bennygale profile picture


improvised or not - acoustic or not - jazz or not

About Me

Welcome, this page tells you something about yours truly as a musician. It is also tells of world musicians I have encountered whom I believe have something interesting to say.
I have spent much of my musical life as a working musician in support of other's projects, especially the last twenty years, and for now have only a small thread of my own music to offer. Some of the musicians who have joined me here have large, even huge projects to present, some are long time friends, others are recent discoveries, either way there is great talent.
After a thirty five plus year career playing music for a living (you play because you must even if the living is humble), never having had a day gig; paying a whole mess of dues: club gigs, stage gigs, symphony gigs, opera gigs, orchestra pit gigs (way too many Broadway type shows), studio gigs, road gigs, sometimes (but not for so long) too few gigs; standing in the shadows holding up someone else's star, the so described celebrities, the definite want-to-be-s, the likely never-to-be-s, I am finally getting back to where I started (and would have stayed all along if they hadn't found out I could read their music and be beguiled by their paychecks, such as it all was), back to playing the music in my own heart and mind. I am free at last!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/20/2006
Band Members: B Gale: acoustic guitars 7 or 6 string archtop, classic or flattop, mandolin, mandola, violin (except Blue Tango) or bass guitar. Electric guitar, midi controller, percussion and instrumentation on 'Blue Tango' by guitar midi controller. Stella: John Dana, bass.
Influences: The sounds of nature and sounds of people, in actual fact, playing musical instruments. I imagine that our distant ancestors found their voices to speak and their voices to sing at about the same time. Music must have been integral to their understanding of the meaning of life, as it is to us. The human voice is the greatest instrument but we always sought others. We have been inventing them every since that earliest time.

Ever musical sound tells me something: to know and to do or to try; to know not to do or not to try. Honest sounds speak for themselves.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

One day youre a bum, next day youre a star, then youre a bum again&

I've been in this business a long time, I started on the bottom& and I like it there.Frankie Rapp - - - legendary Detroit comic. A long time mainstay in the professional music scene of Detroit Michig...
Posted by bennygale on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:38:00 PST

Blue Tango - Hypocrites unite! Or, if you cant beat them, join them.

In the mid eighties I was an early adopter of computer musical notation technology but this led immediately to sequencing technology as the two are very close. In those days we sequenced using synthes...
Posted by bennygale on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 06:00:00 PST

Orville Gibson, John Monteleone, John Zeidler and instruments for the ages.

The luthier's archetype.American guitar building diverged from the European practice in the early to mid eighteen hundreds. Christian Frederick (C.F.) Martin, Sr. was an apprentice to the Vienna luthi...
Posted by bennygale on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 04:27:00 PST

Influences, blah, blah, blah:

The sounds of nature and sounds of people, in actual fact, playing musical instruments. I imagine that our distant ancestors found their voices to speak and their voices to sing at about the same time...
Posted by bennygale on Wed, 16 May 2007 04:21:00 PST

The electric guitar is an abomination - Andrés Segovia.

Abomination is as the abominable does, there is no shortage.
Posted by bennygale on Sat, 26 May 2007 07:31:00 PST