CATS THAT BOXand freedom... or getting our freedom back anyway.
Dorks, Hipsters, Geeks and Nerds...Bikers, Posers, Rockers and Punks... Greasers, Epicureans, Billionaires, and Poor Folk... Other artists and art lovers... Old Friends, New Friends, and/or anyone interested in sharing positive ideas and/or realistic issues and of course, people that "actually want to network." Nice folks with a witty sense of humor who do not offend easily - who are honest and not naive enough to think a person had a choice in the color of their skin so they do not judge them for their skin color - you "judge by values not visuals." You hold yourself accountable and do not blame the world for your problems. You are not a catty chatty. You loathe drama and avoid it like the plague. You will not knock me over with your suitcase. You Live Life by Design, Not Default. You know what LOYAL means. And, you like kitties - esp ones that BOX!
DRC Media - AZ True Wheel websites
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't follow. I'd be at the bottom to catch them when they fall.
Depends on the mood.
I like it all - Rockabilly, Big Band, Swing, Goth, Punk, Surf, Industrial, 80's metal, Classic Rock, Prog, Funk, Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Classical, Jazz, Blues, Techno, House, Rap, New Wave, Grunge, Old school Country in small get where I am going here.
Music is what makes the earth turn.
Top Favorite Drama FIGHT CLUB - my all time favorite! Crash The Edukators (must see) Good Will Hunting Requiem for a DreamSLC Punk Pay it Forward (yes Golan, I did like this film) Waking Life Dead Poets Society Grand Canyon Beautiful Girls Mindwalk Meet Joe Black Natural Born Killers Top Favorite Comedy The Big Lebowski Swingers Made Go Friday Office Space Chasing Amy Raising Arizona Out of Sight Thumbsucker Documentary Long Way Round (a must see for any motorcycle enthusiast) Affluenza (stop buying the shit on the TV) The Corporation (see above) Wal Mart: the high cost of low price (don't buy any of their shit) Koyaanisqatsi (take a little trip)Supersize Me (you are what you eat) Fast Food Nation (it made me cry and I really don't do that)
Yes, I watch some TV on occasion - it's the greatest brain dead sport out there... DQ commercials SLAY ME!
Scrubs The L Word Arrested Development Six Feet Under Weeds Colbert Report Mad TV Real Time - Bill Maher Late Night with Jon Stewart Mind of Mencia Reno 911 My name is Earl HGTV Discovery Science National Geographic channel TCM
"the Tao of Inner Peace" by Diane Dreher Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman As You Think by James Allen Excuse me your life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn Personal Power through Awareness by Sanaya Roman Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan by Jou, Tsung Hwa The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki The Tao of Inner Peace by Diane Dreher Illusions by Richard Bach Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Bach Guns don't kill people - people kill people... "That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." George Orwell
MY BIGGEST HERO and you can see why. My Husband Bruce Lee Confucius Socrates (He pissed everybody off) Lao Tzu Buddha Jesus (it's the whole water to wine thing) Bill Hicks John Lennon H.B. "Toby" Halicki The Pink Panther (The coolest cat I knew as a kid) Rush's Permenant Waves CD, Supertramps Breakfast in America CD, Everything Pink Floyd ever did. Yes, my heroes have taken on non-human form too - I was highly influenced by music as a child - and these guys were my parents.Oh... and Larry Flynt