J. R. R. Tolkien profile picture

J. R. R. Tolkien

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About J. R. R. Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

I am in fact a hobbit in all but size. I like gardens, trees, and unmechanized farmlands; I smoke a pipe, and like good plain food (unrefrigerated), but detest French cooking; I like, and even dare to wear in these dull days, ornamental waistcoats. I am fond of mushrooms (out of a field); have a very simple sense of humour (which even my appreciative critics find tiresome); I go to bed late and get up late (when possible). I do not travel much.
Also, may I note that my listed birthday is twenty years younger than I. And I graduated in 1915.
[Much of this information is derived from Wikipedia's article on J. R. R. Tolkien. Also, copyrighted Tolkien quotes of which I do not know the proper source.]
Merit to LilysApple for the background image and contact table. Thank you so very much!

J. R. R. Tolkien's Published Writings
The Hobbit The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King The Adventures of Tom Bombadil The Silmarillion Unfinished Tales The Book of Lost Tales Part I The Book of Lost Tales Part II The Lays of Beleriand The Shaping of Middle-Earth: The Quenta, the Ambarkanta, and the Annals The Lost Road and Other Writings The Return of the Shadow The Treason of Isengard The War of the Ring Sauron Defeated Morgoth's Ring The War of the Jewels The Peoples of Middle-Earth The Creatures of Middle-Earth Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo The Monsters and the Critics & Other Essays On Fairy-Stories Finn and Hengest The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien The Father Christmas Letters Mr. Bliss Farmer Giles of Ham Smith of Wootton Major Leaf by Niggle Roverandom The Road Goes Ever On The Children of Hurin
J. R. R. Tolkien's Links
The Encyclopedia of Arda : A reference guide to the works of J. R. R. Tolkien with over 5,000 entries. Highly recommended.
Arwen-Undomiel : A 'Lord of the Rings' dedication site overflowing with information, media, downloads, etc. Also, highly recommended.
The Tolkien Estate : The Official Site of J. R. R. Tolkien under rights of his late son, Christopher Tolkien. [under construction]
The Tolkien Society : An international organization registered in the U. K. to encourage and further interest in J. R. R. Tolkien.
TheOneRing.net : An extensive fan site that regularly updates.
Wikipedia : Article on J. R. R. Tolkien including an overview of life, work, inspirations and includes pictures and links.
Houghton Mifflin : The official publishers of 'The Lord of the Rings' and other books of Tolkien.
HarperCollins' Publishers : This publishers' biographical books on J. R. R. Tolkien.
The Lord of the Rings Films : New Line Cinema's official site for 'The Lord of the Rings' films.

My Interests

I have profound interests in many things but where my heart lies is within nature in its vast varieties, poetry, languages (notably European), Old English, Old English literature, folktales and always within my utmost adoration of and for my family.

I'd like to meet:

I would care to meet a person of a sincere and extensively creative mind, with a heart that is congenial, a demeanor with a penchant for nature and aware yet amicable conscience.

Commenting to J. R. R. Tolkien
This page is dedicated in honoring J. R. R. Tolkien. We truly appreciate it when you take the time to comment. We read every one and visit most profiles of those that have commented. However, we do ask a few favors:

    That by no means you post any profanity via text, pictures or post any links leading to an inappropriate or unsafe website.

    That you do not post any irrelevant solicitation. This site is dedicated to Tolkien, so unless you are advertising something pertinent, please refrain. If you have any questions, please message us.

    That you post images of a reasonable size. We don’t mind pictures, in fact we adore many that are posted, but very large images stretch the tables so some information can be pushed off screen and become less accessible.

    That if it is your first time posting, you tell us a little about yourself! Such as how you found this page, what books have you read (or movies you’ve seen), what your favorite work is, why you enjoy Tolkien, etc. However, this profile is public so do not post any personal information (last name, phone number, personal website, etc.). If you’d like a better conversation, please message us!
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I enjoy listening to classical music (which really matters not). The music that touches me most is the music of a culture's people; where notes foretell stories words cannot endure.

I direct you thusly to music inspired by my writings. Some of it which is an honor to be accredited to, some which honestly is not. Nonetheless, it pleases me to be able to share it with you and so I direct you to the musicians listed on my "top friends."


In regard to my books I would ask them to make an effort of imagination sufficient to understand the irritation (and on occasion the resentment) of an author, who finds, increasingly as he proceeds, his work treated as it would seem carelessly in general, in places recklessly, and with no evident signs of any appreciation of what it is all about.
However, I am reluctantly open to the idea of movie adaptations of my books; especially live-action.
As for Americans, it might be advisable to let them do what seems good to them — as long as it was possible to veto anything from or influenced by the Disney studios (for all whose works I have a heartfelt loathing).
Peter Jackson has created more than passable renditions of my stories, I am glad to say. Although, I must inquiry some larger mysteries (such as the large, burning, orb atop Orthanc). The cartoons do not so much please me, but they aren't the worst things to offspring from my writings, of this I am sure.


Television has nothing to offer except a lesser loss of education, creativity and time than, say, staring at a rug.


I am most fond of Anglo-Saxon literature, Germanic, Norse and Finnish mythologies and, of course, The Bible.

Some of my most beloved influences are indeed Beowulf, the Kalevala, the Poetic Edda, the Volsunga saga and the Hervarar saga. I must also mention Homer's and Sophocles' works. And last, but not in the least, King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius' being the Consolation of Philosophy known as the Lays of Boethius.


My own dear mother was a martyr indeed, and it is not to everybody that God grants so easy a way to his great gifts as he did to Hilary and myself, giving us a mother who killed herself with labour and trouble to ensure us keeping the faith. Also, Dr. Thornton S. Quimby, my Gandalf in life. And, of course, Edith Mary Tolkien née Bratt, my so very beloved Lúthien Tinúviel.

My Blog

'The Hobbit' as a movie -- news furthers.

[taken from variety.com]Posted: Tue., Nov. 14, 2006, 7:51am PT--------------------------------------New cash stash for MGMSloan reveals latest on 'Panther,' 'Crown' and 'Hobbit' By ADAM DAWTR...
Posted by J. R. R. Tolkien on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 07:27:00 PST

'The Hobbit' as a movie.

[from TheOneRing.net]10-07-06 Latest News --> NEWS UPDATED ON: 10/07/06--> 'The Hobbit' Petition: MGM Speaks! Xoanon @ 8:58 pm EST Lith writes: Here is a report on the deliveries of The H...
Posted by J. R. R. Tolkien on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:52:00 PST