New LightWorkers - LightSpace spiritual network (Click here)
The truth is that which is, whether anyone knows it at all..
David Icke Needs our help
David is one of the original pioneers of revealing the "Sectret" philosophies of our own co-creation, which he covers it in great depth in his books. He is most well know for bringing light into the dark soul of humanity and exposing the many hidden forces at work in the world. His knowledge has allowed many people to break free of the mental prisons that bind humanity to mediochrity and spiritual enslavement.
His work is his passion, and his mission, his dream/desire is to follow his purpose in the purest way, to help awaken humanity. Sometimes this requires sacrifice, and hardship on a physical level, yet the true rewards reveal themselves over time. He and Pamela were a wonderful support for me many years ago, we shared many ideas, and experiences. Hearing of his plight with the legal issues I felt compelled to assist how I could, so i sent him some cash and put out these bulletins on myspace and .. It dosnt make up for what they have given me.. Both Info wise and material wise.. He has given me a number of his books in the past without request of any payment. He wants to retain the rights to manage his own writings and its going strongly in his favour to do so.
Im sure it will all work out well for him, maybe this will catalyse some support and show him people are grateful for his service. We are afterall a network, and we should support each other, especialy champions of the cause in awakening our fellow humanity to the greater meanings of life.
I hope you too will help :) Spirit is moving through you to manifest your own dreams as well as others..
If you have ever watched his videos on YouTube, read his books, his articles, and information he gives so freely, please read this, and see if you can help! Spread the word. This courage's spirit needs our help.
Greetings fellow travelers..
Thank you all those who participated in the Solstice meditation, and thank you all for your feedback. I received a number of private emails from people sharing some very deep "awakenings" and "transformations".. Thank you all, its very encouraging to hear. Please if you feel comfortable, share your experiences on the forums, to encourage and guide others.
Well 2007 is certainly going to be a great year for us all. It is the cosmic time code for becoming, and unification. NonDuality. 2008 will lead us through a big transformation. It could be a rough ride for some, depending upon how well they follow through the integration process of 2007.
When you joined the global unity meditation mission you agreed to assist in helping gather other like minded souls. I ask you now to please stay true to that agreement. Stay the course. Every little bit helps. TO-G-ETHER we can achieve our goals, and see the true awesome manifestation of our dream and vision. UNITED..
Our target for 2007 is to gather 1000 like minded souls, united as a single conscious force for the greatest good of all. Our vision is one of Love, Peace, Harmony, Prosperity and Awakening for all life.
A side project will also be initiated this. Still working on the structure of it, and getting some support from the mainstream. People interested in joining this project, please check the forums. We will be working directly with Gaia and the weather system to break a drought or two. This will demonstrate to the world our total interconnectedness with Gaia. But we need commited Lightworkers for this task. I know who you are. Do you? Just be it!
Love always..
Love always..
See you in the earth heart.. Thank you all!
Click here to get THE DREAM code to add to your website. Spread the Love, Spread the Light. Paste it into your profile.
Calling all LIGHTWORKERS. Solstice Jun 21st approaches, we gather in the Earth Heart to radiate waves of love bliss to all multidimensional networks interconnected with our soul earth life sphere. Join us. in the fastest growing meditation network. Our goal is 1 million Lightworkers by 2012 united as one. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are one.
Dear LightWorker.. Much gratitude for visiting.. Hold the love, hold the light.. Resonate in tune with the love of all and all will resonate in love with you. Like a calming breeze that passes amongst the consciousness of humanity, your very being and presence will bring peace and serenity to all those who have the blessing of being touched by your mandala.
We are a collective consciousness, expressing ourselves, our dreams and our fears. Together we have the opportunity to step into the new world. Our energy spectrum is polarizing at a great extent. Our system is evolving rapidly and many are resisting. The season of change is now upon us, what frequency will our being attune to, unity or division? It is time to dream and hold vision like we have never done so before. It is the time to rise above our fears and allow ourselves to be carried above our demons through unconditional love and compassion. Embrace the guiding light of our soul and find our love source. Then we can do nothing but unleash it upon the world. Express our love and our presence. By attuning to love we unify and refrain from polarization into the lower density frequencies. We hold onto this great love. The old world will die to us, and we as one will die to the old world. This is the sacrifice, the letting go of what was and embracing what IS. All efforts are being made now to ensnare us into division, conflict, hate, guilt and fear. To tune us into another world, a world divided, a world of nightmares, limitation and spiritual slavery. The poison arrows are aiming right at our heart of hearts, our most precious treasure, a treasure that is to be guarded, and that guardian is the mind of our unified higher consciousness. Our I AM presence, the pure sword of Michael and the flaming shield of Kamael. Believe in who you are, and know that you are not alone. For we are with you! We are the Ashim, the Cherubim, the Beni Elohim, the Elohim, the Melekim, the Seraphim, the Chashmalim, the Aralim, the Auphanim, the Chayoth ha Qadesh, and together we are as One, together we are the unstoppable creative spirit of All that Is, unified through unconditional love! So Co-Creator, I salute and honor you as both a brother, as a sister. A whole being, expression of self. Welcome to the new world..
Greetings traveller, my name is Adeon. I am from "Dawel-elohesh" a place you know in your night sky as the star system Sirius. "Dawel-eloesh" the best translation means the "Jewel in the Crown", it is what you would call a 4th dimensional planet, or a heaven planet.
I am visiting earth at this great time in your history along with many other travellers, were kind of like galactic back-packers, seeking greater wisdom and understanding through direct experience of both duality and unity.
I have been here for 13,264 years, experiencing the human condition, learning and teaching and living a normal life.
YES A NOMRAL LIFE.. HONEST!.. But what is normal? This life time, is the time for fun and celebration, dont let any peon suggestion tell you otherwise, rise above the fear, embrace the love and light.. Oh yes, I am married.. I dreamed my twin-flame then I married my dream.. We made some lovely babies together.. Two little Indigo Girls who shine like the suns of my wonderful Sirius.. Am I serious?? OMG.. Was that a smile.. A smile is like a ray of sunshine.. Smile.
I am a time traveller, a dream walker, a trickster, a lover, I like a cool beer, and dancing in the rain to a rythmic beat, invoking the voodoo spirit. I am as much a part of you as you are a part of me, living free in totaly non-duality. I am a lightworker.. I am your illusion, I am my illusion..
A Hopi Elder Speaks:
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader."
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!"
"Here is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift,
that there are those who will be afraid,
who will try to hold on to the shore,
they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
and keep our heads above water.
And I say see who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally,
least of all ourselves, for the moment we do,
our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
For we are the ones we have been waiting for!
"We ride on the back of a great whale, swimming through the ocean of the cosmos.."
Our world, Gaia is growing and evolving along with the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. Life exists in a multi dimensional array of possibilities. Nature never manifests one of anything, but many varying models of the same one pattern.
Every where we look, we see recurring patterns. Throughout nature, and our own daily lives we find patterns. What patterns can you identify with? What patterns do you see around you? What patterns and rituals did you follow through with today?
If you would like to understand HOW this is taking place, on a physical level, this is suppressed science at its best. Change is inevitable. YES our Earth IS growing. Our EARTH IS Alive.. And her name is GAIA..
The ancients were right..
A MUST READ: Patterns of Life – Our Living GROWING Gaia