...what up yall???my name is Jesse Howard aka Rukyss Duhki...this is my music...i dont really like to stick to one specific genre...it doesnt really work that way...i just start making a song and what ever it turns out to be is whatever genre it is...if that makes sense...a little bit of this...a little bit of that...yeah...im currently the uncool guy that still lives with his parents and makes techno in his bedroom...i dont really go anywhere...i have a son named jacob...hes the greatest little monster a guy could ask for...but the weird thing is that i mostly listen to and spin underground electro house but i really dont have very many songs in that category...hmmm...so...i dont know...check out my tunes and give me feedback...positive or constructive critisism...no negative vibes though dudes...any suggestions on remixes let me know...same with if anyone out there would like to collaborate or maybe sign me to a record lable or something...just hit me up...i think im good on talking for now...href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnVybC5j
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