Natural Childbirth, Pregnancy, conception, reproduction, embryology, pre and post natal well being. It will likely offend people to know that I am AGAINST method birthing; hypno, bradley, etc. I think a lot of it is total hogwash and that it sets a woman up for failure. Its a betrayal after trust when a woman beleives she will feel no pain and the SUPRISE - she gets a posterior baby who is sitting on her sacrum and OMG - she is in pain. On that note...I do not believe in Psychiatry, psychology, psychiatrics, psych meds, mind and mood altering medications, or any other part of the pill pushers adgenda for destroying our planet with drugs. It is prevelant so much so in our society that we have been lead to believe that these things are NORMAL and a result of chemical imbalances. The only imbalance is in the lies we are being fed. Don't believe me??? Check this out!!!
Midwives, Childbirth Educators, Doulas, Monitrices, holistics, naturopaths, chiropractors, womyn who have birthed naturally, Goddesses, Priestesses, feminists, and basically anyone else who is interested or intersting.
Celtic, Reggae, New Age
Birth Into Being, Birth As We Know It, Twins - Psalm and Zoya, Nappy Free, The Art of Birth
I don't have television. I have a dvd player and a tv but do not subscribe to any cable - I think its mostly brain drain messages targetting us to be constructs of other peoples ideals.
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley & Ann Keppler, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth , Spiritual Midwifery, Birthing From within, The Natural Pregnancy Book: Herbs, Nutrition and Other Holistic Choices, Immaculate Deception I & II The Red Tent, The Witch of Cologne, Where the Wild things are.
Womyn who have birthed naturally. Womyn who have fought for what they beleived in. Womyn who gave their lives to make ours better. Womyn who know whats right...