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Elizabeth Crane


About Me

I write short stories. Oh, hey, the paperback of my latest collection, ALL THIS HEAVENLY GLORY is out. I teach. Sometimes, I can be heard on the radio. (WBEZ's Writer's Block Party in Chicago). I make stuff. I blog. It's called standBy Bert . I wrote another collection called WHEN THE MESSENGER IS HOT. In September, my third collection, YOU MUST BE THIS HAPPY TO ENTER comes out.
MySpace Layouts
    MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

Reading, writing, making cards and collages and sewing and embroidering. Ben. I am very interested in Ben.

I'd like to meet:

Diane Keaton. Are you on MySpace Diane Keaton? Because I haven't heard from you yet. Otherwise how do I know who I want to meet until I meet them? What can you really know about someone until you meet them? I mean, I admire many people, but most of the people I love are people I wasn't trying to meet, we just met. And yet here I am on myspace ostensibly for the purposes of meeting people. Plus what if I say I want to meet like, Wes Anderson or somebody but Wes Anderson doesn't want to meet me? That would suck, knowing that. Whereas if Wes Anderson wants to meet me but is off of myspace in the real world with Diane Keaton or a Wilson, then he could use his people to get to my people - okay I'm joking, I think we all know I don't have people, anyway, I'm just saying, I'll try to meet you, you try to meet me, and at this point, in all likelihood, if you're still here reading this, if you're sticking around that long, we might like to meet each other. Probably at the very least, you'll know that you don't, but I'll never have to know about it.


Sufjan Stevens. Yo La Tengo. Low. Shawn Colvin. Flaming Lips. Ben Folds. Beck. Manishevitz. Grandaddy. Danielson. Patty Griffin. The New Pornographers. Polyphonic Spree. And - don't go away, when I say this, because I'm being honest, and that has to count for something. Sometimes, once in a while, I crank up the Kelly Clarkson and bust out my best version of Since U Been Gone. And it is a very satisfying feeling indeed.


West Side Story. Broadcast News. Say Anything. The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Me and You and Everyone We Know. Lovely and Amazing. Amelie. The Cruise.


Yes, I watch a lot of it. Ok, Freaks and Geeks. The Office. 30 Rock. Six Feet Under. Project Runway. Thankfully we don't have cable, or I'd never get anything done watching things I don't really want to watch, but would watch, because it's what I do. Like those shows on VH1 about the worst of the seventies featuring commentaries by people who seem really random to me. Because frankly, if that's a job, I think I'm as qualified as anyone, and at least as random.


Anything by: George Saunders, Ali Smith, Lorrie Moore, Rick Moody, David Foster Wallace, Joe Meno, Aimee Bender, Nina Solomon, Tod Goldberg, Gabe Hudson, Arthur Bradford, Jeffrey Eugenides, Ken Kalfus, Lydia Davis. Loving Jonathan Lethem, Laurie Colwin, Etgar Keret, and Gary Lutz right this minute. Keep in mind that this is a short, unentirely thought through list, and some writers I love don't have books yet.


This is a word I've always been uncomfortable with. Would you enjoy an essay on why? There are any number of people I admire, for any number of reasons, talent, personality, humor, um, you know, goodness. But I kind of feel like all people are capable of heroic acts, and all people are capable of being self-centered or whatever the opposite of heroic is. Stoic? All I'm trying to say is, a heroic act in and of itself doesn't make someone a hero. I think people with integrity are sort of heroic, but I dunno. Okay, this is what I'm trying to say. I don't know what hero really means to me. I think it means someone utterly virtuous. That's a toughie. Cuz I'm not really chilling with the Dalai Lama, and he might be if I knew more about him, or knew him personally. And what if the Dalai Lama, sometimes, has a passing judgmental thought about someone? How could he not? Is he still a hero? Because I do think virtuous behavior, heroically speaking, is more important than virtuous thinking. Alright, yes, we now have more of a rant/ramble situation than an essay. I'll get back to you if something/one more definitive comes to mind.

My Blog


I will catch up with the Haiku project.It would help, Tom, if myspace loaded a little faster. We now have high speed, but myspace remains poky.Thank you all for your patience in this matter.
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:08:00 PST

Myspace Beef of the Day: Serial Bulletins

Okay, look. I fully expect that some folks are going to get irritated with me on this although since I think I have six subscribers, I don't think anyone will read this anyway. But I am of the opini...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:07:00 PST

Check out this video: Zola "MDLWEMBE"

Ben and I watched Tsotsi this weekend (warning: sad) and I'm totally grooving on this tune...Zola "MDLWEMBE" Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:39:00 PST

The Haiku Project

In accordance with the spirit of Alex Jovanovich's Lovely Project (link to come), I hereby announce The Haiku Project, in which I will endeavor to compose a haiku for each one of my myspace friends. ...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:19:00 PST

Yo New York People

So my story "Ad" from ALL THIS HEAVENLY GLORY is going to be read at Symphony Space next Wednesday the 14th, Valentine's Day, if you don't have a date or if you do! I read this story at a reading exa...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:51:00 PST

Bens Art!!!! See It!!!

My hunny..s beautiful painting is featured on the cover of latest issue of Other Voices, which includes stories by the excellent Roy Kesey and Emily Gray Tedrowe, as well as an interview with Dorothy ...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:03:00 PST

Federline Alert!

I have a piece up on the hilarious and juggling Hillary Carlip..s site, Fresh Yarn. It is perhaps my final homage to the Federlines, with whom my husband and I no longer share an anniversary. Check ...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:20:00 PST

Shameless Self-promotion! Crane on TV!

Folks, Im on Nancy Pearls show Book Lust this month and you should watch it! For those of you located in Seattle, it airs many times for your viewing convenience, and some reason I thought the first ...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:54:00 PST

Cover of The Week

I think I like this new fake cover the best yet - it looks as though I've written a thrilling but sexy murder mystery. Which is not the case.Anyway, once again, a reminder not to look for ATHG in the...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 03:18:00 PST

Five Years

As each anniversary passes I feel like I should have some new insight, something to add, but the truth is I'm as dumbfounded as I ever was. Ben and I watched the CBS documentary last night (me for the...
Posted by Elizabeth Crane on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:04:00 PST