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People who do not believe we know all that we should about 9/11/2001,and those fighting to reveal the truth.People who are Free Thinkers and do not readily accept practiced and prepared answers which are designed to mislead and redirect one from truth.People who have an interest in Ufos and Quantum Physics
At last astounding revelations by the world's foremost authorities ... all » including: Dr. Steven M. Greer, Steve Bassett, Jim Marrs, Robert O. Dean, Dr. Michael Salla, Stanton T. Friedman, Alfred L. Webre, John Greenwald Jr., Dr. Len Horowitz, Dr. Richard Boylan, Jaime Maussan, Paola Harris, Jerry Pippin, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, A. J. Gevaerd, Sean David Morton, Graham E. Bethune, Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, James W. Deardorff, Phd., Robert M. Wood PhD, Charles Hall, Richard Dolan, Steven Jones, Rob Simone, Don Ware, Richard Giordano, James Courant, Dolores Cannon, Maurice Osborn, David Coote, Stoyan Cheresharov, Daniel Munioz, Lisa Davis, Bruce Jessop, Robert Miles, Alan G.Toleman, Jutta Savill. Hosted by Erika Jessop. Never before has there been such a disclosure of the web of lies and disinformation that the Governments of the world do not want you to know! Hear contactee’s, experiencer's and abductee's share their amazing testimonies!Discover the truth about extraterrestrial contact.Circle Object Orlando 1999
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How to make a Crypto Ufo Quantum Conspiracy
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Kaváh: When Two Worlds Merge
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies
Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs
Exempt from Disclosure, 2nd Edition (Site 51, S4, MJ-12, Wright-Pat, Los Alamos)
Chariots of the Gods
UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973
Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications
Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
Behold a Pale Horse
Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up powered by frazy.com mspobj
CALL THE WHITE HOUSE AND DEMAND UFO DISCLOSURE AT: 1-202-456-1111Contact the 2008 Presidential candidates and ask them what they would do about UFO secrecy and disclosure! Go to their town meetings and rallies, write or fax letters, email, or call them!IF WE ALL STAND UP AND CONTACT OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS DEMANDING DISCLOSURE WE'LL HAVE A BETTER CHANCE THAN IF WE REMAIN APATHETIC AND SCARED TO TAKE A STAND ON THIS IMPORTANT ISSUE.Email or call the Candidates:Bill Richardson: http://www.billrichardsonforpresident.com/ 1-505-982-2291Joe Biden: http://biden.senate.gov/contact/ 1-202-224-5042Hilary Clinton: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/help/contact/ 1-202-263-0180Chris Dodd: http://www.chrisdodd.com/contact 1-860-561-8843John Edwards: http://www.johnedwards.com/about/contact/form/ 1-919-636-3131Mike Gravel: http://www.gravel2008.us/contact 1-703-652-4698Dennis Kucinich: http://kucinich.us/contact 1-887-413-3664John McCain: http://www.johnmccain.com/Contact/ 1-703-418-2008Barack Obama: http://action.barackobama.com/page/s/contact 1-866-675-2008Ron Paul: http://www.ronpaul.org http://www.house.go