Myspace Layouts at / Fire & ice Dragons
space Contact Tables provided by ProfileGoodies.comMyspace Layouts at / Fire & ice Dragons
space Contact Tables provided by ProfileGoodies.comeverything that makes me wonder...... everything that makes me feel free...... everything that opens my mind.......from simple notions to sophisticate phylosophy &sciences §Dragons, Cats, Birds, Dogs, Wolves, Reptiles....¤Mors stupebit et Natura cum resurget Creatura iudicanti responsura ¤
David Le eROTHic
, Mr.G.R.Palazzo,
(Arch)Angels, Dragons,Aliens
...those good-natured;
Jesus,Siddharta,Alah.... the Core'n' the Edge of the Supreme Universe.... can't mention Death coz she's the only one i'm sure to meet someday...BUT...only then starts the great mysticosmical party... Frank's already there& many others too... A.Azrael surely met them all....
((((((((((((((((¤))))))))))))))))¤ illumini il tempo Tu che bevi dalla Luce della Vita ¤Dies Irae Dies Illa
solvet saeclum in favilla
teste David cum Sibylla.Some take the Bible
for what it's worth
when it says that the meek
shall inherit the Earth
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in the common man snatchin'up money
everywhere he can,oh yeah,
He's got 20million$ in his
Heavenly Bank Account
you ain't got nothin',people,
thank the man....oh yeah!!
www.hostdrjack.comHa ya zin..nauart' ezzaman
ya shareb men daiyel' haiah...
Van ROTHalen!!, DLRoth!! , FrankZappa!!, WhiteSnake, LedZeppelin, AliceInChains, DeepPurple(the Coverdale era), the Doors,David Bowie, DimmuBorgir, Therion, JethroTull, AllmanBrothers,DreamTheater, PlanetX, Spectre, BlackCrowes, SoundGarden, NeilYoung,JeffBeck, BlindMelon,DeadCanDance, RageAgainstTheMachine, TheWho,PinkFloyd, WeatherReport,UFO, RyCooder, FaithNoMore, Sevendust, IronMaiden, TheCult, OzzyOsbourne, BillyIdol, TubewayArmy, Bluvertigo,Litfiba,KennyRogers, AsianDubFoundation, Dissidenten,St.Germain, MahavishnuOrchestra, AlDiMeola, BobMarley, PeterTosh, StanleyClark, MilesDavis, RichardBona, CharlesMingus, JorgeCardenas,........ RaviShankar, AlDarawish, Bluegrass, Indian sounds, NativeIndians sound, African sounds, JapaneseKABUKI,Arab souns, Jewish music, CarlOrff,W.A.Mozart,Wagner,Debussy,Chopin,Vivaldi, J.S.Bach,Sibelius........................
sciencefiction,legendary tales, paganish mythology, Japanese animated movies, fantasy movies , art movies,............ Labyrinth,BladeRunner,TheProphecy,Kamasutra, Metropolis,Matrix, AeonFlux,StarWars,MadMax,PriscillaTheQueenOfDesert, LordOfRings ,Eragon, Wolf'sRain,Kenshiro-theWarrior,.............
DiscoveryChannel, TravelChannel, AnimalPlanet, LonelyPlanet and everything that talks 'bout Space &physics, chemistry, misteries, alchemy, spiritual matters, paranormal.....
100%IsaacAsimov ,E.A.Poe ,J.Verne,H.Hesse, C.Castaneda, StephenHawking, RabindranathTagore, J.Rollins, NigelHenbest, E.Hemingway, C.Baudelaire, R.Kipling, F.Kafka,M.Twain, D.Brown, T.Dostojevskij, C.Dickens, H.Kureishi, BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada, an' many many many ......................
DAVID LEE ROTH,FRANK ZAPPA, Jesus, Conan,Eragon,W.A.Mozart, M.Ghandi,Gandalf, DaneelOlivaw&GiskardReventlov,robots, KingArthur, captain Kirk,captain Harlock,Kenshiro,MarcoPolo, AmunRa, Lorentz theArab, Dante, Shakespeare, AlexanderTheGreat, BigMontezuma,...............
Just because the Sun want a place in the sky
no reason to assume I wouldn't give him a try,
mmmmmmm yummy yummy
...And then I'd get a cuppa cawfee
'n give my foot a push...
Just me 'n my pygmy pony over by the
Dennil Floss Bush
'n I might just jump back on
an' ride like a cowboy
into the dawn to Montana...
Who is who & What is what??
He has a CamarilloBrillo
I Wanna Be Your Lover....wanna...wanna...wanna be
...your Ice Cream Man...