Once in a long while, you come across someone who is different, who has retained the joy that is what playing really is and is in a dance with universe. A person who is tapped directly into what bassplaying is supposed to be about. Someone who has the technical end of bass playing all sorted out and can reach into the heart of music and pull the right strings.
Bassist Janne Pettersson is a true underground bass hero. He loves to play his basses, fretless or multistring basses, in all kind of project, from nasty funk-soul via new-age music to soloconserts and clinics.
A person that has all but made the bass invisble and standing there before you, showing you a clear window to his soul.
When I encounter a person such as this, and it does not happen often enough, I can feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Janne Pettersson is one of a very few bass players that does that.
Warren Murchie,
Bass Inside Magazine
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This is our BASSic roots......Stanley Clarke....This is the beginning.
Lets talk about bass and drummers, This is IT.....This Is Stanley Clarke / Steve Gadd...The BEST!!!.
This is ROCK.....This Is LED ZEPPELIN.....The BEST!!!.
Almost Famous.......The best Film Ever!!!