Writing - Reading - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. MMORPGs. Chess. Computers. Swimming.This is the bookcover of my soon-to-be-released Dark SF/F novel 'Flames of Herakleitos'
Myself when I was about eighteen to warn myself of all the pitfalls and mistakes that lay in wait for me in the coming years. However, perhaps I already did and being eighteen thought *WTF does that old guy know?* sigh...
#ECE5B6 "Pretty ecletic here, I'll listen to everything from Hard Rock to old Neapolitan Folk Songs, doesn't mean I'll like it all, but I'll give it a try./
#ECE5B6 " At the moment, probably CSI stuff, NYPD Blues, Futurama, The Sopranos/
#ECE5B6 " Ack...not enough space here, but these are some: Any Neal Asher Book, same for Peter F. Hamilton, Richard Morgan's stuff. Donaldson's work, Iain M Banks, just too many to mention/
#ECE5B6 " Anyone who puts their private life to one side and works for the benefit of humankind/All who came to my book launch! Click here to see slideshow and read comments