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About Me

aCollectiveMind, a 2 purpose organization. A non-profit Children's fund raiser group combining music and art for the sake of the Children. A hub of individuals and groups dedicated to the assistance of enlightening individuals, groups and churches, while we further enlighten ourselves. We also like to take our Light Working messages to the streets. Love, Fletcher
Love Light & Delight to You. Thanks for all that you do and who you are so we can be one! Love, FLetcher note:I have not made up my mind about 9/11 but I can't edit someone else's work. Music by STEVIE NICKSNOTE: In the following video Geoff says he thinks no one is coming, I disagree. Actually he says several things I disagree with but I still think it's worth posting to get you thinking more.The Kingdom of God is Within You

My test was 33/13, what was/is yours?

My Interests

BelieveBelieve that we are not alone nor have we ever been. Believe that we are at a point in history that will change the world as we know it, in our lifetime. Believe that fear is the seed of hate. Believe that we will be judged but we may not judge another. (Although it is wise to distance yourself from those whom you feel may be detrimental to your growth) Believe that regardless if you believe the above that Love will surely guide you on the correct path. Believe in yourself for surely no one will believe in you if you don't.Love and Light, FletcherWe are a collective consciousness, expressing ourselves, our dreams and our fears. Together we have the opportunity to step into the new world. Our energy spectrum is polarizing at a great extent. Our system is evolving rapidly and many are resisting. The season of change is now upon us, what frequency will our being attune to, unity or division? It is time to dream and hold vision like we have never done so before. It is the time to rise above our fears and allow ourselves to be carried above our demons through unconditional love and compassion. Embrace the guiding light of our soul and find our love source. Then we can do nothing but unleash it upon the world. Express our love and our presence. By attuning to love we unify and refrain from polarization into the lower density frequencies. We hold onto this great love. The old world will die to us, and we as one will die to the old world. This is the sacrifice, the letting go of what was and embracing what IS. All efforts are being made now to ensnare us into division, conflict, hate, guilt and fear. To tune us into another world, a world divided, a world of nightmares, limitation and spiritual slavery. The poison arrows are aiming right at our heart of hearts, our most precious treasure, a treasure that is to be guarded, and that guardian is the mind of our unified higher consciousness. Our I AM presence, the pure sword of Michael and the flaming shield of Kamael. Believe in who you are, and know that you are not alone. For we are with you! We are the Ashim, the Cherubim, the Beni Elohim, the Elohim, the Melekim, the Seraphim, the Chashmalim, the Aralim, the Auphanim, the Chayoth ha Qadesh, and together we are as One, together we are the unstoppable creative spirit of All that Is, unified through unconditional love! So Co-Creator, I salute and honor you as both a brother, as a sister. A whole being, expression of self. Welcome to the new world..-Adeon ( is many things. We are a non-profit childrens advocacy group with the mission statement, “Never subject a Child to Hunger, Hate, or Prejudice.”====================== aCollectivemind is by far the largest networking organization on this planet, perhaps beyond, you just have not realized it yet. For it is of little importance if you are a signed up member following our bylaws. What’s important, are you a contributing member of society? If you are then you are a member and we thank you for your positive energy and for sharing it with the rest of us. aCollectiveMind is no more owned by the Chief of the Council than the person just discovering ACM for the 1st time. If you are worthy then you are an equal owner. One of Our 1st task will be to help in ending World Hunger. In the last 2 decades we have cut world hunger in half, let’s finish the job. To do your part simply visit daily.======================= We are also a business networking group such as the Better Business Bureau, just with tougher standards. We have a zero tolerance for deception policy. If you see that someone is a member of aCollectiveMind then you can be assured of being treated honestly.=================================================== ========================================================== Freedom of Religion is just a theory for most people. We believe in Freedom Of Religion but more important we live it everyday. People who have problems with our goals and mission do not believe in the freedom of religion. These individuals somehow believe that religion should own human beings and force them to do what the religion wants them to do. Their lace of understanding also causes them to not follow the teachings of their chosen religion.+++ Freedom Of Religion encourages ones ability to flow in and out of religions as freely as a bird flies through the sky. In the 21st Century and beyond each individual should create and follow their own religion. In time mass religions should be a thing of the past and Mass Communication should be a thing of the present. [Just realized, Mass Comm, Mass Communion, huh]+++ Each person should be judged by the way they think, behave and speak. Individuals should get together in religious groups that are multi-religious. Even though there is p0wer in numbers, never forget the power of One. Thank You, aCollectiveMind============================================= ================ Founders: This information is to stay private for now. Co-Founders and current Chairs: Paramahansa Yogananda, Abbas Suan, Jerry Fletcher, Jonathan Berger, Mel Gibson, Kurt William Hunt. The Female Co-Founders and Chairs wish to remain private for a little longer. If you screw up they don't want you to see them coming. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "We are all part of the One Spirit. When you experience the true meaning of religion, which is to know God, you will realize that He is your Self, and that He exists equally and impartially in all beings." Paramahansa Yogananda thanks to MpressC & Kaya for forwarding this...

I'd like to meet:

People and others, scratch others for now. Let's concentrate on humans not killing each other in the name of GOD before we drag ET into this. People of like minds who feel that they do have something to contribute. Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blogLOOKING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS TO WORK WITH WWW.QUIKPICS.COM


Music, Laughter, Tears; these are the universal languages. Music carries more power than any bomb ever created, for a bomb may lift you but it will only inspire you to kill those that dropped said bomb.


Spirited Away, The Fisher King, In the Mouth of Madness (DO NOT watch if Nightmares bother you), BraveHeart******, WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?


TV has reshaped our environment and we are not ones at this time to say wether it has been for the best or not. It has definitely made us aware of all of the atrocities around the world but has it desensitized us to it? On the non-news media side; TV good, numbs our minds & puts us to sleep. Fletcher admits that he misses Seinfield and Friends.


Bible, Koran, da Book, etc...--------------Stranger in a Strange Land.----------------- Autobiography of a Yogi----------------- Devils with Green Faces


GOD & too many others to mention.

My Blog

on the road

Namaste Leaving Austin for Albuquerque NM right now.  Made some very fantastic contacts with musicians and artists and regular folks that jsut like to help that want to all merge together sharing...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:15:00 PST

Looking for some good people

mainly in Lubbock to take over my established photo business with lil or no money down for the right person and i will train you in every aspect.  Serious inquires only please.Or perhaps you woul...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:08:00 PST

Living on the road now!

NamasteOne reason I took this job was to take it to the streets as I have been doing.Please help me in leting Us spread your words of EnLightenment.Didn't take long to prove myself on this job. My tra...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 01:31:00 PST

Oklahoma City Tonight, Tattoo artist needed!

Howdy Folks, from Enid OK   Well I took that job that is going to take me to Hawaii.  What a trip it's been.  The guy I was to work with and train me, had a manic episode.  Then ...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:38:00 PST

Planet X and 2012 don't add up, + Tunes and msg from ET

Think about it, if Planet X is on a 3600 yr elliptic orbit around earth and was the cause of the great flood with Noah and folks are saying it will cause our poles to shift in 2012 then it would be vi...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:09:00 PST

Again, I’m not making this chit up folks

I don't know how all these songs eluded me but they have.  Here's another that I jsut heard, 10 min ago. ...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:56:00 PST

Then I hear this for 1st time

Somewhere out in the back of your mind (Somewhere) Comes your real life and the life that you know It seems like it was the creation of some of those same old things It seemed to be the only thing lef...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:44:00 PST


You are my Family, I can not stay away.  So what if we are repeating each other as I have said, "Preaching to the choir."  Not only is there power in numbers but much of this is bound to lea...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:27:00 PST

We have got to stop meeting like this

One more for you, for Beltane and because this is the 1st time you have shown me this song.  YOu know it would have been way before now if it were up to either of us but we do not control the tim...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Thu, 01 May 2008 03:44:00 PST

considering this thing won’t let me log off then

Ok, One More.  No I am not going to disappear again.  I only did that over the years to test my faith which no longer has to be tested.  I told them I would never put my Family through ...
Posted by aCollectiveMind on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:45:00 PST