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Write Livelihood

About Me

My non-fiction book for writers, MAKE A SCENE (image in profile) will be published in November, 2007 and my book with Rebecca Lawton, WRITE FREE: Attracting the Creative Life will be published in Winter, 2007. My freelance articles and essays have appeared in AlterNet, Common Ground, Seattle Conscious Choice, The Marin Magazine, the Pacific Sun, The Petaluma Argus-Courier, The Petaluma Magazine, the Sonoma Index-Tribune, the St. Petersburg Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Writer Magazine and Writer's Digest (to which I'm also a contributing editor). I used to host “Word by Word: Conversation with Writers” on KRCB Radio 91 FM, and am still a book reviewer for NPR-affiliate KQED Radio's California Report.

My Interests

Writing. Reading. Swimming. Appreciating. Discussing literature. Writing about art and literature. Reading about writing. Writing about writing. Swimming. Hiking. Jewelry-making.

I'd like to meet:

Mostly people who are dead (Jean Rhys, Sylvia Plath, John Lennon...) A few celebrities because I'm human (David Duchovny, Johnny Depp...oh, did it say MEET? ahem); all the authors I ever had to interview by phone; anyone who likes to talk about life and books.


Spoon. Regina Spektor. Beth Orton. Aimee Mann. White Stripes. Morrissey. Devendra Barnhart. An old school Ani DiFranco fan.


I go with recent likes since it's too hard to list all time faves: I enjoyed Blood Diamond. Pan's Labyrinth. The Last King of Scotland.


The Office. Grey's Anatomy. (Six Feet Under--The Sopranos--ROme--all HBO, all over). Lost.


Recently I have loved: Mary Modern by Camille DeAngelis The Raw Shark Texts by Stephen Hall Astonishing Life of Octavian NothingM.T. Anderson


Anyone who harbored a Jew from the nazis. Anyone who has stood up to a totalitarian government. Whistle blowers and people who rescue animals, refugees and children.Feel free to add "bleeding heart" to the head of any description of me.

My Blog

Wearing the Sequined Leotard

For months now, on my own blog, I've avoided writing about the one major event that is changing my life more dramatically than any other: pregnancy. Part of it has come from a desire for privacy--and ...
Posted by Jordan on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:59:00 PST

I Hate This Place Part ONE

  (Most place names have been withheld, bastardized or totally made up to protect the innocent, the addicted, the ashamed, and mostly me). Many writers are married to the landscapes of their...
Posted by Jordan on Sat, 19 May 2007 04:11:00 PST

In LOVE? With ME?

The classic rejection letter from a literary agent comes with the phrase, Im sorry but I just didnt fall in love with your work, prompting many writers to guffaw and say, who was talking love, just co...
Posted by Jordan on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 05:00:00 PST