I had a dream the other night that I must make you understand. A figure walked in through the mist with a flintlock in his hand. His clothes were torn and dirty as he stood there by my bed. He took off his three-cornered hat.... and speaking low to me he said; "We fought a Revolution to secure our Liberty. We wrote the Constitution as a shield from Tyranny. For future generations this legacy we gave... In this the land of the free and home of the brave. The freedoms we secured for you we hoped you'd always keep... But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep. Your freedoms gone, your courage lost, you're no more than a SLAVE, in this the land of the free and home of the brave. You buy permits to travel and permits to own a gun, permits to start a business or build a place for one. On land that you believe you own you pay a yearly rent. Although you have no voice in how the money's spent. You read about the current news in a regulated press, you pay a tax you do not owe to please the IRS. Your money is no longer made of silver nor of gold, you trade your wealth for paper so your life can be controlled. You pay for crimes that make our nation turn from God in shame. You've taken Satan's number and traded in your name. You've given government control to those who do you harm. So they can burn down churches and seize the family's farm. They keep our country deep and debt throw patriots in jail, Harass your fellow countrymen while corrupted courts prevail. Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oaths they've sworn, your daughters visit doctors.... so they're children... won't be born. Your leaders send artillery and guns to foreign shores, And send your sons to slaughter FIGHTING OTHER PEOPLES WARS!!!!!!! Can you regain the freedoms for which we've fought and died, or don't you have the courage or the faith to stand and fight with pride? Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save? Or do you wish your children to live in fear and be slaves? O sons of the republic, arise and take a stand!! DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!!! Preserve our great republic and each god-given right, and pray to your god to keep the torch of freedom burning BRIGHT!!! As I awoke he vanished into the mist from whence he came His words were true, we are not free and have only ourselves to blame. For even now as tyrants trample all our given rights, we only watch and tremble to afraid to stand and fight. If he stood by YOUR bedside and spoke to you in your sleep. Wondered what remained of the freedoms he'd fought to keep? What would be your answer if he called out from the grave? Is this still the land of the free and the home of the brave?-----------------------I like freaking people out by proving to them things they already know are true but refuse to acknowlege until hit with the reality check that is awareness. I understand. It's much easier to pretend that you live in the world they sell you. Ignorence is bliss. The price of awareness is insanity. It must be. Whenever anyone speaks up for the truth, no matter how obvious, they're simply brushed off as crazy. The reality of it all however is anything but bliss. Your government lies to you. Every day in almost every concievable way. Let me give you a, "for instance".................. Does that make you mad? Wait, it gets better. Wanna know the truth about our system of banking? check this out... Our governmeent are the real terrorists in this world. Our government controls the media and as a result the vast majority of your minds. Wake up. Question the answers, don't believe the lies. Investigate the truth about 911. Loose Change is a documentary every American should watch, so watch Thermite. The glowing substance pouring from the wound in the side of the tower is molten thermite mixed with molten iron and aluminum oxide. The question is, was it on the plane or did the jet fuel ignite a planted charge? Thermite shearing is visible directly above the fireman's helmet on a main support column. This is consistent with a demolitions footprint. Molten iron can be seen on the inside and outside of the column. This is what you would find on a column which had been cut with demolitions grade thermite. One more time, THERMITE WAS USED. Independent experts in the field of demolitions reject the governments answers to what occured on 9/11.Mountaintop removal is a radical form of coal mining in which entire mountains are literally blown up -- and it is happening here in America on a scale that is almost unimaginable.Mountaintop removal is devastating hundreds of square miles of Appalachia; polluting the headwaters of rivers that provide drinking water to millions of Americans; and destroying a distinctly American culture that has endured for generations.Huntington, WV — A federal court ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the law by issuing permits that permanently buried vital headwater streams near five mountaintop removal mines in West Virginia. The Corps failed to demonstrate that mountaintop removal mining valley fills can comply with the Clean Water Act without strict limits on the destruction of streams and rivers.In September 2005, Earthjustice and the Appalachian Center for the Economy & the Environment, on behalf of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and Coal River Mountain Watch challenged five West Virginia mountaintop removal permits. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia today found those permits violate the Clean Water Act. The judge ordered the Corps of Engineers to go back and comply with the law.Google has released new featured content in the popular Google Earth program that includes the mountaintop removal coal mining layer at the heart of www.iLoveMountains.org. The new featured content, which can be seen and explored by all 200 million users of Google Earth worldwide, includes the National Memorial for the Mountains, which uses Google Earth satellite imagery to reveal the devastating impacts of mountaintop removal mining in the Appalachian Mountains.The new mountaintop removal layer in Google Earth features a high resolution tour of a large mountaintop removal site, 22 memorials that tell first-hand stories of families and communities impacted by mountaintop removal, and the locations of over 470 Appalachian mountaintops destroyed by mountaintop removal. Additional features include before-and-after views of mountaintop removal sites, a Google SketchUp model of the massive equipment used in mountaintop removal operations, and overlays of a large mine site over 36 U.S. cities. The Disclosure Project, scientists, airline pilots, former military. Creditable witnesses in any court in the world. Except for the court of conditioned responses. None of these people are crazy, but they teach us to think they are regardless of the overwellming evidence.Not all "U.F.O.'s" are of unknown origin. Some craft are infact indigenous to this planet. At this stage of the game I'm sure most of you are fimiliar with the belief that our government has captured and deconstructed alien craft on many occasions. But did you know that our government also captured/aquired "saucer" tecnology at the end of World War II? Not from visitors mind you, but from right here on Earth. Captured as the spoils of war. Captured from the Nazi's.Secret Space is a great little documentary which puts a spot light on alot of important information and evidence on the UFO coverup. I'm a big fan of science. Unrepressed, tecnology can solve all of our problems. Well....except for Bush and evil men like him. Undoubtably the future of energy lies in electromagnetics and implosion tecnology. But in the interm, crossover tecnologies such as electric/gasoline hybrids will ease the sheepeople into weening off of petroleum sources. Another interesting crossover souce is air/gasoline. That's right, AIR. I give you, The Air Car...Atomic Hydrogen could supply huge amounts of inexpensive, clean, cheap, safe energy for everyone. So....what's the problem?I love Mythology/Religion. Most people think there's a difference. Especially hardcore Christians. Well...guess what? At the time the Roman Empire was beginning to crumble, the need to keep its grip over the populous required another instrument of control and quickly.To accomplish this, they needed a central figure to rally people around. Until then, the Romans had mostly worshipped the pagan God Mithras. Mithras could not be used as the central "power" because he was so well known to the populous. The Roman emperors could add nothing more to Mithras to make Mithras the centre of power.A new "power figure" was therefore required.At that time an early form of Christianity was already taking a hold in the region. This early Christianity was probably the first and only true Christianity before the Romans perverted it. This religion was the staple belief system of the decendants of the slaves of Egypt. These peoples followed a watered down version the religion of their ancestor's former oppressors. By polishing the Jesus character and incorporating elements of pagan religions into it's core, true Christianity was lost.And so over the next 300 years or so the Roman emperors looked at ways in which they could leverage Jesus and his teachings into a new Religion to exert control over the masses.Clearly Jesus and a few books, the Gospels, where not sufficient in and of themselves, so they realized that they needed to embellish and package it in order to present to the populous as the official new Religion. This all happened around the time of the infamous Roman Emperor Constantine around 300CE - 300 years after "Jesus".This then is why and when Constantine and his clergy and priests, including pagan priests contrived the concept of the Christian myth based around of the birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of the figure known as Jesus.It is important to note that this was a recurring pagan theme for their deities for at least 3000 years before Jesus, with at least 16 such pagan deities having been subjected to this almost identical birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection process. Jesus was likely in fact to have been the 17th "God-man" to have been slain for the benefit of humanity. The circumstances surrounding these 16 previous God-men was extremely similar - obviously being a very successful formula for religion and control, which of course Constantine and his advisor's were fully aware of.I have conducted very considerable research into the origins of Christianity, and I am of the opinion that it was indeed the Egyptian mythology that formed the basis of the birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection and ultimately therefore the Christian myths, and specifically the of the Egyptian deity "Horus" the "Sun God" who:Was born on December 25 to a "virgin mother" * The birth was accompanied by a "Star in the East" The birth was accompanied by "three kings" Horus Was baptized at 30 Horus Had 12 disciples Horus went about and performed many miracles Horus was known as "The Lamb" and "The Light" Horus was crucified Was buried for 3 days Until finally Horus was resurrected* As we will see later, the Sun or "Son" is always "born" on December 25.Remember - this is Horus we are talking about here. Many of the other pagan deities also fit this description almost to the letter.Horus was in my view probably the most ancient and pre-cursor to all of the subsequent God-people mythologies and religions.The Romans were also heavily influenced by their own deity "Mithra" who not only precisely followed the above life experiences of birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection, but was also worshiped on a Sunday.It was not surprisingly therefore that Constantine and his cronies attributed these same attributes to the central figure in their new religion - Jesus to make him more acceptable out of familiarity - the name may have changed, but not the central mythology.But what of the birth of Jesus which seems very specific?The star that was being followed, and one which shone very brightly in the East in the night sky During late December was Sirius, the "dog star".Accompanying Sirius in a straight formation, but diagonal to Sirius are three additional very bright stars which have long been known as "The Three Kings". On December 25 of the year Jesus was born, the Sirius and the Three Kings were in alignment, pointing to the place where the Sun or "Son" would rise, or be "born" that day.So this then is where the bright Star of the East and the "Three Kings" of the myth of the birth of Jesus originated.Also in this mix of mythology we have the presence of the constellation of Virgo, "The Virgin" mythically representing the "Virgin Mary".The constellation of Virgo is also known in ancient mythology as "The House of Bread". In ancient Hebrew, "House of Bread" translates to "Beit Lehem" or "Bethlehem" - the place where the "Son" was born to Virgo Mary.Why December 25? Well December 21 is the winter solstice, representing the Sun disappearing to its lowest ebb, and therefore mythically representing the "death of the Sun". The Sun or "Son" mythically remains in this state of "death" for three days until, on December 25, to the ancients something amazing happens - the Sun or "Son" starts to rise again and is "born". Also it should be noted that Constantine reportedly worshiped, Sol Invictus, a pagan Sun god. As it turns out Sol's day of creation also happens to be December 25th. Prior to the involvement of Constantine's priests, the texts where said to have named the birth date to be January 1st. The first day of the new year and symbolic of a new beginning.It should be noted that this is also the origin of the resurrection, where the Sun, or "Son" is "dead" for three days, before being resurrected.So the rising of the Sun on December 25 is the mythical birth of the Sun or the "Son". The Three Kings, track he Sirius "Star" in the East to the birth of "The Sun" or "Son".The other key tenet of the Christian religion is of course the Bible.The core of the Bible are the four books "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which record the life and teachings of Jesus from the beginning of his mission when these and another eight people became his disciples. As also mentioned before, these four books are books of Initiation, including Spiritual Growth and Metaphysics, and, once the true inner meaning is known, are extremely powerful, and among the greatest such books ever written.The early church, as now, not being Spiritually aware, had absolutely no concept of the true meanings of the Gospels, or of the Bible generally, and if they had most certainly would not have included them in the canon of the Bible, thus turning them into a theology which has remained to this day forming the doctrines of orthodox religion.Of course Constantine could not make just four books the basis of the new powerful religion of control, so he instructed his clergy to gather together many other books written around the time to accompany the gospels in what would form the canon of the new book, the Bible". Later at the Counsel of Nicaea, Constantine convened a meeting of the clergy to vote upon which of these books should be added to the gospels to pad out the Bible out into an extensive and impressive looking book - the "handbook" from God to humanity, and thus the "Holy Bible" and Roman Catholic religion were contrived along with the Roman Church to replace the Roman Empire.Of course the populous, being hitherto worshippers of the pagan deity Mithras, who also, as with 15 or so deities previously followed the routine of birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection, were very happy to accept an alternative with exactly the same characteristics, because it did not upset their belief systems too much - all part of Constantine's plan.And so the myth of Jesus and birth of the Bible and new religion unfolds. I could write much more about the myth of the birth of Jesus and the remainder of the Jesus Myth, and almost certainly will one day.
Aliens. Former C.I.A. operatives who like to blow whistles. Scientists formerly employed by government black ops organizations. Unintimidated airline mechanics who know what the hell "they" are spraying on us. American military personal who have taken part in terrorist activities blamed on others, ect...... "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell----- "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today" --Malcolm X----- "We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time." --Aristotle------ "It is not the words of my enemies that I fear; it is the silence of my friends." -- Martin Luther King Jr.-----Ladies and Gentalmen.....Mr. George Carlin! Viktor Schauberger was a brilliant man. Now only his insights and discoveries remain. I would have loved to have met a man with such a unique insight to the way the natural world works and how to coexist with the living planet.Mike Gravel, former Senator of Alaska. Is it possible that there's at least one guy in Washington that's not affraid of the "Shadow Government"? If this guy's for real he's got my vote.