"Do not Follow those who wish to keep the spark to themselves, for their egos are their own Glory. Know you are the Light of the World." C.L.S.
I believe in the Principle of Oneness, and that we are the Source of all things Manifesting. There are no lines between us, only shadows and pale illusions. I know this to be a truth-For the kingdom of God is inside of you. I also know it is not the End of the world, as some of you wish to believe, but Only the Beginning of a New One...In the twinkling of an eye it shall all be changed.
I have come to realize that my thoughts are the desires of my heart, my fears, as well as my dreams, and more often than not, my thoughts are wishes granted. For this reason I believe in the renewing of the mind. I believe in remembrance.I believe in Peace, Unity, and all things pure.
Please Sign My Map:"Why should I seek? I am the same as He.
His essence speaks through me.
I have been looking for myself!"