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She Phoenix children Resurrected!Hi one and all...After a long, long six months since our first release of Resurrection...(on8) back in December 06, and what must have seemed like the rather odd silence since then, we are definitely both humble and proud to be back with you again, and we'd like to share with you where we've been! and what we've been up to!Truthfully these seemingly quiet months were supposed to have been filled with a mad schedule of tour dates and promotion work etc. but we weren't exactly expecting the surreal adventures that instead have transpired at Phoenix village, so as part of our return to my space we'd like to bring you up to date with the she phoenix projects progress and then share just a couple of our unexpected turns with you. So here goes, come swim with us for a moment in a sea of well chosen words... but first let's set the scene with this taster slideshow featuring some simply stunning images for you...
...And so ...
As you may remember She phoenix fire & light productions is a not for profit organization supporting make poverty history, creating quality, creative fire and DVD productions at the professional end of the market, both of our own, new and original fire dance characterizations and those productions for outside parties too.We teach fire dance skills to individuals of all ages and levels of ability and train new dancers to raise through the ranks of complex moves and creative self development.We have developed and will soon launch the first fire dance grading and examination system for those wishing to attain certificates of achievement in both technicality, creativity and safety concerning fire and light dance and equipment.We are training people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities in core skills from dance to vehicle maintenance and from video editing to tea making...a naturally essential part of daily life at Phoenix village!We've bought together the active cooperation of communities as far apart as Egypt and Cornwall and Scotland to Bristol, we've developed international trade marks and will be entering that international market with our products and services in the very near future.We actively support and seek to identify community programmes to interact with both locally and on a wider scale too.
(Please note the alarm clock, make poverty history event in London on 2nd June ~ for more details go to part fund, and our phoenix village houses, our sister and associative company LTHf, who work exclusively towards the alleviation of social disability and isolation, especially focusing on Autism.We've developed a line of original She phoenix fire, and toy products and merchandise soon to be released on line and in high streets near you soon.We perform live at festivals and events, and with the refurbishment of a 4,000 sq ft premises in Cornwall that will house our dance, event, choreography and performance studio plus attached editing suite we've also been able to create multiple opportunities for a growing number of people.Tomorrow we are holding our next round of staff interviews for new dancers, admin and maintenance and technical staff to come and join the She phoenix team as soon as our refurbishment is finished towards the end of summer.We also plan to hold a two day audition event later in the summer in our search for new dancers needed for a special production scheduled for November 2008.
We will be looking for flavours and styles from a wide range of people at all levels of ability so watch this space for further details as this season progresses.We're off on a summer long multiple event festival tour in the next couple of weeks in our ex B.T truck, our wonderful tour bus & traveling shop, while our web site and three retail outlets will launch at approx two weeks time.Our original market pitch at Poole is still open every weekend where you can find glow, toy, fire and all sorts of poi, you can order stuff and meet some of the She phoenix crew too.We've been creating the 27 minute long taster of this years major release from the house of She phoenix set for release on the 30th November this year.It's called Revelations...(tw8)You can see thirteen tasters of it here, and as always its story and enchanting fire dances are set to a backdrop featuring a collection of some amazing tracks from a variety of current, known and unsigned artists.
Look out for the up and coming "Mirno", doing well in the MTV competition running on MTV2 currently, they've got a my space too...Also, as ever, go check out our beloved and amazing 3 daft monkeys, also here on my space, if you've never heard their amazing tub thumping tunes yet, i'd say you're definitely missing out! and as to their live you cant stand still whether you're into nirvana or out for them on the British festival circuit this summer!Ok next, we'll be asking you later in the year to vote on a choice of 10 different tracks you'd like to see include in the final Revelations...(tw8) mix Which ever track receives the most votes, we'll go with, plus we'll be inviting one individual with guest to come to the She phoenix studios to be in the final days shoot for the making of piece in Revelations...(on8)... again watch this space for more details nearer the time...Sadly She phoenix fire and light productions have decided for the time being to cease working with Emma Lock following her personal choices to go for exclusive profits as opposed to sharing with the voluntary aspects of our agreed collaborations.
In this u turn we no longer feel able to support her endeavors, however, we naturally wish her all the best with her personal pursuit of success and her beloved material wealth and hope they bring to her the happiness that clearly honesty and loving friendships did not...peace Emma... till bitterness ends and peace and love reigns...On a more forward thinking note we will now be looking for a new up and coming artist to work with in the near future...So...Are you that artist? Does your style of music flow naturally with our styles and moods?
We are accepting submissions from now and up until 30th September 07 all will be looked at for consideration...We've acquired an anonymous contributor to our company, we call them KXM, though, as requested, we'll be guarding their true identity fiercely...?So yes, generally a madly busy and blessedly creative time, where opportunities for all is the goal and fair sharing of resources and sensitivity to the needs of our community both locally and on a wider more global level remain at the forefront of our ethics, hearts and minds.I guess starting with the opportunities created here at Phoenix village it occurs to me that we're in essence doing a similar thing with fire as the amazingly driven and exemplary Jamie Oliver has done, using food as the vehicle to elicit the deeply buried diamonds from within ordinary people at his project 15 in among other places, just down the road from us in NewquayRealistically it's not so surprising that we've discovered this same vein of self driven growth that emerges from within people when the come and work at she phoenix...after all, nothing quite like waving about a flaming ball of fire millimeters away from your face to get you focused dedicated and open to self growth huh???There are however exceptions to this potential or at least destructions of it, and though it pains me deeply, the next part of this tale is less springy or refreshing.
It also still feels like quite a personal blow to the rest of the she phoenix crew, a shocking numb spot as, despite all you have read above and all that you'll be able to imagine a couple of years of bonding a friendship over fire dance produces, you can perhaps imagine our horror when we discovered not only was someone trying to use, alter and gain all financial benefits from our hard earned creations, but that when we looked further into the matter it was one of our own dancers doing it while still smiling at us and listening out for the next bit of information to earn his own source of funds that's two individuals we considered dear friends having seen but not been able to resist the temptation to make big bucks for them selves and not the company using the company to do so, the same company that trained and supported them over years of development and trust...We are not naming names here as our goals are always towards a lack of enmity and healing love flowing between us all, but this particular individual will Like Ms Lock, for the time being at least, no longer feature in any she phoenix work.
As a mark of recognition of his fading away and a farewell to him we have put a small cameo piece in Revelations...(tw8) of him... and wish him success in whatever new career he may choose. Peace...and we hope one day healing too!So, if you've managed to read all that either with out without a beer or cup of tea, now could be a good moment to top up with either and come back refreshed and ready to view the 13 tasters of...Revelations...(tw8)...Oh by the's damn good to be back guys...looking forward to reaching out to y'all...Peace
OutThe phoenix crew...
...It's a kind of magic...¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
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