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About Me

YOU ARE HEALTHY, YOU ARE HAPPY, YOU ARE HOLYI'm a live performance and graphic artist that works with different bands in the live, experimental, electronic and jamband scenes. I try to channel through be a conduit for the Universal voice when at all possible. I dance on canvas. I collaborate with musicians to make interactive experiences with audiences and am always amazed what comes through the tube. My art connects me to people and to the Spirit in a way that's transcendental. Synchronicities often occur, happy "accidents", full circle's been an amazing ride so far. I truly believe in the transformative, divine nature of art and music and believe that this is as much of a spiritual journey as an artistic one. It truly connects me to the One the All and the Everything and I hope I can keep sharing these experiences with people for many, many years to come. Please check my blog often for past musings, reviews and current projects and CRB Productions for high quality giclee prints of past live paintings and other graphic artwork. Please contact me ([email protected])if you'd like me to participate in a live painting experience for your event or if you'd like me to do a commissioned piece. Most of the artwork you see on this site as well as my website is available for purchase whether it be as originals or as giclee prints. If you see something you like, please let me know. CUSTOMIZABLE PRINT SIZES, FROM 8X10 TO ORIGINAL PAINTING SIZE BY REQUEST: PLEASE INQUIRE FOR PRICES...I WILL WORK WITH YOU TO FIND SOMETHING WITHIN YOUR PRICE RANGE Many of the photos on this site and on my website are courtesy of the multi-talented Britt Nemeth :please check out her work if you get a chance. You won't be sorry you did. DISCLAIMER: All of the artwork on this site is a combination of many lives converging into One moment. It's a gift that I share as freely as I am able. With that in mind, please feel free to link/use any of the images of my work that you find on this site as long as you credit me by name or link me to your page. Use 'em for your desktop or whatever else you'd like as long as you DON'T REPRODUCE THEM FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
I am I paint. I live. I love. I write. I counsel. I think words are amazing. I find comfort in long drives and wide open days. I would eat music for sustenance if i could and I'm always looking for new groups to work with. I started this site to network with other artists, bands that want live painting as part of their production, friends, etc. etc...I'm currently the senior counselor at a group home for boys, but I don't feel very senior. I love the kids i work for. They laugh with me sometimes and curse at me at others, but they're good kids and they always, always surprise me. I'd like to be an art therapist one day, in fact. Other than that, I'd eventually like to tour as a live painter and make a living from my art, somehow connecting that with charity or with the kids. I have huge ideas but take small steps and above all, I have faith. go check out William Walter and Company , the band that I'm lucky enough to do lights for. Experimental Appalachian hipabilly laced with jamming that almost beats grandmas frozen preserves. A workingman's songbird with a hammer.
Much love and many blessings to all. Namaste! Calendar of UPCOMING LIVE PAINTING and MUSIC Events And the next night, I return to paint on Saturday, May 17th, 2008: An evening with the Juggling Suns @ World Cafe Live in Philadelphia, PA: Doors at 7pm, music @ 7:30pmPAINTINGS FROM SOME KIND OF JAM 3 HAVE BEEN POSTED IN MY BLOG!! CHECK 'EM OUT AND THANK YOU!!! Here's a little sample, just an I could just paint a band... Painted live to the Natural Breakdown on 04/25/08 for Some Kind of Jam 3 , Kempton, PA. Painted live to Cabinet for Some Kind of Jam 3 on 04/26/08, Kempton, PACheck out their sites for some excellent, progressive and otherwise amazing music, art and alternative awesomeness. Your support of the arts is vital for our community and always appreciated. :)More recent works Conclusion: Overmind: Painted live to The Big Dirty for Some Kind of Jam 3 , Kempton, PA on 04/27/08 Prayer Mandala: Painted live @ The East End Cafe, Newark, DE to the Natural Breakdown on 02/23/08____________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________Painted with Natural Breakdown at Byers St. Bistro, Staunton, VA for my 30th beeday party.______________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________Painted on New Years Eve @ The Highline Ballroom, NYC, NY for U-melt ____________________________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________ __
Josh from Tea Leaf Green and myself, posing with live painting: Determination (Tenacious Tea):completed 03/20/07 @ Starr Hill, Charlottesville, VA ____________________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________________ ___ Go to my website for prints, comments or special orders and other live music/art related stuff...sign up for my mailing list for show reviews/road journals/photos and more... You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !
Harmony at dawn by tangyu138
via Artbreak - Share and sell art online

My Interests

03/11/07: Post One-Eyed-Jack show @ Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in NYC; CRB with live painting, completed on-site in the dance studio spaceMY CURRENT DREAM: I want to do a live painting every day for a year. That's right. I want to paint a picture a day for 365 days and document the whole thing. I want to do this with jazz musicians, jam band artists, improv freaks, progressive rockers etc. If anyone at all has any idea on how to make this happen, please feel free to write me. I have no idea how to fund this idea, but I want to do it very badly. Until this happens, I'm going to focus on getting prints done of all of the live paintings I've done up to this point. My website is currently under construction, but should be ready soon. At that point, people will be able to purchase prints from shows that they've been to...this will include some of our favorites such as U-Melt, The Juggling Suns, Particle, Tea Leaf Green, the DJ Williams Projekt, the Breadbox Band, the Everyone Orchestra, Buzz Universe, One Eyed Jack, Roots of Creation, Natural Breakdown, Ryan Montbleau and more....ODO NNYEW FIE KWAN

I'd like to meet:

Anyone, really. Fellow artists, musicians etc...people who strive for the good of mankind and still leave room for error themselves...freaks, weirdos, gypsies, insanataurs. Ya know. The usual.Please take a minute to check out Click on the banner to see a featured artist interview including some of my past live paintings. Latest available prints!! Painted live at Gathering of the Vibes 2007 to The Juggling Suns, Boris Garcia, The Kind Buds and Donna-Jean Chardeaux11 x 14 Matted prints: $50, 16 x 20 archival giclee prints: $120 w/watercolor paper, $180 on canvas
@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ Painted live at Strangecreek 2008 to Unexplained Bacon11 x 14 Matted prints: $50, 16 x 20 archival giclee prints: $120 w/watercolor paper, $180 on canvas @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
DO IT! GO! I BELIEVE IN YOU! The Conduit...Inspired during the Disco Biscuits 10/31/00 Halloween show @ Traxx; Charlottesville, VA. Message me for prices and details if interested. Another one from Vibes... Painted live to The Ryan Montbleau Band at Strangecreek 2007 I always welcome guest artists...especially when they're as cool as THIS kid. (Photo courtesy of Kia Fagan)


Phish, The Grateful Dead, Leftover Salmon, The Disco Biscuits, STS9, Keller Williams, Max Creek, some good punk, Outkast, Black Eyed Peas, The Juggling Suns, U-melt, The DJ Williams Projekt, Blur, Pearl Jam, Man Mountain Jr., William Walter and Company (the band i do lights for), Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Ween, Digable Planets, the Pharcyde to name but a few.... GO LIVE OR GO HOME!!!Live painting to One Eyed Jack started and completed @ Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors dancespace: 03/11/07 CRB Productions : all original, high quality live painting prints: graphic design: CD artwork: artistic promotion 11 x 14 Matted prints with original stamp: $50, 16 x 20 archival giclee prints: $120 w/watercolor paper, $180 on canvas 10/07/06: The Everyone Orchestra @ The State Theater** Falls Church, VA** From left to right: Asher Fulero, Scott Law, Steve Kimock and Matt Butler** Live painting by Crazyredbeard** Proceeds of this painting went to the Conscious Alliance , a group that helps feed impoverished Indian reservations across the greater western US. Check 'em out!


So many. So so many. The Big Lebowski, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Big Trouble in Little Chinatown, Big....the bigness goes on and on. How about...anything adapted from a Phillip K. Dick book or short story (Blade Runner, Minority Report, etc....)....Sin City, La Jette (and 12 monkeys), Indie flicks, Toxic Avenger movies (need to dust up on my Tromaville knowledge), Office Space, Zoolander, The Life Aquatic, The Royal Tannenbaums, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, some japanime, Pulp Fiction, The Goonies, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and on and on and on.... Crazyredbeard paints live with Particle in Earl's Backyard, Tabernacle, NJ on 04/22/07


Foundmyself art gallery - Crazyredbeard's art gallery

Live paintings from 2008 as well as other works, hosted on a free gallery site with lots of great work from other artists!


Every last one of them. Live painting started and completed @ The Charlottesville Ampitheater, Charlottesville, VA to Robert Randolph and the Family Band on 04/19/07. See my blog for more info



My Blog


Hey guys...I'll be painting some blind mice tonight at the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville...Blind Boys of Alabama and Modest Mouse. I've got 2 16x20 canvases, a 24x36 and a 24x48 to rock out tonight...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 01:24:00 PST

Introducing: Carepneter Red Bee Clothing: orignal art on second hand clothing: commission me!

Carpenter Red Bee Clothing is a movement to transform second hand goods into current, artistic fashion. Utilizing customer donated goods, as well as second hand garments from local charitable organiza...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:20:00 PST

RMH Kids Clothing Project: orignal art on clothes for teens, by teens: DONATIONS WELCOME!!!

So, I had a revelation this weekend. An epiphany of sorts. A lightning bolt.Though I am not a father, I pray to One and I'm always thinking about Love in one way or another (as much as I am able to st...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 11:24:00 PST

Stonehenge 2008 photos and live paintings

More thoughts to come, but here are some shots from the weekend. Thank you ALL!Painting night OneMaking rainbows in the darkMe and the Doctor...he's always popping up in weird placesI got my wings!!I ...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:18:00 PST

New live painting from 05/31/08 AND the upcoming NOLA Preservation Society exhibit, 06/13/08

A trip with Dr. Harriman is something akin to a force of nature. You have to understand this before proceeding and I mean you really have to understand it. Dr. Harr...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:33:00 PST

CRB painting accepted into NOLA Preservation Society exhibit...please join us June 13th!!!

Hey guys! A painting created to the Natural Breakdown earlier this summer has been accepted into the NOLA Preservation Society's Hurricane Katrina benefit exhibit.There's still time to enter, so give ...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:15:00 PST

New live painting: 05/16/08: Buzz Universe @ The World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA

Painted live to Buzz Universe at the World Cafe Live in Philadelphia, PAThis painting was created by repeating the letters in the world LOVE over and over again...variations of the word love, sometime...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Sat, 17 May 2008 12:10:00 PST

13 new prints captured...available as framed or matted work soon

Please pre-order through me as I haven't added anything on my website yet. All images will be $70 framed, $50 matted. Holla. The actual prints won't have the theft icon on it, either.04/14/06: the Bre...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Fri, 16 May 2008 02:50:00 PST

Live painting this weekend in Philly and a work in progress

Friday night, join Sirius radio artist and Jammy nominated Buzz Universe and myself as we collaborate on a feast of sight and sound for the World Cafe Live in Philly......then, on Saturday, join Jerse...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Tue, 13 May 2008 07:30:00 PST

A few audio-less videos from Some Kind of Jam 3 and one from Bucks County

Just a few videos I took with my camera from SKoJ3. The last one is a blooper of Reyland, a kid I met at Bucks County Music Festival that told me more than any one person should possibly know about fa...
Posted by crazyredbeard on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:26:00 PST