Life -- in general. And...the environment -- obviously!
Hillary Clinton, myself and other people I don't know that well. You...if you like anything you saw above. Contact me if you want to talk about writing, novels, shorts stories, plays, visual fine art; or even purchasing. I wanna e-meet you; or possibly F2F (If you are in Chicago).
Pretty much everything except Rap, Hip_Hop and, Reggae; though Hip Hop is starting to grow on me. Especially fond of Jazz, 80's metal rock, 70's hard rock, 60's psychedelia, classical music of the Romantic era, experimental electronic music and trans-rock...Oh and anything that can be played on an electrified jaw's harp
Too many to list. Used to be a gaffer & cinematographer, so I love the medium
The work of the devil (I used to be a cinematographer), though I can stand Boston Legal and 60 Minutes (up to Andy Rooney)
Amazons: Sexy Tales of Strong Women $15.95
Brown Wrapper Stories (Print) $10.95
Brown Wrapper Stories (PDF) $7.95
Sex & Satisfaction $15.95
Shorts That Will Knock Your Socks Off $10.95
Shorts That Will Knock Your Socks Off (PDF)
The Edge of Revolt (print) $10.95
The Edge of Revolt (PDF) $7.95
Me. Until that accident with the defective cape and tights