of and call "world".And this..

Gayniggers from outerspace

"The Universe. Its mighty power. Its evolutionary force, not to be stopped by anyone. In its beauty, this, this is a happy place to stay, filled with harmony and cosmic joy. A free place, where men can express themselves, and be as when they were born. All of this is, because someone cares. Because someone looks after us. When we sleep, when we play. When we act natural. This is a movie about those who risk life, and partners, to guarantee living in a wonderful and free universe. This is a movie about the Gayniggers From Outer Space. The Gayniggers come from the planet Anus, in the 8th Sun System, far far away from here. They are much, much more intelligent than any other creature in the Universe. The most fascinating thing about them is that they, with the help of their super intelligence, and their highly developed telepathic system, Braintapping, will be able to create a world, a society, a perfect world to live in without the presence of women. A MALE ONLY WORLD."runtime aprox. 25 mins


I don't watch much T.V. But I'm not one of those people that goes around telling they don't watch T.V. 'cus it brainwashes the masses. Dudes, if you're gonna be an idiot, nothing gonna avoid it. If you are smart you have nothing to worry about, do you? I love T.V. It filled my childhood (and my life so far) with good memories, great moments, thrill, and knowledge. I'll mention some TV shows/series/cartoons that I love:ALF Small Wonder Who's the boss? Full house Punky Brewster He-Man She-ra Thundercats Carebears Strawberry Fruitcake Rainbow Brite Pokemon The Love Boat Get Smart Cool McCool Pink Panther The Wacky Races Inspector Gadget Superfriends Plastic Man The Impossibles

more to add...


Writing is my other passion, in fact, i'm writing a novel at the moment. I've always liked reading and i started writing on an early age.
Some of my favorite books are:
By Herman Hesse: Demian, Siddartha, The Journey to the east
Dune, by Frank Herbert
The Perfurm, by Patrick Süskind
The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupèry
The Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien
The Madman, by Jalil Gibran
The Iliad, and The Odyssey by Homer
The Metamorphosis, by Kafka
The Divine Comedy, by Dante
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell, by Marilyn Manson
Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice
Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The Mysterious Stranger, by Mark Twain
And many others, Poe, Horacio Quiroga... I particularly like some books on philosphy, psychology and the like, by authors like Nietzsche, Ciorán, Krshnamurti, Rollo May, Erich Fromm, among others


We can be heroes.

My Blog

Check out this video: Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez

Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez Add to My Profile | More VideosArtist on Artist interview b/w directing legends Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez....
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:45:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Lucy Phermann on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST

this poem is mute

it can't say no thing be cause you're thief.deaf , so roll it uplight it up and ssssssw...allow it.let it float in yours to mach(un)t il its completely abs-orbed.when you puke, don't come too mean, th...
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:34:00 PST

Check out this video: Hey Buck 1

Ladies, Gentlemen and in betweens, please allow me to introduce Buck Angel ( the world's first female-to-male transsexual (FTM) Porn Star. I'll let him speak for him...
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:07:00 PST

Posted by Lucy Phermann on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 01:02:00 PST

Gayniggers From Outer Space

Gay niggers of outerspace "The Universe. Its mighty power. Its evolutionary force, not to be stopped by anyone. In its beauty, this, this is a happy place to stay, filled with harmony and cosmic joy....
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST

a smile

Posted by Lucy Phermann on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:01:00 PST


Posted by Lucy Phermann on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST

Check out this video: Special Exclusive Clip SPECIAL, an offbeat dark comedy, follows the journey of Les Franken played by Michael Rapaport (Hitch, Grilled) as a superhero for our chemically enhanced time...
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Destricted

DESTRICTED [er], v,1. To unlimit restriction2. To bring objectivity by putting out of restriction.3. To deconstruct within bounds, to unconfine.Destricted is the first short film collection of its kin...
Posted by Lucy Phermann on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:39:00 PST