News 23th of April 2008
It's been awhile folks, I've moved to a new apartment and got a new day job so it's been kinda hectic for me to keep you updated.
But here are some really great news!
My debut album "Ignition" will be released later this year on Sundance Records.
There will be between 11-12 "piece of art-tracks" I was part of a web-competetion and got to the top 20 so the track "You Are Free" are available for download in either wav or mp3!
Check it out here:
You Are Free
Have a great one! and thanks for the continuous support!
News 19 October 2007
Added 5 New tracks! took care of flash player bug (some tracks were slowed down, due to bitrate mismatch)
News: 10th of September 2007
1 Centrox is now known as Primecyde.
2 Lesbian unicorn is finnished as a masterpiece!
3 Downside up is allmost finished in a new fresh polished version with fatter basslines etc.
4 Wizack Twizack - Välkommen till knutby (Panta Rei RMX) finnished!
5 Album of mine is probably going to be released later this year!
We are known as "Hard To Spell" - it's stated.
We will probably make a new myspace site together in not too many weeks. I just wanted to tell everyone who enjoys my music to check my dear soulmate friend out.
PRIMECYDE can see he's involved in alot of my work and he's a prodigee of mine. Add him, listen to his tracks. Have a great time, thanks everyone. Also look for my group i started where i'll try to answer as many questions as possible etc.
News: 10th of August 2007
Everywhere You Look is released at Sundance Records "Vibraspirit 23.23"!
Get your own copy @
Panta Rei - Every Where You Look
News: 24th of July 2007
Me and Primecyde (known as Centrox before) is thinking of having a co-op artist name.
"Hard to Spell" is at top of the name suggestions list. It reflects that we are not easyly misled and charmed by nonsense, as well that many artists try to be original with a name that is hard to spell gramatically. Let us know what your thoughts are!
1 new track finnished: harshrealm - cruel division (panta rei remix)
Downside up is now a vs with Primecyde
Primecyde's "Lesbian Unicorn" is now a vs with me.
News: 20th of June 2007
2 New Tracks - Up and running:
Skilda Lost March (Panta Rei Remix)
Panta Rei - Downside Up
You can preview the whole Skilda Remix in low bitrate, but the downside up is a cutted sample (NON-FULL Track) (without some fades this time per request)News: 9th of May 2007
"FLARE" (unfucked version) @
Panta Rei - Flare.11 (ReMastread).mp3
News: 23th of April 2007
New sample from my new dark and twisted track "Ignition" up and running!
News: March 7Th 2007
New Computer: AM2 5200+ 2048 MB DDR2 RAM 800Mhz, 1700GB HDD. Lian Li 6070A Super Silent MidiTower :)
Added "Failure" I composed this when i failed drivers license for the third time.. 15 minute job to lift the emotion from my chest.
Took care of flash player bug. And changed Resorb The Orb, and Die Dreamer to 128 Kbit, Enjoy!
--At this stage Panta Rei is looking for serious labels--
Panta Rei is Olof Bergö, 21 Years old from Gothemburg Sweden. Olof has jazz roots from both his father and uncle who both plays the piano in their bands.
He was inspired to learn the basics of cubase sx2 in April -05 from a close friend Paolo aka "Intello" who back then had invested alot of money in a Virus Synth.
First Olof went by the name PsyGan which he in August 2006 changed to "Panta Rei" a more unique and suiting name.
Olof have played both the piano and clarinet but quit after finding himself not motivated enough. His styles varies alot. Some tracks are more monotone and evil while others can be very melodic and spiritual.
Many of today's artist recycle tunes instead of creating new ones. That's something that Panta Rei is not supporting. Each of his tracks has different vibe and atmosphere to it.
Everything comes around!
About 1 year later Olof felt he had to pass on the legacy of producing knowledge to soul mate Martin aka "Primecyde" who have been Olofs helpfull friend and have given constructive critics. His will to learn, and most importantly, listen to my tips has made him grow faster than dna altered shponges.You can find out more about him on his myspace.
Goddamn what I hate the new way of making psy. Big reverse reverb pan to the left then responding acid sound from the right all way through track. Plzzzz stop. One more thing that bothers me is. WHY EVERYONE KEEP RECYCLING THE "DO YOU HAVE A FEELING OF ALLMOST SPIRITUAL" SAMPLE.. Everyone has seen waking life. you don't have to be so fucking unbelivable boring so you use the sample that 15 people (atleast) allready used. And people who makes a whole album with quotes from the same movie.. wahh.. dissapointing
--You know who you are--
You are now marked on my profile visitor map!
I will play allmost anywhere. If you know party organizers bookings etc. Tell them about me and maybe we can settle something.
I just want to point out that "Flare 10.b" is misspelled and they changed the final version..? It's real name is only "Flare" Missunderstanding by Laugh And Dance Rec.