Marcus of Ui Fiachrach profile picture

Marcus of Ui Fiachrach

I am here for Friends

About Me

Heaps of graphics for your profile and the best myspace celtic layouts .

I'm here somewhere.....

My Interests

Nature, The Celts, Books, Writing, Music, Poetry, History, Photography, Art, Maniacal Laughter and Treasure...

I'd like to meet:

Clowns, Poets and Psychos... Deep thinkers... People who have stared in the abyss, nature lovers, wild celtic souls,misunderstood geniuses, people who should be locked up, demons in human form, humans in demon form, angels with dirty faces, trees....CURRENT MOON moon phases


All sorts from orchestral black metal to celtic folk to hard rock to experimental.... A few current favourites are Portishead, Estratasphere, Alice in Chains, Immortal, Loreena McKennitt, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Belenos, Cocteau Twins, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Robert Johnson....


Alternative, Arthouse, wacky, silly...


Nature Documentaries, The Goodies, Black Books, League of Gentlemen, Father Ted


Mainly non fiction on the celts, nature and the spiritual world... Old fashioned novels, Shakespeare, W B Yeats and William Blake...


Wild Celtic warriors like Daithi and Culchallain.... People who devote themselves to their passion... Environmental crusaders and all those who see the bigger picture...

My Blog

The lunar eclipse

Arrived at the local park on eclipse night with my celtic stick to the noise of restless wildlife. The night was quite still but not its creatures. I saw the bats in the Moreton Bay Figs for the first...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:27:00 PST

Decaying lives

Images of doomed lifes and decay fill my mind... I picked up a book recently that stuck with me... A true story, images of an old mansion, invaded by the swamp, decaying away, made me think of Great E...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:17:00 PST

6 Months in a leaky boat...

I finally finished my higher duties at work on Friday. What a flat out 6 months this has been, a lot of really difficult time with reduced resources and increased demand, go go go&. I should be seriou...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 07:27:00 PST

On call centres and suicide.....

I just saw a program on TV about a call centre employee who committed suicide (having been under immense pressure from work). Having directly experienced the mindless automatons running call centres, ...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 05:02:00 PST

dreamlike wakefulness

Millions of tiny connectionsMillions of meaningless wordsEvery now and thenAn encounter might surpriseEven rarer stillSomething really specialThings I don't understandCould fill a small countryBut the...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:33:00 PST


I'm sick of being so tired at night from work that I don't even feel like blogging. I'm doubly tired tonight but thought I'd pen some crap anyway to share my ill feelings with the general population. ...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:01:00 PST

The plot to have me killed failed that time...

I was woken with a huge BANG at 4:00 Friday morning. Ran out the front of the house to see a car had run into the house 2 doors down (only about 15 feet from where I was sleeping (it had also just mis...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 04:19:00 PST

Slumberless Insanity

I swear if I don't get sleep tonight I will lapse completely into a full-blown psychosis... This damn heat is making it impossible. Last night tried everything, a walk before bed down to the park (whe...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:49:00 PST

Christmas Carols for the Depressed - no feel good stuff here....

I was emailed something recently called Christmas Carols for the Mentally Ill (non-pc but quite funny) and I noticed there was nothing in there for the depressives, so I wrote my own.....Hark the Pro...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:10:00 PST

Jesus hasn't driven the bats away, yay!!!!!

They held christmas carols at the park down the road tonight. I was a bit concerned as I thought all the noise and commotion might drive away the local bat population (which I often go down to visit a...
Posted by Marcus of Ui Fiachrach on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 03:56:00 PST