LOVE:Music,art,helping others, rock climbing, mountain biking, skiing, camping, hiking, back packing, scuba diving, theater, great food, global humanitarian efforts,worldwide Earth conservation in it's entirety(habitats, wildlife, all natural resources!*environmentalism*),sustainable living, civil liberties,organic food,mitzvah, reading, world travel, other cultures,animals, trees, forests,fresh air, untainted waters, mountains, Healing, healers, energy work, light workers, Reiki, learning, growing.. ***awareness ***,compassion, animals,nature,passion, life, Celtic Football Club and rugby : ) oh yeah and real beer/ales!!
People who who are global minded, who think of humanity, the earth and all creatures. People who actually take the time to help and make a difference to those in need. It can be people, animals, nature or all the above.( Even better!!) Get involved and immerse yourself.
People who are introspective and continually evolve and better themselves... believe in growth.
Music lovers!! Music,lyrics, art and poetry I feel, is everything our soul needs to convey...
People who are kind, compassionate even under pressures and stress.. know the value and art of cultivating true friendships.
UNIVERSAL LOVE FOR YOUExpansive joy and love flowspositively throughout the universe!On the higher planes the I dissolvesInto radiant beauty.Joy overflows!You are beautiful!You are Loved!
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. -Unknown source
(See below.. The Code , INTENT is just as important as ACTION :) THOUGHTS are the root. Live in your heart.. balance the mind, heart and action.. live beautiful..LOVE )P.S. if you want to be 'friends in my space' and I don't know you, take the time to make the connection with a message (thus above paragraph, know how to form real friendships)... it's what it is all about, we are all connected. Peace. Namaste
How should we relate to beings who look into mirrors and see themselves as individuals, who mourn companions and may die of grief, who have a consciousness of 'self?' Don't they deserve to be treated with the same sort of consideration we accord to other highly sensitive beings: ourselves?
- Dr. Jane Goodall
love and light to you - Nema
Visit Summer Meltdown Festival Website
Can't stand it.If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace. - John Lennon
My favorite all time authors and books by them are: Shakti Gawain; Creative Visualization and Awakening. Jane Roberts; (Seth books) the Nature of Personal Reality, The Eternal Validity of the Soul and Self Speaks. Edgar Cayce, Thomas Sugrue; There is a River. Dawn Baumann; Animal Voices-Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life.ALSO ANYTHING Oscar Wilde,Jane Austin,Harriot Jacobs,Frederick Douglass and Voltaire.Note:I found Jane Goodall's -Reason for Hope to be profound as well as Roger Fouts- Next of Kin.I also love to read cookbooks, travel, anything deep and profound about spirituality, the earth, environment and animals :)
My mother. The fact that she has lived through truly horrible adverse conditions and situations... yet has been able to retain her innermost perfect soul/self as beautiful as the day she came to be, is truly remarkable and how we should all strive to be. That takes indescribable resilience. She is the most unselfish person I have ever met and will probably ever know. Her spirit and soul is truly beautiful.