Ron Currie, Jr. profile picture

Ron Currie, Jr.

Lady, people aren't chocolates. You know what they are, mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards, w

About Me
A San Francisco Chronicle Notable Book of 2007
A Richmond Times-Dispatch Top-Five Book of 2007
Winner of the 2008 New York Public Library Young Lions Award
Shortlisted for the 2008 Crawford Award
“Impressive…riveting…reverberates through the pages and into our difficult present reality.” –Los Angeles Times
“Oddly captivating.” –Entertainment Weekly
“Abrasively funny…inventive and absorbing…Kurt Vonnegut laced with Louis-Ferdinand Celine.” –Kirkus Reviews (starred)
"Few authors would dare to depict the near rape and death of God amid a horrendous genocidal war, and fewer still could make it so bladder-threateningly hilarious. Although there’s genuine sadness throughout, God Is Dead is very likely the most entertaining book ever written on the subject of deicide." -The Believer
"Juvenile and offensive." -USA Today
"...cavalierly ambitious...Currie proves miraculously able to raise the specter of these abject breakdowns in human civilization and then people that image with talking dogs, text message-happy teenagers, and end-of-day shenanigans. Like Kurt Vonnegut, he seems to understand that in the face of grim and grave concerns, humor is a more powerful salt than screed. Still, I can promise you this: you won't be laughing your way to the end of this inspired debut." -John Freeman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"As smart and addictive as any debut novel you're likely to pick up this year...comparisons to a young Vonnegut might well be founded." -The List (Edinburgh)
"Wickedly funny...a provocative book that is hard to forget." -Times (London)
"Currie takes his place among the ranks of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Arthur C. Clarke." -Bookpage
"God Is Dead is a heady cocktail of ideas. Broad-stroke symbolism and delicately shaded realism are swished together with admirable aplomb. Currie's skills are equal to just about any technical challenge, whether it be the Hitchcockian slow burn of 'My Brother, The Murderer' or a post-apocalyptic suicide orgy in 'Indian Summer'. Satirists often do a feeble job on character: Currie is determined to avoid that weakness." -Guardian (London)
"From its stark title to its startling final page, Currie's novel packs one tight punch of fresh ideas in prose so smart it smarts. As a satirist, Currie has only bad news to impart, but as a devotee of Kurt Vonnegut, he does it with such humour, you'll barely notice." -Telegraph (UK)
“Brilliant…touching…at a time when the Richard Dawkinses and Daniel Dennetts of the world are howling about the problems of theism, God is Dead comes as a fresh gust of wind.” –St. Petersburg Times
“Wonderful…as a freshman effort, God is Dead is almost miraculous.” --Bookslut
Native of Waterville, Maine, U.S. A long-time restaurant slop-slinger, I recently performed a really, really improbable phone-booth transformation into full-time fiction writer. First book, "God is Dead", is out in hardcover from Viking. Working on a second book, and it's coming along nicely; thanks very much for asking.
Am aware of and working on my addiction to hyphens. It gives the copyeditors fits. Fits, I tell you.

You can listen to an interview w/ me and a brief excerpt from the book here. Just scroll down until you see my name, then click on the interview link.

Stories of mine (including excerpts from "God is Dead") have popped up in these fine periodicals, most of which are run on shoestring budgets by highly dedicated, highly uncompensated people, periodicals that need and deserve your support, in the form of subscriptions, or donations, or candy-grams: The Cincinnati Review , Glimmer Train , The Sun , The Southeast Review , Harpur Palate , Portland Monthly , Alaska Quarterly Review , Willow Springs , and Night Train.
Also in the anthologies Mother Knows and New Sudden Fiction.
Extra-special bonus: Lucky you! Here is a link which, if you follow it and purchase the reasonably priced and exquisitely produced back issue of Ninth Letter that it leads to, you will have a copy of what was the first chapter from the original manuscript of "God is Dead" which, for aesthetic (rather than quality control) reasons, will not appear in the Viking hardcover. It's like DVD bonus features, except smarter, more interesting, and far less compelling to the average person.

My Interests

Fishing, baseball (watching), basketball (playing), travel, assembling particle-board furniture w/out referring to instructions. Etc.

I'd like to meet:

Julian Lennon, Ziggy Marley, Jeffrey Jordan, Jean-Michel Cousteau, George W. Bush, Jason Bonham, Joe Buck


Metallica, Bell Biv Devoe, Nick Drake, Chubb Rock, Elliott Smith, Hall and Oates, Black Francis, U2, Dinosaur Jr., King T., William Shatner, Detroit Grand Pubahs, Black Flag, Faith No More. And pretty much everything else. Seriously, the only music I can issue a blanket condemnation of is the garbage being played on most country radio stations these days, which is about as far from genuine country music as one can get without picking up a keytar.

My Blog

Essay at Untitled Books is an interesting and useful literary clearinghouse of sorts, and recently I contributed an essay about some of my favorite apocalyptic fiction (and no, THE ROAD isn't on the list, t...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:02:00 PST

God is Dead released in paperback today

Yes, the highly-anticipated, much-ballyhooed paperback edition of God is Dead is officially released today, although I know a few people have already found it in bookstores as early as last week. ...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:35:00 PST

Young Lions Award Winner!

This is old news for some of you, as the ceremony was held this past Monday night, but "God is Dead" was selected as the winner of the 2008 New York Public Library Young Lions Award winner! No one was...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:59:00 PST

New Website

With the paperback release of God is Dead coming right up I’ve decided to start a new website, which can be found =>here.  It’s all growed up compared to the...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:16:00 PST

Young Lions Fiction Award

Exciting news this week:  the New York Public Library announced the five finalists for this year’s Young Lions Fiction Award.  And I’m on the list.  Which is what makes it e...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:10:00 PST

Interview in New England Fiction

A recent interview with me has gone live at New England Fiction.  Also includes an excerpt from GiD.  Check it out, and when you're done check out the fiction on offer from this great new pu...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 01:54:00 PST

News of God's Death Reaches Europe

A busy weekend for us, including the first review of the British edition of God is Dead  here! John Freeman's excellent review runs in the San Francisco Chronicle. Another rave in the Hartfo...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:28:00 PST

GiD Praised By Atlanta Journal-Constitution!

An amazing review of God is Dead in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Sunday book review: Here. Particularly exciting for me as it comes from NBCC president John Freeman.  I used to hate Sundays...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 12:33:00 PST

St. Petersburg Times Review

Another strong endorsement, from the St. Petersburg Times.  This one, however, has an entirely different take on the book, one that I probably should have anticipated, but in my stupidity and nai...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:43:00 PST

God is Dead reviewed in today's Los Angeles Times

A review in the LA Times that's so good my agent sent me an email about it at 5 o'clock this morning.  Also:  for those who are curious, a short but funny essay about the genesis of th...
Posted by Ron Currie, Jr. on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 07:48:00 PST