Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire profile picture

Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire

I love the way you call me BB!

About Me

OMG I am getting MARRIED!!!!!♥ If you wish to donate to the cause of my wedding ,which the expenses are growing daily, please do so! At this point people will be eating hot dogs and drinking tap water! hahaa (If everyone donates $10 I'll be able to serve more then hot dogs! Maybe even have condiments!!!)......♥♥♥♥♥Hi there! I'm just a girl who somehow fell into this whole modeling thing...lucky me :) I mainly do Pin Up type stuff...but of course I am willing to do most anything. Send me an email here if you are interested in working with me. I've been really lucky and have had the pleasure to work with some really amazing photographers!*Susana @*Dawn @*Jeff @*Joi @*Andy Hartmark @*Kristen Wright @*Jim Furious @*5 Stencils @'ve done print work www.azpunk.comwww.jakeschopshop.comPlush www.trashvilleusa.comYou can find me on www.mothermayi.comin the pages of Gothic Beauty Magazineand in Ol Skool RodzSUPPORT THESE GIRLS!!!I am made up of long legs, blue eyes and thick hair. I have a cat that I absolutely adore. I can't wait to be 40, because no one belongs to a "scene" when they are 40. Sometimes I make mistakes, very big mistakes. I have more faith in people then I really should. Thinking of the future petrifies me.I believe that people take life for granted...wake up!I have an unusual addiction to popsicles...I buy them in packs of 100, and can eat them all with in a few days....Mmmmmm HmmmmmI like to pose on carsHere's a bit I did for Miss Kristen Wright ( LOVE this girl!!!! There are not enough words to express how greatful I am for our friendship....Craig's one of my very best guy friends, cause he puts up with all my bull shit and calls me out when I am being a cunt!!!!I wish it was always Halloween....I love love love to play dress up!!!The Queen of Hearts and Mrs. Snow White (aka Nicole)Joey teaching me how to dance ;)Frankie and I on Halloween night...I have some HOTTTTT lady friendsMe and Brad...he has come to my rescue many times when Freddie Focus has left me stranded some where. He's a great friendI LOVE US!!!!I Love Love Love my BEAUTIFUL lady friends!!!!Such a friends and I like to cuddle in a non-gay way!Me and the very talented Andy Hartmark....He makes takes the lovliest photos

My Interests

Billy your heart out!Come give your support to these AWESOME bands and to the queens of snack packs The Dirty Darlins of Debuachery!I <3 dancing in dive barsSUPPORT THIS!!!!!!May 20th!!!!!heheh My get away sticks!!!Andy Hartmark doing some shots for El Jefe IncI love love love Marshmellows, popsicles, Snuggling, making forts out of blankets.....*Driving w/the windows down and the heater on in the dead of winter**Falling down, I am ALWAYS bruised SOMEWHERE**Washing my hair* *Tattoos**Jumping on beds*Give some support to these sites!!!!Gotta LOVE the Roller Girls!!!!She makes magic

This Clothing Site Is HOTTTTT Booty Shorts Ladies, Booty Shorts! AND sweet shirts like this!!!! GO THERE NOW

I'd like to meet:

I met the one who makes my heart skip a beat. The one that gives me that fluttery feeling in my tummy each time our eyes lock. He can handle my popsicle addiction. He is willing to listen to music in the dark with me (and posisbly hold hands with). And I am sure if I wanted to, he would let me eat grilled cheese sandwiches in bed.He makes me happy...Happier then I ever thought I could be.


Arizona's ONLY Rocky Horror Punk Rock Tribute Band!!! (ass provided by yours truely) Click on the picture to go to their page NOW!!!

Leanord Cohen (get on board with him, he's amazing)Fucken Social Distortion rules...They make me happy and sad at the same time, Garbage, Depeche Mode, Elton John(no comments need there, I already know thats gay), Frank Sinatra, Redfield, OutKast, Snoop Dogg,The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, Madonna, HIM, Dean Martin, Material Issue, Violent Femmes, Johnny Thunders, Skid Row, Right Said Fred, Front 242!!! The Clash, Blackalicious, Nick Cave and the bad seeds,Tones on tail, Beatles, The Pixies, The Smiths, Poison, NIN, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Johnny Cash, Bob Schnieder, Guns n' Roses, Pet Shop Boys, Marilyn Manson, AC/DC, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Lords of Acid, Blur, Menswear, Rancid, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Sigur ros, New Kids on The Block, Milli Vanilli, Motley FUCKEN Crue!! Stella Star, Prince, David Bowie, Alicia Keys, Nelly,Postal Service, Harry Conick Jr., Dramarama, Duran Duran, Siouxes and the Banshees, .... any and all 80's music (metal or pop) Really anything that rocks is ok in my book.......>>LOCAL BANDS<< The New Romantics are pretty much Number One!!! Redfield totally rules! Yancey!!!Calabrese will rock the hell into you.....There is no method to my madness....give this site your support


Office Space!!!!! Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, Any movie by John Waters! Cool As Ice, FIGHT CLUB is the best eva'! Donnie Darko, Purple Rain, Strip Tease (true cinemetography at its finest), Uh, mmm.... Oh! Adam Sandler movies! Anything w/ Chris Rock! Dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood! Oh, shit! I just saw NAPOLEON DYNOMITE....Seriously...I laughed the whole friggen time!!! I think I will watch this movie every day till I die of laughter... ok, thats a bit dramatic, but I liked it a lot!!!!!!!!! Pretty in Pink, Anything with John Cusak, Love Story, ET, I seem to like J. Lo movies a lot...I don't know why so please don't question me!, Marilyn Monroe Movies and Audrie Hepburn movies are good stuff, Amilee (sp), Movies that make you think...


I totally love Arrested Development, TV CAN'T get much better then that!! Simpsons, Sopranos...


The Stepford Wives.


Micah Elliot.

My Blog

You low down dirty Piece of Sh!t

Seriously. WTH. This morning I wake up and pack me and Micah our I do every morning. (Im seriously gonna be a stepford wife just you watch) Every morning our cat Tuki is right there beg...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 10:41:00 PST

Please pack your bags and LEAVE!

Dear Insomnia. You are not wanted in my life, please pack you bags and leave. I can not keep choking down pills night after night in hopes that you will go away, only to have you still there, at the ...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:51:00 PST

I am a terrible person

Sooo last night I was on my way to Phoenix college with my friend Spring to walk the track....and I ran over a dog :( I was driving down my street and was going slower then usual because I s...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST

No brake line = No Stopping for me :(

Soooo Last night after work I stopped at the grocery store....when I was pulling out, it felt like I rolled through the stop I was making, but I thought it was just me not coming to a full stop. Ever...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:02:00 PST

Why my Bday has never been such a big deal....

Here is my sob story about my birthday....It's never been that big of a deal for me..unlike most people who are soooo excited about their birthdays...My mother can NEVER remember when my birthday...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:38:00 PST

In the words of Morrissey...I know - IT’S SERIOUS

So I was talking to a co-worker today about Micah and I moving in together... I told him that I was giving about 90% of my furniture away to some friends, the rest is being brought to micah's. His re...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:26:00 PST

He called the shit POO...and other dinner time occurances

So yesterday I spent time at my moms learning how to cook one of my all time favorite dishes, Rivvals (pronounced Riv-ells) which is a family favorite passed down from my Grandpa Maywhoor! W...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:59:00 PST

The Big C, Part 2...A touch of the cancer.

So I FINALLY got my results back...after waiting for 2 weeks...Wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear :( As it turns out, I have some precancerous a month from today I am having the LEEP...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:08:00 PST

The big C

2 months ago I went in for my annual lady visit...and wasnt surprised when they called and said I had an abnormal pap....I almost ALWAYS have an abnormal one, usually they just have me come back in, d...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:50:00 PST


My mom always says that god only gives you as much as you can handle... Well god I think I am at my breaking point. In the past two weeks -Ive been told that I need to be screened for Cancer. -I los...
Posted by Foxxy McGillicuty is Heidi Hellfire on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:53:00 PST