Creating the music of Ainulindale and making the destiny of the Earth, Arda.
All who ended the wrath of Sauron in the War of the Ring
Music of Ainulindale, of the Ainur, and my people of the Valar and Maiar. Elven folk songs are acceptable but are not quite worthy thine ears.
They have yet to make my story of The Silmarillion a movie so I'll accept the Lord of the Rings.
Those bastard dwarves haven't invented electricity yet. What did I even put them on the Earth for? I should have let Aule smight them when he had the chance.img src=" ule_tns.jpg"
The Silmarillion mainly, but great tales of my creator J.R.R. Tolkien suffice.img src=" llion.gif"
My most loyal servent Manwe,and all the other "Gods" of the Valar that I have created.