Lets see... Where to start? My motto in life is that everything happens for a reason and so far that has been completely true, so much so that at times I can't even believe it. I try my hardest to treat others as I would be like to be treated and so far that has worked out nicely for me. I figure if others do not show me the same decency then eventually the kharma train makes it's stop. I am an extremely loyal person and would do anything for the ones I ♥. I am one of those wear my ♥ on my sleeve type people which has gotten me in trouble in the past. Thankfully that was I life lesson I learned from and I found a happy medium in between the too hard and too soft. My main goal in life is to continually grow as a person, be happy, and to surround myself with happy, positive people. Everything else is just a product of those goals. Anything else you wish to know just ask...